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Balding Treadwell apology

Home Forums Horse Racing Balding Treadwell apology

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  • #221198
    • Total Posts 1889

    Having seen the clip of the interview, it did seem poor judgment on Clare’s part to make a remark like that over the air, particularly on such an occasion, but I must say I’ve always been baffled by the furore over it. I’d have been tickled to death, if I were Treadwell.

    We can’t choose the way we look, but I would have thought most of us would have taken it as a compliment! Who wants to be pretty boy? I’d rather look like Sydney James than a male model. I believe Clare feels a bit ambiguously about her own looks, and might have actually envied him! Instead of letting it blow over as a storm in a teacup, it seems to me everyone’s been acting like a big girl’s blouse.

    I don’t think many Scots would have been offended. They used to have Joe Jordan’s big, ugly mug – with the two front teeth missing on the side of the buses here in Ednburgh. And I don’t doubt it would have been a very successful ad.

    Rishi was/is evidently (haven’t seen him for a while) a very able TV front man, but you’re never likely to get anything in the least bit quirky in his comments.

    The same goes for many other sports commentators, who, unlike Peter Allis, whose easy ramblings reflect some kind of hinterland, are more narrowly and soberly focused on the game in hand. I used to loathe Allis, as he sounded as if he had lost a bomb on Van Der Velde on that Scottish Open (as I had, in my own little way), judging from his incessant whingeing about the way in which VDV had thrown it away.

    Then I read that he had once spotted two nubile young women lounging on the grass somewhere on the course, in what evidently seemed to him an "abandoned" sort of way. He muttered …"Come and get me…. I’m all yours."…! His co-commentator Brown unsurprisingly had great difficulty restraining his laughter until the end of the proramme. He somehow got away with it in the end, though I dare say he was hauled across the coals.

    Heck, if it had been America, a hundred rapists would probably have raced to the course from just the local area. Not that the UK’s not catching up fast.

    Avatar photoCraig Braddick
    • Total Posts 373

    Then I read that he had once spotted two nubile young women lounging on the grass somewhere on the course, in what evidently seemed to him an "abandoned" sort of way. He muttered …"Come and get me…. I’m all yours."…! His co-commentator Brown unsurprisingly had great difficulty restraining his laughter until the end of the proramme. He somehow got away with it in the end, though I dare say he was hauled across the coals.

    Heck, if it had been America, a hundred rapists would probably have raced to the course from just the local area. Not that the UK’s not catching up fast.


    That is an outrageous statement, what do you think this country is? Just because we have a President with no redeeming virtues it does not mean the nation is full of rapists looking for their next victim.

    BTW, if I can one day be the horse racing equivalent of the great Peter Alliss, I would be very happy!


    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5686

    gap or implant


    dodging the issue of rape
    Dunwoody had an implant done
    in Bristol in Dismemeber 95.
    He lost his crown twice after
    serious falls.

    Of course back in the 14th century
    a gap hinted at louche lasciviousness

    A worthy woman from beside Bath city
    Was with us, somewhat deaf, which was a pity.
    In making cloth she showed so great a bent
    She bettered those of Ypres and of Ghent.
    In all the parish not a dame dared stir
    Towards the altar steps in front of her,
    And if indeed they did, so wrath was she
    As to be quite put out of charity.
    Her kerchiefs were of finely woven ground;
    I dared have sworn they weighed a good ten pound,
    The ones she wore on Sunday, on her head.
    Her hose were of the finest scarlet red
    And gartered tight; her shoes were soft and new.
    Bold was her face, handsome, and red in hue.
    A worthy woman all her life, what’s more
    She’d had five husbands, all at the church door,
    Apart from other company in youth;
    No need just now to speak of that, forsooth.
    And she had thrice been to Jerusalem,
    Seen many strange rivers and passed over them;
    She’d been to Rome and also to Boulogne,
    St. James of Compostella and Cologne,
    And she was skilled in wandering by the way.

    She had gap-teeth

    , set widely, truth to say.
    Easily on an ambling horse she sat
    Well wimpled up, and on her head a hat
    As broad as is a buckler or a shield;
    She had a flowing mantle that concealed
    Large hips, her heels spurred sharply under that.
    In company she liked to laugh and chat
    And knew the remedies for love’s mischances,
    An art in which she knew the oldest dances.

    You cant help but love her :wink:

    Avatar photoGoldikova
    • Total Posts 1537

    Why do people keep on using the word ‘offended’ all the time ?

    Nobody is say we’re ofended by what she said. Some of us are just pointing out the wrong timing, direspect and hypocrisy of the comments from someone who ought to know better.

    • Total Posts 103

    She had gap-teeth, set widely, truth to say.

    Very apt post, Gamble and I didn’t know until now that the Wife of Bath had teeth missing! They suit some people, notably Terry-Thomas who was hard to imagine with a full set!

    • Total Posts 1889

    Craig, several years ago now, I heard a female professor on a TV documentary say that most – she may have said "all" – American women lived in a state of constant fear – of rape.

    I happened to mention this on Democratic Underground, and fully expected to be fiercely berated by some of the women posters, particularly, by some of the very militant, atheist feminists, of which you seem to have an abundance.

    But, not a bit of it. Instead, the one post in response was by a woman who had always come across as a very feisty person. She concurred, and said that she was most fearful in supermarket car parks, and always tried to park away from other vehicles.

    That sounded very strange to me, because in the UK, I think women would be more fearful of a deranged "loner", and would choose to park close to other cars, rather than in a more solitary spot.

    More recently, an elderly (probably about my age!) friend of my mother’s in Australia, who sends me a wide variety of emails, sent me one to show/send the women among my family and friends. In it, someone was giving advice to women on avoiding abduction for rape and/or murder .

    He did advise that they should park some way away from other vehicles, if possible, and said to check if a man was sitting in the car next to her, next to her driver’s side, and if so, to manoeuvre to park elsewhere. He said, if that was the case, when she came back with her shopping, to hold back, and go back to the supermarket and ask a staff member if he would mind accompanying her to her car.

    He cited supermarket parking lots as one of the most dangerous places for such attacks. The most dangerous time was in the early morning. He also mentioned another place and another time of day, both of which I now forget.

    He went on to warn women that if a man did get in their car, on no circumstances, to drive where he ordered her to, but instead to accelate and crash into some solid barrier, wall, whatever. Better to be injured that way than raped and/or murdered. So that’s where I’m coming from on that one, though I’m sorry I offended you. And the sexualisation of your society is even more advanced than it is in Europe, and has been proportionately, for as long as I can remember.


    "Just because we have a President with no redeeming virtues it does not mean the nation is full of rapists looking for their next victim."

    How you can say that after Bush and Cheney, you’d have to be an American, and a Neocon, at that. You have all my sympathy, and I dare say the rest of the world’s if they read that. Howmsomever, I’m keen to check out your racng link.

    I hadn’t noticed that saucy turn of phrase in conclusion, when I read it at school, gamble. It’s pretty funny.

    I was thinking more of the meal the tabloid hacks that rob alluded to, made of it all, Graeme.

    Avatar photoCraig Braddick
    • Total Posts 373


    Firstly, my wife is a 20 plus year US Army Veteran. I mention this because while serving her country and helping to keep western Europe safe from eastern bloc deterrents she was raped (in military uniform) by a German civilian. The result of that rape is my step-daughter who is now 22 years old.

    This rape happened at gun point and my wife was diagnosed with PTSD shortly after. But, to say she lives in fear of being raped again is absurd. Having had missiles fly over here head in the middle east and being more than able to kick the living crap of any potential rapists in our neck of the woods, she has no problems going out alone nor does she feel intimidated when she goes out. She knows how to fire a gun and has a concealed weapons permit. She is a very good shot and would not think twice of shooting in self defence.

    Grimes, I have no time for Obama. he is a two faced leech of a man, a discreduit to the USA, (bowing down to the Saudi’s, apologizing for no reason and being unable to say a sentence without umming and erring. A pitiful pathetic man, with twisted religious beliefs, on the fringe of associating with terrorists and black supremecy groups throughout his lifetime. A totally unsuitable man (and man is a generous term, here) with a hideous wife, together they are hideous representatives of our country intent on taxing us into oblivion to feed the government welfare programs while strangling peoples chance at the American dream in the name of their elitist version of equality which only works for those of a similar mind to them.

    Actually you would find I am a long way in most regards from being a neo-con.


    • Total Posts 184

    There is going Off-Topic and there is going Off-Topic, those last two submissions deserve a PhD in going Off-Topic.

    • Total Posts 141

    "Actually you would find I am a long way in most regards from being a neo-con. "

    You are keeping that fact, if fact it is, well-hidden.

    I am restraining myself and not posting a reply to the comments in your post because this is a racing forum not a political one – and I hope the mods will ensure it remains just that

    • Total Posts 3119

    Think theres an Obama Thread in the lounge already. May be the most appropriate place to conduct such a discussion.

    • Total Posts 1889

    I posted a reply, Craig, but I think the mods removed it, to keep politics out of this racing thread.

    I was very, very sorry to read that your wife suffered in that way, but I was actually going to bring up the fact that the current US women military serving in Iraq are and have long been under constant siege from their own comrades precisely with regard to rape. Some have even been murdered, and the response of ther superiors or lack thereof has been shameful beyond belief. One poor woman who was killed had dreaded going to the lavatory at night. Don’t take my word for it. It is sure to be well-documented on Google.

    To be candid with you, though, Craig, I think the Neocons would reject you as far too extreme, so I share the sentiments of seepigeon in that regard, and seemingly the vast majority of mankind. I expect you live in a goldfish bowl of the Have Yachts over there.

    Taxes? There are no more parasitic welfare scroungers than the Republicans. They’ve bled the country dry and haven’t even finished yet. Your military-industrial complex consumes more taxpayers money than all the rest of the world put together, and much of it goes to shameless profiteers.

    Republicans whine,
    Republicans bitch,
    The rich are too poor
    and the poor are too rich.

    Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh? Do you want Obama to fail, like he does? The Republicans are finished. They stole the last two elections and have even managed to plunder future generations. They’ll have to rebrand their party and get rid of the Neanderthals. Finito.

    PS: As George Carlin put it: "To believe in the American Dream, you have to be asleep". Unadulterated, materialism and Mammon-worship at its ugliest. Not even twisted Christianity, though its proponents would claim it as Christian, despite Christ’s searing denunciation of it in the Gospels.

    I believe Bulwark suggested continuing this in the Lounge folder, but I’ll cry off now. Too far apart in our beliefs.

    Avatar photoMaxilon 5
    • Total Posts 2432

    Gosh Craig, that post was like listening to your favourite Grandad reveal hat he’d supervised the morning shift at Treblinka. And we were all so rooting for you…

    • Total Posts 1152

    I think it’s healthy if people wish to opine political views. Just because this is a racing forum it does not mean some members do not want to discuss matters other than racing. Politics surely affects the very sport we all love?

    Ok, there is a time and a place, but I’ve enjoyed reading these posts and learning something.

    I hope the mods don’t remove further political posts – unless obviously offensive.


    Avatar photoCraig Braddick
    • Total Posts 373

    Gosh Craig, that post was like listening to your favourite Grandad reveal hat he’d supervised the morning shift at Treblinka. And we were all so rooting for you…

    Hi Maxilon:

    As I respect you, I sent you a PM regarding this and I hope having read it and having read your response (should you care to make one) we can still be buddies.



    Avatar photoCraig Braddick
    • Total Posts 373

    I posted a reply, Craig, but I think the mods removed it, to keep politics out of this racing thread.

    I was very, very sorry to read that your wife suffered in that way, but I was actually going to bring up the fact that the current US women military serving in Iraq are and have long been under constant siege from their own comrades precisely with regard to rape. Some have even been murdered, and the response of ther superiors or lack thereof has been shameful beyond belief. One poor woman who was killed had dreaded going to the lavatory at night. Don’t take my word for it. It is sure to be well-documented on Google.

    To be candid with you, though, Craig, I think the Neocons would reject you as far too extreme, so I share the sentiments of seepigeon in that regard, and seemingly the vast majority of mankind. I expect you live in a goldfish bowl of the Have Yachts over there.

    Taxes? There are no more parasitic welfare scroungers than the Republicans. They’ve bled the country dry and haven’t even finished yet. Your military-industrial complex consumes more taxpayers money than all the rest of the world put together, and much of it goes to shameless profiteers.

    Republicans whine,
    Republicans bitch,
    The rich are too poor
    and the poor are too rich.

    Do you listen to Rush Limbaugh? Do you want Obama to fail, like he does? The Republicans are finished. They stole the last two elections and have even managed to plunder future generations. They’ll have to rebrand their party and get rid of the Neanderthals. Finito.

    PS: As George Carlin put it: "To believe in the American Dream, you have to be asleep". Unadulterated, materialism and Mammon-worship at its ugliest. Not even twisted Christianity, though its proponents would claim it as Christian, despite Christ’s searing denunciation of it in the Gospels.

    I believe Bulwark suggested continuing this in the Lounge folder, but I’ll cry off now. Too far apart in our beliefs.

    Hi Grimes:

    I think you will find we are closer in our beliefs than you think. I have sent you a PM as I have enjoyed reading your posts in the past and if you choose to respond (and I hope you do) maybe we can understand each other better and I hope still be online friends.


    • Total Posts 9299

    Is this fear thing to do with the fact that so many people carry guns in America, to ‘protect’ themselves? I’ve often wondered how I would feel if, in this country most of the people around me were armed…[ok. I live in Derby/Nottingham so I suppose they probably are].

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5686

    I am doing my profit and loss
    after a blank day.

    I haven’t fully ingested all the politics
    fascinating discussion and good to
    see some polarisation in play.
    Almost as tense as the Florida re-count.

    Clare balding is the reincarnation
    of Boudicca without the red flowing
    navel length hair.
    Any casting director
    would go ape to
    snap her up as
    Emily Pankhurst or
    a modernist Ben Hur
    whilst I’d be given the sheep dip
    in a scream movie

    get that thing out of here
    you cant wear one mask
    on top of another

    Grimes I think you more or less
    hit the button
    on Clare’s sometimes mustardy messages
    I always enjoyed
    her leaning tower of pisa
    she excercised
    like a roman garrison pincer
    on Carson.
    You need a bit of attitude today
    but not possibly as much
    as she showed at
    Hello Liverpool showtime.
    Right now in the pubs they are calling it
    the tooth National.

    Who dares opens the doors of his mouth
    Ringed about with his fearsome teeth
    Job 41:14

    There is no profit without loss

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