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Long Walk Hurdle 2009

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  • #266816
    • Total Posts 17716

    Wish someone would lay me 5/1 about Big Bucks going back over fences.

    Is it not the case Big Bucks initially went back over hurdles to regain his confidence?

    Remember the horse was still a baby when he ran in the Hennessy. He didn’t exactly set the world on fire in his early races in France and even had an UR, but gradually improved.

    Even when he beat Don’t Push It giving him a lot of weight I doubt if Paul Nichols was 100% confident his career was going to be over hurdles. He certainly wasn’t backed like a future World Hurdle horse that day nor was he strongly fancied to beat Punchestowns when he did.

    So like when he was in France slowly but surely he got better. Paul Nichols as he so very often does threw him in at the deep end over fences and the horse finds himself running in a Hennessy at the age of 5 years old.

    He has a problem jumping you say……I would like to think he would have especially trying to win a race that has NEVER and probably never will be won by a 5 year old.

    Big Buck’s is 3 years younger than Kauto Star and if he stays sound you can bet a Rolls Royce to a bucket of Irish Peat he be back over the big ones the minute Kauto shows signs of coming to the end of his career. When he does he will be a much more mature and wiser horse and most likely his jumping will improve no end.

    Paul Nichols has already said that between Denman, Kauto and Big Buck’s he could be the best of the 3. Wishful thinking on his part perhaps but I think it’s pretty clear what he has in mind for Big Buck’s in the future

    For those who say they wouldn’t run him back over fences if the owned him: If PN came to you and said I think we should go for the Gold Cup next year, I think he’ll win it…..your little eyes would light up with glee thinking of what could be and you would soon change your mind :wink:

    • Total Posts 17716

    fair along wins on the bridle beats loc derg further and easier than big bucks did and hes any price you like..
    someware someone knows something FACT

    you’re right! I do……The fact is with Lough Derg there’s two of him and if you read anything into his form you will add 2+2 and get 5.

    Avatar photoThe Ante-Post King
    • Total Posts 8695

    TAPK still under the influence of alchohol! {You wouldn"t believe how many times i tried to spell that!}Would like to humbly say on this his frist post of the year that as long as i wear the crown on this fantastic forum that only a King of horse knowledge can wear,is that Big Bucks will be jumping fences again.that is a certainty!Goodnight and Godbless you all with my knowledge!Happy New Year!

    Avatar photoHimself
    • Total Posts 3777

    Paul Nicholls said that he saw Big Buck’s as a potential top class chaser – before he decided to switch him to hurdling – and is very glad he did so.

    So long as Big Buck’s is sweeping all before him in the top long distance hurdle races, I see no reason to switch him back over to the bigger obstacles.

    TAPK, a very happy new year to you. :)

    Incidentally, may I be so bold and humbly suggest that you try "alcohol" instead. :D :wink:

    Gambling Only Pays When You're Winning

    Avatar photoBig Bucks
    • Total Posts 1046


    You are new on here, have made yourself look stupid in a matter of posts, believed Denman had open heart surgery (PMSL) and you’re proclaiming Go Native like a WILL WIN merchant that stamps you for all the world as a mug.

    If it helps, I don’t take a thing you say seriously.

    However, when you talk absolute b.ollocks, which for you seems quite a lot, I have no qualms at all in pointing it out and correcting it.

    I thought you’d given the game up? Oh no that’s right, just another pointless, ill-educated guess that you have already forgotten.

    Reading your drivel is much harder to forget, however.

    FWIW – so far as I can tell, Nicholls has stated that BB is potentially a superstar over fences, that he needs Ruby Walsh, and as long as the 2 legends are at the top of the game, the stars won’t align for BB to go chasing. Anyone with a pair of eyes can see he’ll be over fences next season or the season after.

    Whatever bile you wish to put on here won’t change that. HTH.

    Avatar photothehorsesmouth
    • Total Posts 5577

    Shchooled :lol:

    Avatar photoThe Ante-Post King
    • Total Posts 8695

    Incidentally, may I be so bold and humbly suggest that you try "alcohol" instead. :D :wink:

    Thanks Himself,you should try writing when you are drunk! I can normally spell Alcohol with my eyes shut! I guess i"ve been reading too many "Frankie Turf" posts! Heads hurting now!

    Avatar photoAido1
    • Total Posts 128

    Big Bucks, whatever rubbish it is you have to say, it wont stop me expressing my opinions. Unlike you, when Im proven wrong, I recognise that and retract it. That takes reading, so give it a shot. I merely said that there is NO point in Big Bucks going back over fences YET, as hes so far clear of anything in the Staying Hurdle division, it makes sense to make hay. (Sense, look it up) Yes, Ive no doubt he will go back over fences eventually, but theres no reason to yet. And yet again, you completely ignored the facts regarding just why Big Bucks is jumping hurdles. Confidence restorer that got lucky, remember?? Again, that takes reading.

    Regarding Go Native, I believe Im spot-on so far, and I have seen nothing to change my mind. Hes got the best form going into Cheltenham so far, Solwhit merely reinforced that form at Leopardstown. Again, my opinion, which Im entitled to.

    Yes, Im new to this forum, but maybe you think Im new to this wonderful sport, and you have taken it upon yourself to ‘educate and guide me’?? Thanks, but no thanks. You are a vile, sneering, condascending little creature, and I’ll ask you once, just once, not to resort to abusive comments towards me ever again, just because I have the ‘nerve’ to express an opinion on an open forum. Fool.

    Avatar photoAido1
    • Total Posts 128

    Big Bucks, 2 more things. Regarding Denman, I stated on these very pages that he had open-heart surgery, and then apologised when I realised I made an error. However, I was able to supply evidence that he did indeed have an operation carried out. You said he hadn’t, I proved you wrong and Im writing bile???

    Yes, I said I would quit the sport if What a Friend reversed RSA form with Cooldine. So what?? I then also came on these pages, and said I have changed my mind!!! What that has to do with you, I’ll never know, so keep it to yourself. Fool.

    Avatar photoBig Bucks
    • Total Posts 1046

    Your other name is Holders, isn’t it?

    Thought I could recognise the awful knowledge level.

    You’re clearly as confused as you are confusing. You said a few stupid things, I pointed them out, and you went into a girly strop, and you’ve done so again.

    Keep posting your dreadful analysis Aido, like I said, I’m only going to comment on it when you’re glaringly wrong, as I’ve done several times already. Hope this helps.

    • Total Posts 17716

    Big Bucks, of course u are entitled to ur opinion, however idiotic, misguided and immature they may be. Can u clarify something for me, as u conveniently choose to sidestep it earlier; Did Nicholls not say that Big Bucks had lost his confidence a bit over fences??

    Also, tell me this; Are u doing the exercising, galloping and schooling at Ditcheat, or is Paul Nicholls and his wonderful team doing it??!! U appear to know more than the great man himself.

    Or…are u ACTUALLY THE BIG BUCKS and this is ur way of telling us u wanna go back over fences???? It’s a shame u arent, as I genuinely believe that Big Bucks The Animal, not the Avatar, would offer far more insightful and intelligant opinions. Happy New Year!!!!!

    What Paul Nichols actually said was " Big Buck’s is still reluctant to have a real cut at his fences, and that could prove costly in a hell-for-leather race like this" That was before the Hennessy not after it.

    Despite the fact Nicholls said this he ran the horse anyway and he unseated Sam as we all know. So what he had predicted came about and PN sat back faultless while the media hung Sam out to dry..little bit of self presevation by Nichols there that went unnoticed.

    Sending him back over hurdles wasn’t just a confidence booster, There was more behind that decision.

    At the time he said he would stay over hurdle because he seen no sense at that time to train him with races in mind that he "couldn’t possibly win"

    In other words no sense in chasing Gold Cup’s, Betfair Chases and King George’s while Kauto Star and Denman were fit and healthy.

    So he decided the best route was to try for the World Hurdle. He did so he was hoping the line he had on staying hurdlers through Mobaasher stood up which as we know it did.

    Now that’s the absolute truth of the matter and it’s as plain on the nose on your face. PN sent the horse back over hurdles because he had more chance of winning the World Hurdle than he did winning any Grade 1 chases.

    You can also bet your boots that if he din’t have Denman and Kauto then most likely he would have kept him to chasing and would probably be prparing for the Gold Cup by now.

    Avatar photoAido1
    • Total Posts 128

    Big Bucks, Ive no idea who ‘holders’ is. All i know is what i said, ur a nasty little cretin. No need to comment on that, as Im obviously speaking the truth.

    Fist, thanks. Is that not pretty much what Ive been saying though???

    Avatar photoBig Bucks
    • Total Posts 1046

    Yes, Im new to this forum […] You are a vile, sneering, condascending little creature

    Big Bucks, Ive no idea who ‘holders’ is. All i know is what i said, ur a nasty little cretin. No need to comment on that, as Im obviously speaking the truth.

    Holders, a move you should be familiar with, in the interests of other users who may be subject to your abuse, I’ve asked the moderators to look at your abusive comments towards me.

    Hope this helps.

    Avatar photoAido1
    • Total Posts 128

    Big Bucks, go back and actually READ what u wrote to/about me. You started this childish crap, just because I dared to express an opinion different to yours. I merely retaliated, and I will continue to do so, whenever you talk down to me and start abusing me. Its become painfully obvious that you cannot actually reply to valid points maturely, you just resort to name-calling and abuse. Thats fine, if thats your thing. Personally, if Ive a problem with someone, I dont hide behind a keyboard. I live in Dublin, all my contact details are in my profile. If u want to discuss horse-racing, thats fine, I can do that here. On the other hand, if u want to get abusive and personal, u know how to get in contact with me, see profile. Otherwise, get lost and dont bother me again. And thats not a request. I said it to u once before, I wont repeat it again.

    Avatar photoAido1
    • Total Posts 128

    Also, go back and look at all the comments. Even other users commented on your snide remarks towards me before I eventually retaliated. Clown.

    • Total Posts 9

    :arrow: Holders = :evil:

    Avatar photoBig Bucks
    • Total Posts 1046

    turnip is correct imho 8)

    Holders you appear, not for the first time, confused.

    Re-read the thread and you’ll find the launch into abuse was entirely yours, it wasn’t just me that pointed out your "errors". If you wish to vent at me go ahead, that’s fine, Big Bucks won the Long Walk like I think we both thought he would and your rather poor comments have begun to fade.

    Maybe tone down those silly comments though, you’re not speaking to a forum of novices are you?

    Dublin’s very nice by the way, however you do the city no favours.

    Big Buck’s will be over fences soon, so you stay in Dublin "big lad", am sure you’re well liked over there :lol: :wink: I care not to meet someone who has personally abused me on a forum, would think even you could work that out (dc). :mrgreen:

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