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  • #1632658
    • Total Posts 478

    I’m mostly a big fan of the obvious hard graft that Ruby puts into his punditry but where he appears to be seeking the opinion of his besty AP he somehow manages to make it sound like theirs are the only opinions that could ever be worth listening to :negative: and everyone else seems deliberately excluded from the conversation.

    Throwing to each other in this way might be in response to what they’re told to by the producers and surely Walsh’s occasional arrogance doesn’t include the attitude described above but I’m frequently left feeling sorry for the other presenters as it appears as if they’re being ignored as the 2 former champions massage each other’s egos.

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Word I’ve mentioned before I watched a chelt preview a few years back which AP and Ruby were on , they were chatting without realising there mikes were on , basically slating the compere , AP has no personality , he,s there because of what’s he,s done as a Jockey not because he can do tv, Walsh has the same traits as his dad , he,s a great analyst but would I want to be in his company …. No

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Walsh is less objectionable than his father – but that is a low bar.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Sounds (geddit?) like us muters dodged even more bullets than usual today.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9224

    ffs Ian – do you really need to constantly repeat that you ‘mute’ the racing coverage?
    I think everyone on the forum now knows you don’t listen to the coverage. You don’t need to remind us every week in the same excruciatingly condescending manner you invariably employ.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    David, I am hardly the only forumite that has recurring themes they allude to here day in, day out, week in, week out.

    If you ever extend picking forumites up on this habit beyond individually targeting me, you’re going to be a busy man.

    Nevertheless, I will take your comments on board.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 921

    I completely agree with Cormack15 on this. It has got completely ridiculous for Ian Davies to keep saying so utterly predictably and interminably on so many occasions, week in and week out, over so many months, that he always puts the mute on during ITV broadcasts.

    It displays a nauseatingly contemptuous, self-righteous and arrogant attitude that Ian plainly thinks that he knows so much about everything about the coverage, whether about the horses, trainers, jockeys, the races themselves, racing issues and any other related subject, that he does not ever need to listen to a single word that anyone, whether presenter, expert or commentator, says, even just out of interest or curiosity.

    I presume that he has all the colours, names and numbers of horses available and has memorised them so that he does not ever, unlike many others, need any assistance from a mere commentator to tell him everything about the running of the race in all its detail. Not everyone has this luxury.

    I presume that he can, armed with all this expert and infallible homework, instantly spot any incident and its significance during a fast-moving race with complete accuracy and confidence. He has worked professionally in racing but not everyone has and they rely on the opinions and expertise of TV experts and commentators.

    Ian obviously does not need anything pointing out to him, he plainly misses nothing in a fast-moving race and he is obviously not interested in anything or any other opinion that anyone could possibly utter about racing coverage.

    I presume that he knows so much about horse pedigrees, form, characteristics, physical condition and everything else that he does not ever need any helpful observations or information from TV people on hand at the course who are often trained and knowledgeable experts.

    If so, fair enough, but don’t keep telling so often us in such a dismissive, high-handed way that you always mute the TV. We don’t constantly need to be reminded about your choice, as if you are operating from a higher social plain.

    The only opinions that Ian is interested in are plainly his own. He obviously holds the individual views and styles of all the presenters, experts and commentators in complete contempt as unforgivably banal.

    Ian is entitled to listen to whatever he wants and if he chooses not to listen to the sound on ITV, that is up to him.

    But do we really have to keep reading so regularly his self-righteous protestations every time that he refuses to lower himself to listening to what he obviously regards as inferior drivel that is plainly beneath contempt?

    Everyone has their views about ITV Racing but at least those who are critical, whether justifiably or not, have the grace to listen to what is being said instead of just adopting a blanket, “I will not lower myself to even hearing this rubbish” approach, with its implication that everyone else must be ignorant, undiscerning morons for being so lacking in good taste and sound judgement as to be prepared to listen to what is broadcast with an open mind.

    Racing is very lucky to have ITV and its presenters try their best, often against a barrage of criticism, to present interesting, varied and informative programmes.

    Obviously, some presenters and commentators are not universally popular for differing reasons but they at least deserve to be listened to without a condescending, overarching approach of “I always put the mute on” (no matter who is speaking and whatever they say on every single occasion).

    ITV deserve huge credit for the highly flexible way that they have adapted the programmes in recent weeks because of the spate of abandonments.

    They have added in all-weather and Irish meetings at the last minute to compensate for lost meetings. Surely something that has been said during all those weeks must have been worthy of being listened to, or at least tolerated with an open mind, instead of being totally dismissed with a blanket muting.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I think it’s down to personal choice, CrustyPatch, it isn’t mandatory to have the volume on when watching the racing (or anything else).

    I have said on numerous occasions that ITV Racing cannot be knocked for the extent of their coverage but, in a world where you can watch any race free on a betting app, I’d also argue it’s increasingly irrelevant, particularly for the emerging younger generations.

    Other than that, I can only repeat what I said to David – I will take your apparently suddenly emboldened input on board.

    For my part, I neither mind nor would seek to control what others write here.

    I often see the same people saying the same things day after day after day here – it’s fine, it’s a forum, it’s the internet.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I generally watch RTV and SSR and seldom see ITV’s coverage. What I have seen is OK but not as good as the coverage there used to be on the BBC and Channel 4 – but that is just my opinion.

    Where I disagree with ID is his opinion that television coverage is “increasingly irrelevant”. I accept that the media environment is changed from the days of the BBC and C4 Racing and people can now consume media in different ways. However, I still think it is important and valuable for racing to retain a presence on a high profile channel on terrestrial television. It still attracts large audiences and must be good for betting turnover and the levy.

    No problem with ID saying he uses the mute button.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Delighted – but not surprised – to read CAS has zero issue with me repeatedly expressing essentially the same views (as many do here) ad infinitum – and ad nauseum!

    Anyone tiring of it can always “mute” me by rolling their eyes and scrolling downwards at the mere site of a posting from me.

    Many surely do already.

    I agree with CAS that it is important and valuable for racing to retain a presence on a high profile channel on terrestrial television.

    But – getting to the heart of the matter – I have never felt an affinity with racing on that level.

    I love the game, but I’m not a cheerleader or ambassador for it and the bottom line is my life isn’t inextricably caught up with, nor bound by, its future fortunes.

    If racing was abolished, I’d focus more on other things in life.

    Like eating biscuits (sorry, did I mention I like biscuits already?).

    So while it’s important for the racing industry to maintain that TV presence, it’s not important for me as an individual.

    There are other free ways to watch.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    I turn the volume up.. :whistle:

    No problem either with Ian’s poetic license about the mute button
    Easy to scroll past posts if not wanting to read them.

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Ian please never change! Personalities and characters are what keeps this forum and the world itself interesting!

    I’d rather live in a world full of lunatics than sane people.

    Must say I agree with Ians perspective on TV coverage, not just of racing but sport in general, the ‘experts’ get more and more boring and idiotic, giving soundbites and rarely give well thought-out structured opinions. It happens sadly in nearly all sports now, the presenters say whatever gets the angry male viewers riled up and in turn the world is made ever increasingly more stupid and inept.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Chezza’s feeling the love this afternoon – thanks CAS, Nathan and Ben!

    Yet another really good point, Ben, from you.

    Now you mention it, I watched the entire World Cup on mute too.

    Like you perhaps imply, the TV punditry comment is cliched tedium, you don’t actually have to be an elite sportsperson to understand what you’re watching.

    In fact, now you’ve got me thinking about it, I recall back in 2001 watching Gary Kasparov play chess live with a headphone audio commentary from Daniel King, himself a Grand Master.

    “I really couldn’t tell you why Kasparov just made that move – that’s why he’s World Champion, literally none of us know what’s he’s up to half the time. It’s not like commentating on football,” King memorably observed.

    Six moves later: “And now I can see why that was such a brilliant move by Kasparov, he’s….”

    Chess, I’d appreciate a steer on, but little else.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I think he rather laboured the point against ID. But – having checked out his most recent posts – I do wish Crusty would post more. I like the cut of his jib.

    Anyone who dislikes young people on quiz shows saying “I don’t know – it was before my time” is OK with me!

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Yeah I’m the same Ian, don’t watch any of the pre-match hype for any sports these days, I’ll put the channel on as soon as the match starts and browse the internet during half time or between races.

    Your mention of Chess reminded me of this!

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Nothing to do with ITV Racing but I was watching Final Score on the BBC yesterday and was quite taken with a young reporter named Betty Glover. She was so enthusiastic about the Fulham v Sunderland game, I thought she was in danger of self combustion.

    Perhaps ITV Racing should hire her, just for the comedy value.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    “Anyone who dislikes young people on quiz shows saying “I don’t know – it was before my time” is OK with me!”


    If the gentleman ever wishes to extend his contributions beyond piling in on me, I would welcome the extra reading!

    But just piling in on me periodically is fine too – it’s all good.

    PS: Brilliant video clip, Ben!

    PPS: I guess we can’t knock her for enjoying her job, CAS!

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

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