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  • #1533189
    Avatar photoVenture to Cognac
    • Total Posts 14971

    Wordfromthewise…….With the exception of Plunkett

    • Total Posts 1611

    VTC, I’m going to defend Alice! I think she’s a good presenter, though her interests are obviously rather more on the equestrian side than the betting side. People seem to hark back to the good old days, but when I compare back to the likes of Willie Carson and Tanya Stevenson who seemed to lose all eloquence when put in front of a TV camera, the current lot seem pretty decent on the whole. Obviously those two I’ve given as examples both really knew their stuff, but that does not always translate to being a natural broadcaster.

    Can hardly believe I’m writing this, but I don’t even mind the addition of Chris Hughes! ITV have made a good call to get him involved. A Love Island celeb is far more likely to help attract a wider audience than all of the ex-jocks, and he seems to be genuinely knowledgeable and interested too.

    Colin Phillips
    • Total Posts 313

    Did you know Cumani was quadrilingual?

    She had to correct Weaver who thought she was merely ‘bi’.

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    Pah, who isn’t. I’m fluent in American, Australian, English, and (occasionally) Scottish.


    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    So Cumani can irritate people in four languages?


    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    Doesn’t really matter how many languages you can speak if you only utter banal gibberish in all of them!

    I detested Plunkett initially, and I’m still not a fan, but she is just about tolerable and certainly far more professional than Cumani.

    Agree about Hughes Marlingford. I feared the worst but he’s definitely an asset. Hope to see him being used more proactively rather than just stuck in the Social Stable.

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    Jason Weaver certainly earned his crust t’other day with some real in-the-know insight when asked for a ‘Dark Horse’ for the viewers for the flat season. The Sharks big reveal for everyones notebooks? Battleground! Darker than Black Beauty.


    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    Fair play to ITV for showing the Irish National Meeting at Fairyhouse today – a welcome, and brilliant, bonus for a freeview-pauper like my good self. Excellent stuff.


    • Total Posts 86

    I’m not sure how ITV keep managing to pull off showing the big Irish meetings but Racing TV must be absolutely seething about it. Makes their “exclusive” rights look a little less “exclusive”. I’m assuming that it can only be a matter of time before SSR (at the races as was) get the contract back.
    I’m not sure the Irish courses have ever been entirely happy playing second fiddle to UK tracks on packed schedule days.

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    I’m not sure either, but long may it continue.


    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    The Irish racing coverage has never worked on RTV. A move back to SSR would be very welcome.

    Avatar photoCymro
    • Total Posts 106

    I have mixed emotions on ITV Racing. On the one hand, as someone who doesn’t have SKY, I can’t complain in any way at the amount of meetings they broadcast terrestrially. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you etc. It certainly feels more than C4 or the BBC ever did, demonstrated in no better way than that 5-day period of consecutive live racing between Christmas and New Year. I’ve really enjoyed their coverage from Ireland in recent times and am seemingly in the minority on here in that I quite like Jerry Hannon.

    However, on the other hand, I do find the coverage to be very “cloying”, in particular from Chamberlin and Plunkett. To be fair, I think he is a good front man but his nods to the establishment really grate after a while. I’m not a fan of Plunkett in any way and her paddock commentary adds nothing to my enjoyment or knowledge. Unlike Luke Harvey, McCoy is not cut out for broadcasting. Some of his “jokes” are cringeworthy. I don’t mind Fitzgerald but would prefer Simon Holt on commentary to Hoiles. The programme would be a lot duller without Chapman too.

    • Total Posts 2702

    don’t really take in much between the races but the idea of Mccoy telling jokes is akin a Ben Dover video with Ena Sharples and a carrot.

    |It just doesn’t work

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    McCoy – “Tiger Roll cannot be compared to Red Rum”. To quote Meg Ryan – YES, YES, YES!!!

    Clivexx – I’d appreciate you keeping your bizarre sexual fantasies to yourself.


    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7470

    The ‘Social Stable’ is the best advert for watching anywhere but ITV. All hail Drivelmeisters!

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    I am a ‘Freeview Council Pauper’ Rob, so I take what I’m given (don’t get excited Clive, Sharples / Carotts not involved). But the ‘Social Stable’ is indeed utter pants.


    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    The mute button on remote is once again my best friend where watching the racing is concerned.

    Silence Is Golden.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

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