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Grand National 2017

Home Forums Big Races – Discussion Grand National 2017

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  • #1271272
    Avatar photoVenture to Cognac
    • Total Posts 14924

    Nice re-appearance today mom, not the hottest contest obviously, but ran nicely enough :good:

    • Total Posts 5092

    VTC, I think you are being very kind. As discussed before it was a ludicrous decision to take in the Grand National. After that Cheltenham run he looked to have an excellent chance in the National Hunt Chase and then perhaps something like a Scottish National.

    To be fair I don’t think he has looked the same horse since that Cheltenham run. The addition of the cheek pieces are another mystery. Today, I thought he made pretty heavy weather of a relatively simple task.

    I will be very surprised if he gets anywhere near fulfilling that initial promise.

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    What was the name of the Gordon Elliot horse, I know it was targeted for the National last season but can’t remember if it ended up running, I believe it was a French import and on its first run over here it ran out wide the whole race and finished a decent 5th or around that position…?

    Apologise for not having more info on the horse, my memories not the best.

    EDIT – found it, it was Ucello Conti. He finished a very respectable 6th in the national last year, would be interested in backing him for the 2017 renewal.

    Avatar photopeter .h
    • Total Posts 1703

    Does anyone khow if Colour Squadron is still in training? Hasn’t been seen since last summer after a handful of runs for Edner Bolger but was always a horse i quite fancied as an Aintree type even if he is untried at the trip. Similar to Double Ross this year i think the test would bring out new reserves in him we perhaps didn’t know he had.

    It isn’t looking likely, but I’d love to see Portrait King make the cut. He’d have loved conditions this year had he made the lineup and has shown he runs very well over the course, even if he has failed to complete both times he’s been. I’m still convinced he’d have won the Becher last year had he not been knocked over.

    And hopefully Houblon Des Obeaux can get in on a more reasonable mark this year. His hike for winning a very below standard Denman chase was appalling.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32281

    Ucello Conti is 50/1 with Paddy Power, BB. Fair enough price.
    Plus: Lightly raced in general and not had many runs for Gordon Elliot – so may be able to improve/be above his mark. Could be a massive advantage come April, however…
    Minus: Being lightly raced could mean he’s prone to injury – less likely to get there.
    Plus: Am sure it’ll be his target.
    Minus: Didn’t show his form in last season’s race…
    Plus: but considering made mistakes at the 19th and 26th didn’t do too badly…
    Minus: Though the fact he made mistakes is another negative.
    Plus: Probably isn’t badly handicapped, wasn’t knocked about in trials last season, often going around the outside of the field…
    Minus: but then didn’t find much off the bridle. May be he learnt that was what was required, may be he doesn’t stay.
    Minus: Has won on better ground, but recent improvement has been on soft ground.

    Might be one for the short-list.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32281

    Does anyone khow if Colour Squadron is still in training? Hasn’t been seen since last summer after a handful of runs for Edner Bolger but was always a horse i quite fancied as an Aintree type even if he is untried at the trip. Similar to Double Ross this year i think the test would bring out new reserves in him we perhaps didn’t know he had.

    Save your money Peter, Colour Squadron hasn’t got the attitude, jumping ability or stamina. Wouldn’t back him @ 1000/1.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32281

    And hopefully Houblon Des Obeaux can get in on a more reasonable mark this year. His hike for winning a very below standard Denman chase was appalling.

    Spot on Peter, but highly unlikely to recover that reasonable mark.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32281

    I’d love The Last Samuri to win, having my biggest bet on him last season. All the qualities needed in a Grand National winner, just unlucky for it to turn very soft. But he was well-in for 2016 and will probably need to improve for 2017 off his new mark.

    One I think might go well is Henri Parry Morgan. 66/1 looks appealing.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Nice weighing up of the pros and cons re Ucello Conti’s chances in the race this season Ginge, all in all when it’s laid out like that I think 50/1 is a very fair price to play e.w. Good thing is he shouldn’t get overbet at least not in the ante-post market due to the main focus of the stable, at least from an outsiders perspective, being Don Poli regarding the National.

    Avatar photoVenture to Cognac
    • Total Posts 14924

    Yeah, I still can’t believe they chose Aintree over Ayr last year, a proper headscratcher, though I do hold out hope that they can get him back.

    My optimism around his run today was more towards Middle of March, who was considering backing him for Aintree, he’s certainly not a horse on my radar. To be honest if betting in the race today, I’d definitely have been with Seldom Inn.

    Avatar photoVenture to Cognac
    • Total Posts 14924

    He was one of my main bets last year Ben, and I was surprised when he stayed a solid 33’s shot right up to the race. Got a proper run for my money, and place money back on the 6 places, so was well chuffed with him. I think he was ridden very carefully to get the trip, and would agree with Ginger that he didn’t seem to find that much. There’s also the issue of having run in the race now, with previous runs in the race being something of a disadvantage.

    To contradict myself though, I do still like him, and looking forward to seeing how they campaign him this year. He’s very well treated, and I’d be amazed if he doesn’t land one of the bigger staying chased this season. The problem, considering the amount of talent Elliot has in this division, is working out the right one.

    Avatar photoVenture to Cognac
    • Total Posts 14924

    One of my main hopes Ginger, and took the 100’s last April. I’d be amazed if this isn’t the plan.

    Avatar photoMiddle_Of_March
    • Total Posts 2845

    Nice re-appearance today mom, not the hottest contest obviously, but ran nicely enough :good:

    I’d have liked to see him have in at Cheltenham in the 4-miler last season but obviously they went the national route. Thought he was a national horse so played him with my big bet on TLS.

    If he can progress I’d have no problems go in again this year. I’d like to see him mature a bit though tbh.

    He was massively hampered last year also in running quite early which wouldn’t help.

    Yesterday he did his job. And got me 13 points for the TTF as well which is handy.

    I’d send him out again before December gets going and then mid January ish. He looks the sort to progress over time with races. Hence the inclusion in TTF.

    A fair start anyway to hopefully a good season as he has talent.

    Btw, I agree about the headgear which he didn’t look suited to at all.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32281

    I’d love The Last Samuri to win, having my biggest bet on him last season. All the qualities needed in a Grand National winner, just unlucky for it to turn very soft. But he was well-in for 2016 and will probably need to improve for 2017 off his new mark.

    One I think might go well is Henri Parry Morgan. 66/1 looks appealing.

    One of my main hopes Ginger, and took the 100’s last April. I’d be amazed if this isn’t the plan.

    Taken 66/1 Henri, VTC. :good:

    Henri Parry Morgan improved to win a couple of handicaps on soft ground and progression didn’t stop there. On good-soft splitting National favourite Native Ruler and RSA winner Blaklion in the Mildmay at Aintree last April. Then, favourite – off a mark of 149 – for the Bet365 Gold Cup when last seen – on good. Had jumped well and still going well when unseating 6 out. Peter Bowen isn’t thought of as a top trainer and often goes in and out of form. However, has a good record in April, won the Scottish National with Al Co in 2014. Won Topham Chase over these fences with Dunbrody Millar in 2007 and three times with Always Waining from 2010 to 2012. McKelvey unlucky in the main event in 2007, second to Silver Birch. According to his website the National “remains the race Peter wants to win more than any other”. Suppose it is with most trainers, but nice to hear. Staying chasers is where Bowen excels, also trained Cheltenham Gold Cup runner-up Take A Stand. Henri Parry Morgan is just the type Bowen usually improves in their second season over fences. Has fallen or unseated twice, but his jumping style is generally an asset and likely to get more consistent with experience.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoSteeplechasing
    • Total Posts 6126

    Well argued, GT on HPM – have followed you wise men in at 66 (well, it is nearly Christmas)

    Avatar photoVenture to Cognac
    • Total Posts 14924

    Good luck Joe, he really is a huge price, far too big :good:

    Avatar photoVenture to Cognac
    • Total Posts 14924

    Nice write up Ginger, especially the trainer angle, was a big factor when I went with him. Good luck :good:

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