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  • in reply to: Champion Hurdle 2010 #267958
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    Go Native stuffs Solwhit in Newcastle, where the slow pace was the same for everyone. Kyber Kim stuffs Celestial Halo and Punjabi, yet neither are being seriously considered as potential Champions?? And the vanquished ones are?? Celestial Halo and Punjabi have serious questions to answer. I know Punjabi needed the run, but he went out like a candle, and worryingly quickly for my liking. Celestial Halo was reported to be spot-on, but was beaten fair and square by a rapidly improving Kyber Kim. Solwhit, I believe, just does not have the raw speed for a Champion Hurdle, I can see him plodding on for a place, at best. Go Native and Kyber Kim are the 2 improvers, and have shown the best recent form. They should be accorded more respect.

    in reply to: Champion Hurdle 2010 #267949
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    Sea Pigeon, I agree 100% regarding Binocular, and I do think that Zaynar and Solwhit are potentially top-class horses. But there are huge doubts regarding both. Zaynar needs further, Ive no doubt. I dont see why Henderson wont try the Stayers with him, theres only one horse to beat there. Solwhit appears to me to be an Aintree horse, and I dont think he’ll appreciate Cheltenham.

    Regarding Celestial Halo, I would bracket him alongside Binocular as a horse to avoid, until he shows something like his old sparkle.

    I know Im beginning to sound like a broken record, but Im really fed-up of no-one giving Go Native the credit he deserves. You said Starluck would’ve won at Kempton but for a bad mistake? Go Native would’ve won on the bridle, but for hitting the front too soon. Yes, hes quirky, but the most talented of a bunch who all carry question marks. Also, if Sublimity hadnt tried to take the 4th last with him, he’d of beaten Solwhit, despite the ground being all against him. If Go Native ever goes as big as 7/1 again, I’ll be surprised.

    in reply to: Islam #267937
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    Sorry all, I was just under the misguided impression that Racingforum would be a place to discuss Horse-Racing. How naive of me, I apologise profoundly.

    in reply to: Grand National 2010 #267934
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    I believe Denman will beat Kauto in March, but nothing is certain in this game. If Kauto did beat him, fair and square, does anyone think that Denman may go for the National?

    in reply to: Grand National 2010 #267901
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    Yorkshirepudding wrote:

    Scarp the gold cup nonsense and lets see Denmen and Kauto Star go head to head over the big fences. These are supposed to be the best chasers yet the greatest prize in steeplechasing is one they shun.

    I think if u ask the majority, the Gold Cup is far and away considered the greatest prize in Chasing.

    in reply to: Islam #267897
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    Sorry for not sticking to the subject in hand, but if people want to discuss ‘Muslim protest marches’, dont Sky News have a website?? Last time I checked, they did. So how does a subject, that has NO bearing on horse-racing, end up on the Racing Forum?? Is it extra, unnecessery publicity for this extremist nutcase??? Either way, the fact that its ended up on these pages, beggars belief.

    in reply to: Compiling A Tissue #267892
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    Ante-post king, just one question. After the Fighting Fifth, and Christmas Hurdle, how in Gods name can u justify putting Binocular at a shorter price than Go Native??? If ur going to go on the bare form, Go Native should be closer to 3/1, and Binocular around the 10 or 12/1 mark. Again, yet another punter who doesn’t give Go Native the credit he deserves and has earned. Nevermind, thats why hes still such a good price!!!

    in reply to: Champion Hurdle 2010 #267667
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    Regarding Binocular, doesnt Henderson seem to be really puzzled about him? He evidently expected more so far this season, and he really doesnt know why hes not met expectations. I cant see him even being placed in March, but I have been wrong before, and Im sure Il be wrong again!!!

    in reply to: Hardy Eustace #267534
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    Im delighted this wonderful warrior has been retired in one piece, the only gripe being that it should’ve been done earlier. Still, main thing hes happy and sound. His defeat of Harchibald will forever haunt me, I was counting my winnings as Carberry loomed alongsides!!! Fantastic memories Hardy, thanks for all of them.

    Also, let us not forget the sadly missed Kieran Kelly, who, along with Dessie Hughes, was the making of this horse.

    in reply to: Champion Hurdle 2010 #267533
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    It is so open, theres no doubt. Punjabi, undoubtedly, will be in there pitching at the death. Solwhit too, but I suspect he prefers the likes of Aintree, though I could easily be proven wrong in March!! I really hope Mullins doesn’t keep Mikael to hurdles, I just cant wait to see him go chasing, and I’d be surprised if he had the raw pace for the Champion Hurdle. I love Zaynar, but he really appeals to me as a stayer, and I would love to see him stepped up to 3 miles. After all, theres only 1 horse to beat in the Stayers, I think it would be worth a crack.

    The 2 that appeal/interest me most at this stage are Go Native and Kyber Kim. When Kyber Kim was with Henderson, he was the favourite at one point for the Supreme Novices, but things just went astray, and the wheels came off rather spectacularly. However, I really believe that Twiston-Davies has found the key to this horse, and he is improving at a rate of knots. Greatwood winners have a good record in the Champion, and he has since beaten Celestial Halo on merit, and with plenty in hand. Personally, I will be staying on his right side.

    Go Native was given no credit for his performance at Newcastle. Even J.P. McManus said that the slow pace was the same for every horse, and Go Native quickened up like a real good one. He has since proven that this performance was no fluke, and yet, he still has not got the credit and recognition he deserves. Take into account that we know he gets up the hill at Cheltenham, and his credentials are rock-solid. At this point, he is without doubt, the one with the form in the book, making him the one to beat.

    Binocular puzzles and worries me. At one point, the world looked to be his oyster. Some experts said the slow pace at Newcastle was all against him, but that is really puzzling, given the flat speed he has/had, it shouldn’t of been a problem. I’ll stick my neck on the line now, and say that maybe this is actually how good Binocular is? Or there could be something deep-rooted causing him a problem. Either way, I could not be having him, based on what we’ve seen this season.

    Whatever happens, its a race to savour, and to look forward to, best of luck to all!!!!

    in reply to: Long Walk Hurdle 2009 #267532
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    Big Bucks, I am not here to start an arguement, or get involved in silly name-calling. As Ive said countless times already, the ONLY thing I did wrong was express an opinion, nothing more. Am I in the wrong place to do that?? If my opinions are met with petty and snide remarks, then of course I will stand my corner, wouldnt u??

    I never said that Big Bucks would not be going over fences again, its inevitable he will. All I said was that he was given a break from fences, as he had lost a wee bit of confidence. Also, his trainer said the same thing. I said, if he were mine, I would stay hurdling, as I truly believe he can emulate the great Baracouda in the staying division. I’ll be the mature one here, and call a truce. All I wanted was a place to discuss Racing, not an avenue to argue. If I wanted that, I would go to my local pub!!!

    I am truly puzzled by one thing though; You, along with others, think I am someone else?? I can assure u that I am an original, and as I said, contact details, and even MY photo is up. Dont see that on the peoples profiles, who are throwing these accusations at me, including yourself. Just a thought!! Happy New Year, Im not wasting my valuable time argueing anymore.

    in reply to: Arkle 2010 #267099
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    Does anyone think that Sizing Europe would’ve beaten Captain Cee Bee if he had of stayed up? My reaction, as Im sure was the same as the majority, was that Captain Cee Bee was travelling all over the winner until he came down. But a friend of mine, whos opinion I respect immensely, is adamant that Sizing would’ve kept finding when challenged. Im just curious to see if anyone thinks the same as my friend?

    in reply to: Lexus 2009 #267096
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    Himself, I agree. Although I dont think Sam did anything wrong on Denman, I would still love to see A.P. on him. Nothing against Sam, its just that when u can use the best, then why not? Also, Sam gave What a Friend a cracking ride in the Lexus. He really seems to suit that horse.

    in reply to: Long Walk Hurdle 2009 #267094
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    Also, go back and look at all the comments. Even other users commented on your snide remarks towards me before I eventually retaliated. Clown.

    in reply to: Long Walk Hurdle 2009 #267091
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    Big Bucks, go back and actually READ what u wrote to/about me. You started this childish crap, just because I dared to express an opinion different to yours. I merely retaliated, and I will continue to do so, whenever you talk down to me and start abusing me. Its become painfully obvious that you cannot actually reply to valid points maturely, you just resort to name-calling and abuse. Thats fine, if thats your thing. Personally, if Ive a problem with someone, I dont hide behind a keyboard. I live in Dublin, all my contact details are in my profile. If u want to discuss horse-racing, thats fine, I can do that here. On the other hand, if u want to get abusive and personal, u know how to get in contact with me, see profile. Otherwise, get lost and dont bother me again. And thats not a request. I said it to u once before, I wont repeat it again.

    in reply to: Long Walk Hurdle 2009 #267034
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    Big Bucks, Ive no idea who ‘holders’ is. All i know is what i said, ur a nasty little cretin. No need to comment on that, as Im obviously speaking the truth.

    Fist, thanks. Is that not pretty much what Ive been saying though???

    in reply to: Long Walk Hurdle 2009 #266997
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    Big Bucks, 2 more things. Regarding Denman, I stated on these very pages that he had open-heart surgery, and then apologised when I realised I made an error. However, I was able to supply evidence that he did indeed have an operation carried out. You said he hadn’t, I proved you wrong and Im writing bile???

    Yes, I said I would quit the sport if What a Friend reversed RSA form with Cooldine. So what?? I then also came on these pages, and said I have changed my mind!!! What that has to do with you, I’ll never know, so keep it to yourself. Fool.

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