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  • #262291
    • Total Posts 1453

    Hi Ugly Mare (though I’m sure you’re not ugly)
    I can understand why you think the threads I post on here suggest I’m not an optimist – but I am. (Maybe I enjoy posting those sort of things on here. :twisted: )
    Do things get me down? Yes – of course they do. But being an optimist, doesn’t mean one automatically agrees with, condones or ignores everything that goes on. Humanity is capable of great stupidity and evil – always has been, always will be. But that doesn’t mean acknowledging that fact means we must all go round with long faces and a miserable demeanour. If it was so, then we’d all be miserable buggers.
    "A bit presumptive to assume that people on here have never suffered poverty or hardship…"
    It’s a reasonable presumption is it not? How many on here have had to scrabble through rubbish tips to find things to eat/wear or sell?
    How many have ever gone days without food or never known whether they’d have a roof to sleep under?
    How many have had no recourse to medical help because they were too poor?
    For real poverty, you need to look beyond these shores; beyond this continent. Poverty in this country is not having a satellite dish or a mobile phone.
    As for ones’ beliefs on life after death? Well, I aired my beliefs and accept that many will totally disagree. But I was answering the thread title "Who are you?"; I was only speaking for myself.
    Grief- yes, I’ve lost loved ones – and grieved; it’s human nature. But one shouldn’t let grief consume your life – that serves no purpose and is not what those we have lost would want. I’ve told my daughter that, once I pop my clogs, she must not waste her time grieving or feeling guilt, but to remember her happy times with me with fondness. I didn’t sire her and raise her for her to go around draped in black when I die. Soceity makes too much of death and grieving – people seem to feel, well – guilty – if they don’t grieve – and it’s getting worse (Lady Di; people putting flowers/teddys at crash sites etc.)

    Moehat. :lol: Cheer up mate. There must be many things you enjoy. Racing, food, drink, football, watching telly, cinema, reading, sleeping etc.? Whatever it is, just be grateful you exist and can still indulge in whatever cheers you up. There’s no point in waiting until you’re in your last days, bed-bound, fading fast and unable to do anything for yourself and then realising that you should have appreciated your life when you were able to.

    • Total Posts 17716

    I’m Bruce Lee I’m an American :lol:

    Irish/Scot/English mongrel I’m afraid

    Hate religious bigotry or racism

    Hate politics

    People I hate: If I was the president of the USA I’d most likely blow Israel and Palestine off the map in the same day. Don’t understand the attitudes to life either of them have.

    People I like: The Irish, best crack you will ever have.

    I want to be a Buddhist and come back as a horse, win the Epsom Derby and retire to stud when I’m a 3 years old.

    • Total Posts 9299

    I only drag around my Marley’s Ghost chains in the privacy of my own home [and head]. I doubt if anyone who meets me would ever think I was anything other than amazingly happy. It’s probably the Brummie upbringing; we have a rather bleak sense of humour, and look at the world in a negative sort of way, which makes us always pleasantly surprised at ‘not bad’ things happening. [err; Bruce Lee; I’m sorry but you can’t wish to be a Buddhist when you want to blow people to smithereens; they really won’t let you’re not even allowed to accidentally [sp] tread on an ant]

    Ugly Mare
    • Total Posts 1294

    hello Insomniac,
    thanks for replying and for your charitable expression.

    I think our loved ones will grieve in their own way regardless of what we try to instil in them before we are gone. I feel we must allow ourselves to do what we think is right.

    I see nothing wrong in showing grief either, even for those public figures we may have felt a rapport with in some way, – I was very touched by the Diana funeral and I think emotions expressed that day were very real for so many present, but I agree, life moves on and so should we.
    I did feel though that your post was not so much airing your views on life and death but rather, telling us all just how it is – no question. A bit too dogmatic to go unchallenged.

    Also, I don’t think it’s quite fair either to suggest that real poverty cannot exist in the West, which I think is what you were inferring.

    As for who you are, well, I am pleased to read that you are very much the optimist and seemingly content with your lot in life and prepared for come what may, and a touch of humour thrown in… this is something I’ve not noted before.
    I don’t wish to offend you as we are beginning to see another side, but as you are a frequent thread starter, they have always struck me previously as coming from someone who seemed to be verging on manic depression, so telling another member to ‘cheer up’ did seem a bit rich to me.

    Anyway, perhaps in the new year you might start a topic with a happier outlook Insomniac, I hope so.

    yours, condescendingly :)

    Avatar photoPompete
    • Total Posts 2390

    Blimley, most of this on here is beyond me and me CSE in Woodwork….

    ….the only thing I know about life and what may come after is that if this don’t get you toes tapping nothing will….You Can’t Stop The Beat[/url:rail5tde]

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5686

    I am a plop
    plops live above me
    plops live below me
    I am a plop

    Avatar photoTor mentor
    • Total Posts 262
    Ugly Mare
    • Total Posts 1294

    Blimley, most of this on here is beyond me and me CSE in Woodwork….

    ….the only thing I know about life and what may come after is that if this don’t get you toes tapping nothing will….You Can’t Stop The Beat[/url:2flt06bb]

    I’m afraid the moment I see Terry Wigon is the time I turn off…Pete..

    sorry :)

    very useful…woodwork…I expect it must keep your wife happy…
    new kitchen and all that?

    Avatar photoHimself
    • Total Posts 3777

    I’m a guy who just tries to be… himself ! :wink:

    Gambling Only Pays When You're Winning

    • Total Posts 2316

    Great posts, insomniac.

    • Total Posts 1453

    Thanks for your reply Ugly Mare. I shall try to start a few threads that do not relate to the EU / the spread of Islam / anti NewLabour. (Perhaps I need to stop reading The Spectator & Rod Liddle!)
    There is a lot for us in the (comparatively) rich west to enjoy in life. One thing being discussions on life in this forum.

    Avatar photoThe Ante-Post King
    • Total Posts 8695

    I’m a guy who just tries to be… himself ! :wink:

    A knowledgable yet modest man!Unlike me!

    I am a King who reigns the kingdom of Ante-Post,i walk my dogs on a Sunday morning,we usually cover about 4 miles of Gods Country (Derbys) before i stop for a brew at our highest point.We take in far reaching views of the Chatsworth estate from this isolated point and i appreciate having the ability to admire the changing seasons,i find this a most relaxing experience and a crucial way of allowing the stresses of Gambling to unwind!From this rocky knoll i have been known to raise my arms in the air and shout "I am the Ante-Post King and this is my Kingdom,nobody knows his horses like me"!! On one occassion a couple of mountain bikers appeared as i was preaching this and as they raced passed, shouted "F****n Weirdo"!

    Ugly Mare
    • Total Posts 1294

    Thanks for your reply Ugly Mare. I shall try to start a few threads that do not relate to the EU / the spread of Islam / anti NewLabour. (Perhaps I need to stop reading The Spectator & Rod Liddle!)
    There is a lot for us in the (comparatively) rich west to enjoy in life. One thing being discussions on life in this forum.

    …very true. You do alright Insomniac, take no notice of me, I’m sure you don’t that much anyway and it was meant to be a little gentle ribbing, so I’m sorry if you took it the wrong way there :)

    enjoy your Christmas and very best wishes for the New Year,

    all the best now,

    Avatar photoTor mentor
    • Total Posts 262

    … boo boo be do

    Avatar photoThe Ante-Post King
    • Total Posts 8695

    It might be fun if we posted a photo of ourselves on here.Doesn’t have to be a recent one.I know what some of you look like,people in the media like Rory,Prufrock and others through links to My Space etc.But not got a clue about most,so put up a mugshot :)

    I will start-one of these is me,taken a few years ago,mind.

    Fans of Emerson Lake and Palmer eh?

    Avatar photoHard Held
    • Total Posts 223

    I am a King who reigns the kingdom of Ante-Post,i walk my dogs on a Sunday morning,we usually cover about 4 miles of Gods Country (Derbys) before i stop for a brew at our highest point.We take in far reaching views of the Chatsworth estate from this isolated point and i appreciate having the ability to admire the changing seasons,i find this a most relaxing experience and a crucial way of allowing the stresses of Gambling to unwind!From this rocky knoll i have been known to raise my arms in the air and shout "I am the Ante-Post King and this is my Kingdom,nobody knows his horses like me"!! On one occassion a couple of mountain bikers appeared as i was preaching this and as they raced passed, shouted "F****n Weirdo"!


    Avatar photoTor mentor
    • Total Posts 262


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