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  • #131446
    Avatar photolekha85
    • Total Posts 330

    Bit of an old one but ‘Stealing Beauty’ is a work of genius.

    Even better, go to blockbuster and rent one of their box sets. Try and get through a series of House in a week – it’s quite a challenge!

    Avatar photorory
    • Total Posts 2685

    My friend Damien speaks very highly of a film called "Saucy Sue and the Whopper Choppers" but I’ve yet to find a Blockbuster who stock it. Pity, as I like bikes from the ’70’s.

    Kingston Town
    • Total Posts 1049

    So what did you watch in the end Crizzy? 8)

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    Even better, go to blockbuster and rent one of their box sets. Try and get through a series of House in a week – it’s quite a challenge!

    Mrs Column is trying the self same feat with the complete box set of Jeeves and Wooster at present. It shouldn’t take her as long as all the Poirots, which is a bit of a pity with another three and a half months to go before her birthday…


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    Kingston Town
    • Total Posts 1049

    How about To Serve Them All My Days box set for Mrs GC?
    Or the compete Inspector Morse or Midsomer Murders? They’re great they are! What else? hmmmm oh yes Inspector Maigret? :D

    • Total Posts 788

    Hi KT,
    I think I watched Ocean’s 13!! :D Very entertaining too.

    Kingston Town
    • Total Posts 1049

    I saw a preview of that with George Clooney, it was pretty funny, I think I might watch it myself! :D

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    How about To Serve Them All My Days box set for Mrs GC?
    Or the compete Inspector Morse or Midsomer Murders? They’re great they are! What else? hmmmm oh yes Inspector Maigret? :D

    All possibilities, certainly, though I don’t know if she’s followed these as rigourously in the past.

    We still have two seasons of Family Guy to mow through if all else fails. Quality fare!


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 1453

    Apparently No Country For Old Men is going to win numerous Oscars. But I saw it and thought it was spilt by an abysmal ending; bathetic. A good film ruined by a totally sh*tty ending. A bit like having great foreplay and then having to stick your todger in an ice bucket.
    Anyone else seen it? What did you reckon ?

    • Total Posts 9300

    live in Derby and decent films just pass us by [we have to go to Nottingham to see anything decent] but did want to see this film – having just watched my last Guillermo del Torro film I now want to start on the Coen Bros – maybe you need to have seen more of their films…saw The Man Who Didn’t Exist on telly the other week and that was pretty wierd…

    • Total Posts 1453

    I’ve seen some of their films Moe (Big Lebowski, Fargo, Miller’s Crossing, Raising Arizona) and enjoyed them. Was enjoying this until such the disappointing, deeply cr@p ending. If they’ve made other films that have similar endings it doesn’t alter the fact that it’s still a cr@p ending. Call it art, call it style, call it "genre" – it stunk. A bad ending by any other name is still a bad ending. Maybe the book on which it is based is to blame – but it’s still a cr@p ending.
    Perhaps there should be an award of some sort for the most disappointing, bathetic, toss-pot, anti-climax ending. This would be a shoo-in – with Into The Wild in 2nd place.

    Avatar photoMaxilon 5
    • Total Posts 2432

    I’m seeing this Sunday afters, Insomniac, so I’ll report back on Monday.

    I’ve heard some good reports – but it must be dodgy to inspire such anger. (I felt a lot like that after "Casino Royale", to the point where I’ll be missing my first Bond film whilst the yobbish, ape-like Mr Craig has the keys to the Vantage)

    Moe, my favourite has to be "Barton Fink" . An absolute classic.

    • Total Posts 9300

    have just watched the last Pirates film – thank goodness I saw it on video and not at the cinema – think films are just getting to be special effects fests, surely lessons were learned after the last bout of Star Wars films. Last night I watched ‘The Cave of the Yellow Dog’, made by the same lady who did ‘The Story of the Weeping Camel’. The films just consisted of two nomadic people in Mongolia, their livestock, their 3 young children and a little dog that came to live with them….it lasted for about 90 minutes and I was mesmerised…about to start on Tideland by Terry Gilliam and then The Spirit of the Beehive if it’s not too scary….don’t know how I ever found time to work!!!

    An Capall
    • Total Posts 6

    I went to see NCFOM last night. Very, very overrated. Some good moments of well crafted dialogue but not enough to save it. As for the ending; see above.

    • Total Posts 9300

    There was an article in The Observer about scary films, and the guy who wrote it gave a list of 5 films one of which was Pans, apart from the bit with the man with no eyes I didn’t find that too scary at all. However, it freaks me out if The Exorcist is on the telly, even if the telly isn’t on [a film that my son finds funny], and I never dared to watch Blair Witch Project because I used to spend a lot of time in fields at night on my own feeding my old horse. I saw The Orphanage at the weekend, spending a lot of time with my head buried in a pillow and was ok last night, but tonight everyone seems to have gone away and I’m feeling just a tad creepy and hope very much that we don’t have a power cut. I just wondered what films other people find scary [or do blokes not get scared?]

    Avatar photoAndrew Hughes
    • Total Posts 1904

    I don’t watch scary films – they’re scary.

    I usually find the name Richard Curtis associated with a film can bring me out in a cold sweat, but I don’t expect that’s what you’re looking for.

    Ugly Mare
    • Total Posts 1294

    Something to cuddle up with on a lonely evening, I recommend:-

    Driller Killer [1979]
    I Spit on your Grave – [aka Day of the Woman [1978]

    …I guarantee, you’ll never be quite the same again :)

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