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  • #372573
    Avatar photothehorsesmouth
    • Total Posts 5577

    The Good, The Bad And The Ugly is on tonight on TG4, typically brilliant performance from Clint Eastwood, backed up by the excellent Lee Van Cleef and Eli Wallach.

    Avatar photoEmmyK
    • Total Posts 166

    Missed Precious at the cinema and keep forgetting to get it on dvd. I think you’s be impressed with Tyrannosaur, Emmy. Couldn’t get into the Wind that Shakes the Barley..will try to give it another go. Going to a talk by Ken Loach in a couple of weeks; very much looking forward to it.

    Precious is stunning! My housemates boyfriend finds it hilarious howmuch i cry at it though. "Em, stop that now you’ll get dehydrated" was said the last time i watched it! It’s stunning, but pretty emotionally grueling.

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    American History X is one fo the greatest films ever made and I’m yet to meet anyody who has seen it and doesn’t feel the same way.

    A truly outstanding acting performance from the always excellent Ed Norton.


    It is a great film but best ever? That is a bit of a claim! I preferred "This is England". "La Haine" is a really great French film, it’s title translate to "Hatred" in English.

    For a bit of comedy inserted into the grimy realism I’d go for "Twin Town", the Ifans brothers are sublime!

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    blade runner
    once upon a time in the west
    deadmans shoes
    get carter
    the third man

    Avatar photoMr. Pilsen
    • Total Posts 1684

    Sexy Beast

    is on Film 4 tonight at 11.55. well worth watching or recording. Sky 315 Virgin 428 Freeview 15

    Avatar photoMr. Pilsen
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    Avatar photojbale
    • Total Posts 841

    Django Unchained – best film I’ve watched in a long time.

    • Total Posts 9300

    I loved the first half but found it dragged a bit in the middle; like a lot of films it was at least half an hour too long. It didn’t help that we had to go to a late showing which was way past my bedtime. Pleased that the German guy won an Oscar; he certainly deserved it.

    Avatar photojbale
    • Total Posts 841

    Concur, a brilliant film with a brilliant storyline but did go a bit flat when DiCaprio’s character got involved.

    Favourite Christmas films:

    Love Actually
    A Christmas Carol

    • Total Posts 9300

    One of my favourite films of the past year has been Zero Dark Thirty; it was mesmerising. Can’t wait to see the next Hunger Games. Went to see the Mary Poppins film last night [and cried] which at least proves I have quite diverse tastes in movies

    . The Ku Klux Clan scene in Django was brilliant!

    Avatar photojbale
    • Total Posts 841

    Zero Dark Thirty was a great watch, interesting to know how they got the intelligence and how much blood, sweat and tears went into getting him. Also didn’t realise how close to failure they were with one of the choppers going down.

    Argo was another great watch and also interesting, who would of thought the CIA would use a film as a cover story to get Americans out of Iran during the embassy siege.

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    I was a bit underwhelmed by Argo and then, to add insult to injury it beat Life of Pi at the Oscars :cry:

    Avatar photothehorsesmouth
    • Total Posts 5577

    Strange you say that Moe as I was a bit underwhelmed by Life Of Pi.

    Really enjoyed Zero Dark Thirty and Argo.

    Have yet to see the second Hobbit and Hunger Games films but the first films didn’t compare well with the books, as is so often the case :(

    Really looking forward to this Lone Survivor film due out next month, has received a lot of hype.

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    Just got a message from a friend who saw The Hobbit tonight and she loved it, so it looks as if I’ll have to see it. I saw The Hunger Games before I read the book, and couldn’t believe how gripped I was reading it even though I knew what would happen. Jennifer Lawrence is my favourite actress and I can watch her in anything. Mark Kermode has given the second film a good review; I read part of the book but didn’t want to ruin the film by reading all of it. Strangely enough got chatting to someone in Ilkeston [as you do] who told me that Jays actually do mimic sounds and that he has one in the wood near his house that wolf whistles people that walk past [you learn something every day]. Perhaps I’m going through a second adolescence cause I’m watching The Twilight Saga films as well! Life of Pi is almost at the top of the list of my favourite films. The S.O. hated every moment of it :(

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    ….is Lone Survivor the Robert Redford film?

    Avatar photothehorsesmouth
    • Total Posts 5577

    No it stars Mark Wahlberg. I read somewhere that it’s the best war film since Saving Private Ryan so here’s hoping anyway… Here’s the trailer:

    Going to see The Hobbit tomorrow I think. I don’t know what it was about the first one but it didn’t come close to The Lord Of The Rings for me, maybe it’s just not as good a story, but I loved the book.

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    Just not enough of a book to make three films out of. Strange to think that I grew up close to Edgbaston Reservoir which much of Middle Earth was based on. If only I’d known at the time.

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