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Vaccine passports

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  • #1571326
    • Total Posts 9289

    Darren. There are ‘no’ people in hospital with omicron because it’s only just arrived in this country and most people aren’t hospitalised until the second / third week. That’s what I find so frightening about the virus. You think you’re ok and then, in the second week can go one way or another.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Sorry for being sarcastic Darren, but you’re infuriating at times.
    Almost as infuriating as I can be.

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 2553

    Surprised you spend so much time on this, Ginge, nobody ever changes their opinion.

    I trust you’re not getting into bother with the lovely Shirl for wasting time on this, time that could be better spent playing footsie or sumink :bye:

    • Total Posts 2553

    Oh I forgot. Davies has told you not to reply, and some of you have obeyed!

    Spineless …ts

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Spot on Moehat.
    For Omicron the scientists are looking at how it has spread in South Africa, where it was first reported.
    Trouble with South Africa is it’s population is very different to the UK and / or Europe. Having far fewer over 65’s than we do – and it’s the over 65’s who are most in danger of this virus. So it is not as simple as just looking at basic transmitability and / or overall death count in SA. Because they are not easily transferable to Europe. It’s an inexact science.

    Chances are UK and Europe will have a lot more severe Omicron cases and deaths than South Africa. As Moehat says, Waiting the two or three weeks needed for definite knowledge of how many will be hospitalised and / or die here will most likely be too late. Hospitals could be overrun with covid cases.

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 2553

    Jeez, some people take anything they are told as gospel. Sad.

    • Total Posts 2553

    I think Corm should have a separate forum for Covid Crap and let the lounge go back to what it was intended for :yes:

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    “entitled, middle class people staying at home in their large houses and nice gardens while working class people delivered things to them.”

    Yes, sounds a lot like the Labour party.”

    Quite. The fact that the Left has enthusiastically supported all of this from the outset – despite the poor people they are supposed to care about being the most disadvantaged – exposes them for what they are. Posturing hypocrites who only care about creating an authoritarian state.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Shirley is in bed asleep for her 5:30 start, Tank.
    Not that it’s any of your business.

    Told you before. It’s not about changing your views. It’s about trying to ensure others don’t listen to fake news, conspiracy theories and just wrong or misleading information on here. Trying to prevent them from making the same decisions you’ve made – that they may pay the ultimate price for believing you.

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 9289

    But middle class people work, too. They just do different sorts of work. We’re all working class, at least till we’re retired. Then we’re just useless members of society castigated for living in houses that are too big for us. If you class electricians, joiners etc as working class, most of the ones I know earn far more than the white collar workers that I know and have far more job security. I do wonder, given that some people on here seem to regard others on here as sheep like ‘yes’ men, if they actually write to MP’s, go on protest marches etc etc

    • Total Posts 2553

    But the people who don’t think that it’s fake information won’t change their opinion, Ginge, no matter what you post. Can you not see that?

    • Total Posts 2553

    It’s you that posts a load of nonsense. You will realize that, eventually

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I like living in a house that is too big for me, moehat.

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    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Good point Moehat.
    Although suppose the point is Labour often portray themselves as “working class” but are rapidly becoming the party of the Middle class. That’s if anyone believes in class anymore, I don’t. As a supposedly working class ex-carpet fitter have worked for the rich and famous and also the poorest and many professions and none. There are good and bad people in every class and / or profession. We are all equal. Seems these days only the Labour Party wants us to believe in Class. They would, it’s in their best interests if we did feel it’s them and us..

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13202

    Tank, despite all the evidence that’s given by people who have spent
    most of theor lives studying, you expect people to change their view
    for no other reason that you think there is some big cospiracy to
    do, well, whatever you think they are going to do. If you don’t believe
    in the scientists/doctors etc that tell us what they believe is the right
    way to go then I respect your honestly held opinion, I just don’t agree
    with it. I don’t see any evidence to believe in it.

    You think if people don’t see what you think and change their minds they
    are idiots, but it’s just as easy to turn it the other way round. It’s
    never going to be settled when we both have strong views on this, so
    all this bed wetters, sheep etc is a bit silly. You are not alone in
    what you believe, I see people out protesting, and even though they are
    in the minority they are entitled to beleive what they believe. All I’m
    asking is that we dont keep kicking each other in the goolies because we
    don’t agree. Is that possible :unsure:

    Red Rum 77
    • Total Posts 4740

    Very self righteous of you, Tank. You’re incorrigible.

    The best things in life are free.
    But you can give them to the birds and bees.

    • Total Posts 2553

    Good post, BigG. I’m not trying to change anyone’s opinion – as I’ve stated many times that people never change their opinion on forums and social media.
    I do state my opinion and defend it but I’m not as desperate as Ginge, who seems to think it’s some sort of battle that he must ALWAYS have the last word in.

    I really do think that a separate forum for Covid would be a good idea and one that I’d steer clear of, or try my very best to 😉

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