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Vaccine passports

Home Forums Lounge Vaccine passports

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  • #1569140
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Covid in Africa hasn’t “practically disappeared”, deaths have largely remained low and scientists are not “baffled”.

    Low covid testing rates mean a larger number of deaths than official death reports – although this is probably a lesser reason than some believe.

    Population of over 65’s is just 3%, compared to around 19% in the uk.

    Over 65’s they do have are largely living with families rather than with other elderly in rest / nursing homes.

    55% of its population live in rural areas compared to 16% in the uk. South Africa having by far the worst of Covid in Africa an outlier at 30%.

    Population working more outside and – at least in rural areas – living in houses with outside airflow rather than enclosed. Little in the way of air conditioning in most countries…

    We know in Europe covid rates go up in winter. Africa is a warmer continent and sunlight may be a factor. Vitamin D is currently being investigated.

    Populated areas are more isolated and people are far less likely to move between populated areas.

    Just some of the reasons explained in the above report.

    Hopefully the new variant won’t change things.

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 9289

    It’s all very complicated isn’t it. And a lot of people seem to have really conflicting ideas eg the friend of a friend who won’t have a covid vaccine but is happy to have Botox on a regular basis. Someone of Facebook that is anti vaccine and anti mask (it ‘dehumanises’ people: I pointed out that part of being human was consideration for those around us but she didn’t get it), is pro life but pro gun. Covid has become so political as well and treatments and safety measures are marred by cultural and social values.I know that taking any drug can be dangerous: some people are allergic to paracetamol and a friend of mine nearly died from taking ibuprofen (stomach ulcer, had to be put into an induced coma which she still hasn’t recovered from totally). My grandson was booked in for a vaccine soon after having covid and we cancelled because we felt it was too soon after having the virus and there was too much going on in his body. He will have it, though. I agree that we shouldn’t blindly follow what the medical profession advise us but do our own research and throw in some common sense. But the thing that puzzles me more than anything is the argument against mask wearing because what is the problem with doing something so simple that could actually prevent someone from being ill? I mean, we’re all in this together aren’t we.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    The Great British public unfortunately Moe, they make tv programmes out of them
    I’m still scratching my head at the 1st lockdown when all of a sudden the parks which had been pretty empty for years on end starting getting choke a bloc and all because people have to do the opposite to what they are being told in order to puff their chest out and say “you can’t tell me what to do”

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    • Total Posts 2553

    Scratch no more, Nathan… People were on furlough and cooped up in the house all day except for an hour (I think it was) to exercise. Not really a surprise that the parks were packed.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    ‘Going back to covid and not flu, how can your immune system protect you from a novel virus that your immune system doesn’t recognise?’

    Moe Allow me to answer for Tank as he seems reluctant. Obviously his immune system is unprepared for the virus and yes he takes that higher risk by rejecting vaccines. He also ignores his civic duty and is prepared to put others more at risk. If he does get Covid and is in a poor way – I cannot see him refusing a National Health bed and further clogging the system.

    My question to Tank Ricky and Corky is this. As unvaccinated persons by choice, if you were to now contract Covid and became in a bad way, would you refuse a National Health bed and be prepared to risk death at home ?

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    My question is simpler than Moe’s. Come on fellas let’s be having you. Who’ll be the first up ?

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I am not opposed to vaccines, Gamble. My argument is with vaccine passports, lockdowns etc.

    If you are implying anyone unvaccinated should be denied treatment, what about boozers, drug users, smokers, people who stuff themselves with fast food etc? Where does it end?

    If you have paid in (and even if you have not) you are entitled to treatment.

    • Total Posts 9289

    But if we all had the vaccine (unless there’s a medical reason for not having it) there would be no need for vaccine passports.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Fair enough Corky you are not opposed to vaccines and inasmuch you are exonerated from my enquiry and thank you for answering so promptly. I believe you have as much of a moral entitlement to a National Health bed as the next vaccinated person. Yes you are entitled to treatment and Tank and Ricky even as unvaccinated are also entitled. I am just asking them if they would accept that entitlement and take space up in an ordinary or intensive care ward (ICU) or fight the virus more dangerously at home without oxygen and free up the bed for others. A very fairly asked and simple question of yes or no.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    tbh I don’t think it is a fair question either, gamble.
    We all make mistakes and if Tank or Ricky or any anti-vaxer ends up needing treatment in hospital we should not put doubts in their minds that they somehow don’t deserve treatment. I am a diabetic who in earlier life ate too much sugar, Should I consider not getting NHS help? If enough people asked me whether I was going to refuse treatment then I may feel too guilty to seek help.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    I guess that makes sense Tank although I’m anti social to a degree and wouldn’t see the fun in a fully packed park in the early-ish stage of a pandemic.

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    • Total Posts 9289

    But your sugar eating didn’t put anyone else at risk did it? And I know people that have led the healthiest lifestyles possible but have diabetes.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Well if having a hypo while driving my car with passengers then yes it could.
    But fair point Moe. :good:

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Even so Moe,
    Everyone makes mistakes.
    …And even murderers have the right to health care.
    If anti-vaxers don’t deserve health care then where does / should it end?

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    I think you are being far too sensitive Ginger. I don’t think Ricky or Tank would welcome you suggesting they are mistaken in their beliefs in rejecting vaccination. Your diabetes ‘ mistreatment’ in early life only affected your health so unlike the decision to get immunised against Covid which affects others obviously people have weaknesses I am not suggesting they be punished. I think your example is a poor analogy.

    I have accepted that both Ricky and Tank have legitimate rights to beds. I just want to know if they would accept them readily.

    P.s. I am quite busy with preparing food and phone calls so posts take me a while to write meaning I am not up to date and have only just read the posts after Ginger’s.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    You know exactly what you’re doing gamble.
    Wanting to know “if they (Ricky and Tank) would accept them readily” is a way of implying there is a good reason why they should not.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6004
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