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  • #308722
    • Total Posts 17716

    Please don’t use the Daily Lays And Plays as a bin for Pocket Talk. Too much will put me off using it.

    May be the answer is have a "Pocket Talk" thread inside of this section, so everyone can put their grievance in the one thread. Would that keep everyone happy?

    Hmm. I can see your point, and sympathise.

    The only problem is that these chaps don’t feel that what they are doing is "Pocket Talk": at the instant they allow their fingers to trickle over their


    , they believe they are dispensing fountains of objective truth. So they wouldn’t, alas, use the receptacle provided.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33016

    It’s the language you use that’s the problem Matthew.
    It does not strike me as "fun", just aggressive.

    Although I sometimes don’t understand Pinza’s language, do enjoy his posts, may be because of it. Think there’s more anti-snobbery than snobbery around these days. He certainly should not appologise for being an intellectual (is that how you spell it).

    A bit of self deprocating humour goes a long way. :wink:

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 17716

    A bit of self deprecating humour goes a long way.

    Indeed it does. And I fear that dear


    has failed to see the self-mockery that poor Pinza employs in his conspicuously ostentatious utilization of polysyllabic clotted cream.

    To quote Andre Gide, I’ve always thought of myself as someone who was just intelligent enough to know he was stupid….

    Meanwhile, I thank you Ginger for your kind words!

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33016

    I’ve had run ins with Ken too. Takes a while to get used to his sarcasm. At least, that’s what I think it is. :wink:

    We all say things that can be taken wrongly (or rightly).

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33016

    A bit of self deprecating humour goes a long way.

    Indeed it does. And I fear that dear


    has failed to see the self-mockery that poor Pinza employs in his conspicuously ostentatious utilization of polysyllabic clotted cream.

    To quote Andre Gide, I’ve always thought of myself as someone who was just intelligent enough to know he was stupid….

    Meanwhile, I thank you Ginger for your kind words!

    Were you the script writer for The Good Olde Days Pinza?

    Nobody realises when you’re using self deprocating humour Pinza, it goes over our heads. :(

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoMatthew01
    • Total Posts 1083

    Extremely unfair all this but tomorrows another day.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33016

    Tomorrow is today. Better get some sleep for 6 days of going racing and study. What a week Godwood is!

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 17716

    Were you the script writer for The Good Olde Days Pinza?

    Alas I must answer in the negative: my rhetorical endowments do not approach within a gnat’s crotchet of those egregiously ornate curlicues of the late, and very much lamented, Mr Leonard Sachs, quondam Martyr of Notting Hill.

    Nor can I claim to personally remember the 1913 Derby, though I somehow feel I was there in spirit….

    • Total Posts 17716

    What a week Goodwood is!

    … and with the beloved Dandino going for the Gordon Stakes on Tuesday, to see whether he’s really Group class or not, sleep’s not going to be easy.

    • Total Posts 11

    Ok, I don’t post often, but I love to read the posts on here, and in general I think it is fine the way it is. I ignore the posts I don’t want to read, and skip quickly over some of the less interesting ones. However, most of the established members have interesting, valid and informative views that I enjoy reading (I work nights, it passes the time…)and I would not want them to change.

    All forums have their good and bad points, but as a (relative) newbie on here, I would like you all to know that you make this females night shifts whizz by !

    • Total Posts 416

    Talk about give a dog a bad name, not for the first time in recent weeks, I’ve been accused of being sarcastic in some of my ripostes.
    Sadly, and to some extent I blame myself for not including an addendum to each of my posts explaining the meaning and purpose of the phraseology intended, it would appear that some members have taken my writings far too personally and suffered great distress as a result. Let me make it quite clear to all concerned….no personal vindictiveness has ever been behind anything I have ever written on here.
    It has never been my intent to hurt anyone on this forum, mainly because for all intents and purposes I am simply reading and writing words on a computer screen and not actually in a person to person relationship. I can reflect on my life and truthfully admit that I have never ever intentionally hurt anyone whatsoever. It is just not in my character to do so.
    For sure I can express barbed comments but is that a great crime? I agree that acerbic wit can be cruel besides showing criticism in a way that is cleverly constructed. I cannot change my style of writing though. When I read a thread/post I cannot ignore writing a response for fear that someone might misinterpret the meaning/humour/intent behind the words.
    Believe it or not, sometimes I have been known to just write a serious and no-nonsense post. However, perhaps my more recent so-called ‘sarcastic’ posts have been as a direct response to the, similarly more recent, flavour attached to certain threads.
    It’s unfortunate that sarcasm has such a bad name. Quote:- Sarcasm: Understanding the subtlety of this usage requires second-order interpretation of the speaker’s intentions. This sophisticated understanding is lacking in some people.
    But, I suppose the bottom line for me is that, and taking into account all the troubles existing in the World today, though I care about the well-being of the forum, if one or two people feel miffed that I’ve discredited their inane ramblings then so be it. Personally, I don’t give a …. It’s not for me to change guys, start writing threads with merit and substance and you’ll not give me cause to challenge them.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33016

    I’ve had run ins with Ken too. Takes a while to get used to his sarcasm. At least, that’s what I think it is. :wink:

    We all say things that can be taken wrongly (or rightly).

    Calm down Ken,

    I was merely trying to point out to Matthew that I have had run ins with you in the past. Taken something you’ve said badly. But having seen many more of your posts, I now understand it was probably your dry wit that got me so hot under the colar and I should not have taken it so literally.

    Do think it takes us all time to get used to the way individual people post their messages.

    There is nothing wrong with sarcasm Ken. :wink:

    As my original post says, it’s easy to take a post wrongly. :lol:

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 416

    Matthew wrote…….Without dwelling on this anymore, can I also add that Ken (conundrum) can be overly insulting at times, whilst it may come across to some as Tongue in cheek, there’s others that find him patronising and generally rude.
    I’m quite tolerant to his vengeance against me but I’m very surprised it’s allowed to continue being so persistent.

    Matthew also wrote….You take things too seriously Pinza relax, it’s an Internet forum not life or death.

    Now, forgive me for suggesting this Matthew, but there does seem to be something of a contradiction in your two statements. This is exactly what I find so infuriating about your posts. One minute you’re slagging a jockey and the next you’re praising him to the Heavens. It’s as if you have a dual personality.
    As for your second paragraph above, this takes me back to my schooldays when the teacher’s pet would always be snitching on me, "Please Miss, Ken has just got his willy out."
    Those were the days.

    • Total Posts 416

    Cheers Gingertipster. You are in a class of your own and I wouldn’t dream of criticising you….but then on second thoughts….
    Have a good day.
    p.s. You have a good day also, Matthew.

    Avatar photoSeven Towers
    • Total Posts 608

    This seems to happen every summer on here, people start arguing with each other and talking about the forum itself and the people on it rather than the horse racing.

    Come November we’ll all be back on track. It seems as though the NH season generates more passionate debate about the racing and races itself rather than what Ken or Pinza or Racing for Change say about any particular subject. (No slight intended to either Ken or Pinza, they just seem to have been having to come on here and defend themselves recently which seems a little unfair.)

    Come November we’ll all be talking about the Tingle Creek, the King George etc and we won’t give a rats ‘ss about who said what to whom and in what tone it was taken.

    I’m not trying to set up another interminable Flat vs Jumps argument either. This year I have managed to sustain my interest in flat racing thus far partially thanks to the competition on here and I’ve been thoroughly enjoying some of the flat action. Which for an avowed twig hopper is some statement to make!

    Lets all give each other an empowering group hug and allow this thread to be shunted into the lounge where it belongs and get on with the business of discussing Horse Racing as the Forum section title denotes.

    Avatar photoPompete
    • Total Posts 2390




    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33016

    Cheers Gingertipster.

    You are in a class of your own

    and I wouldn’t dream of criticising you….but then on second thoughts….
    Have a good day.
    p.s. You have a good day also, Matthew.

    Sitting in a corner wearing the dunce’s cap. :lol:

    This is not aimed at anyone in particular but:
    Do think if someone who criticises anyone strongly (such as a jockey, trainer, racing personality etc) they should expect a strong defence of that person by others. And not get miffed when that happens. Why should it be o.k. for a member to run a non member down, without having their post scrutenised?

    Value Is Everything
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