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Rishi Persad – what’s the point!

Home Forums Horse Racing Rishi Persad – what’s the point!

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  • #1553048
    • Total Posts 434

    First thing he says to the out of breath jockey who has just finished the race. How are you feeling now?
    To someone in the clubhouse after their round of golf. How are you feeling now?
    The winner of a Wimbledon tennis match just before they walk off court. How are you feeling now?

    Is it worth him being there? Just how did he get to performing all these interviews for different sports? Diversity over ability? Which equals no quality. See how the BBC has gone down the pan with this strategy.
    Someone is looking after him!

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    I thought it had been about a month since one of these threads popped up!


    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    It is a mystery. One of his interviews with Roger Federer at Wimbledon was excruciating. He asked a question Federer clearly did not understand and then asked it again, with the same response.

    Still, he gets to go to all the race meetings and to Wimbledon and the golf, so I doubt he cares what anyone on this forum thinks of him!

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Interviews – at least on terrestrial TV – are there for “human interest”, ie not really done for us true racing enthusiast’s benefit; or indeed the true tennis or golf enthusiast. imo Rishi does just as good a job as anyone at that type of interview. tbh I quite like him as a presenter and feel he gets more criticism than he deserves – for whatever reason whether that’s unconscious bias or not. Terrestrial TV need to attract a different crowd, hence the simpler questions – get over it. Once realising questions don’t need to be asked for your benefit… it’ll no longer get to you. :yes:

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Don’t get me wrong, being a member of an ethnic minority has been no stroll in the Park in the UK historically, and it’s often not much fun to this day.

    BUT, if you were in the right place at the right time and timed your job application just at the point when the BBC first went on a manic positive discrimination campaign it can work for you.

    Rishi Persad is living proof of this.

    I’m sure he’s a nice enough guy, but not one iota of independent insight – or indeed talent – have I ever detected in the fella.

    Mind you, I could say the same about plenty of the white presenters to be fair.

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    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    All those post-race jockey interviews are pretty lame regardless of who is doing them – “Tell me what that means etc?” and the answer is usually pretty much the same as the last one. Tedious and unnecessary but, as GT says, it’s not aimed at me and I don’t have to listen, so I usually don’t (unless it’s Chapman trying to interview Ryan Moore, which is sometimes a bit more entertaining).

    Nothing against Rishi. There are certainly presenters who are a lot worse.

    • Total Posts 434

    Cork All Star, it was an excruciating few minutes. I detected Federer knew he was a poor limited interviewer and wasn’t going to make it easy for him.

    In all you wondered who’s benefit the interview was done for, I’d say Rishi’s not Roger’s. It just presented the opportunity for five minutes airtime for Rishi.

    • Total Posts 7667

    I agree with Tonge. Rishi is pretty rubbish, but you get others too saying “how does it feel?” and “what does that feel like?” etc. And its not just horse racing, I remember watching the snooker wold championship, and the replacement for Hazel spouting out the bleedin’ obvious lol.

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    You rarely get an insightful interview so soon after the action. Rishi is doing what he has been tasked to do just fine, and is no better or worse than countless other presenters.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Fair comment from Marlingford, tbh.

    In the highly unlikely event I ever owned a Derby winner (or any horse come to that) and someone stuck a microphone under my nose and asked me how I was feeling, my reply would be: “About £30 million wealthier that I was just over two and a half minutes ago. How are you feeling?”

    It’s a pointless cliched question, whoever poses it.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 268

    Dreadful decision to go down this Americanised ‘capture the moment’ route – can’t quite remember exactly when they adopted it here. So much preferable as it was – allow the rider to have his post race discussions with connections, and to weigh in. Then, in a calmer light, he comes into the presenters box and discusses the race as a replay is shown. The said rider would also by this time be in a more informed position to give news on any future plans.

    • Total Posts 434

    Yes to be fair that is true Marlingford. The win would not have sunk in so soon and until its all been digested by the winner, they can’t say as much as they could except ‘they are happy’!
    It’s very confusing though how he keeps popping up in a variety of sports if he is nothing special, though some obviously thinks he is.
    I am sure there are people ‘looking after him’ more than others because he ticks a box in today’s climate.

    Yes I agree Ian. I find it lazy interviewing asking those few words and sitting back and letting the interviewee waffle as they cough all emotions still coming to the surface.

    Yes Cancello, just because other countries interview right after the race doesn’t make them correct in doing it. They would get so much more out of the winners if they left it a bit for it to sink in.

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    When it comes to the immediate post-race interview, Persad is no worse than Chapman, Grassick or Oli “Put it into words” Bell.

    The fact that he is just a terrible presenter full stop is an altogether different matter. But he is not the only one on the racing scene.

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    Haha, yeah “put it in to words” Ollie. Good shout. In fairness to Chappers he is the only one who really actually tries to get anything meaningful. Usually to no avail.


    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    I remember one of the top jockeys years ago saying how special it was to have that quiet few moments after crossing the line after a big win, when it’s just you and the horse, before the media circus kicks in. I think of this every time I see somebody dashing towards horse & rider with a microphone. Sad that now all they’ll be thinking now is how they can answer some banal and pointless question.

    • Total Posts 434

    Yes Tonge. It won’t be long before jockeys decline interviews citing mental health issues. Other sports starts have started doing it. Perhaps they should all say no to interviews and quite right after a win they need to collect their thoughts. I am sure life will go on if a jockey is left alone for the first five minutes.
    Be good if sport stars not just racing say will speak later rather than journalists being in their faces.

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6004

    Hope so, as ceasing interviews conducted by the anodyne with the monosyllabic would do my mental health a power of good too

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