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Ready for Rishi? 2022-???? (There’s no telling with this lot)

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  • #1634756
    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Chezza’s only just adjusted to the realisation Charlie can be a female name as well as a male one – a third use for it is too much for Chezza to take on board.

    Is it some form of biscuit?

    A biscuit labelled “Produce Of Colombia,” perhaps?

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    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

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    A very finely ground biscuit yes, and even more addictive than Fox’s finest.

    Chezza obviously didn’t watch the BBC’s garden makeover series Ground Force in the 90s if he’s only now adjusting to Charlie being a female name.

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Charlie Dimmock … Wasn’t she famous for a couple of things …

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
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    There saying he got it as they didn’t have to properly to check and validate individuals , they also only expected to come 3rd , it still amazes me you can don’t need to any qualifications to become a MP

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    “Chezza obviously didn’t watch the BBC’s garden makeover series Ground Force in the 90s”

    Chezza’s only recollection of TV in the 1990s was enjoying “Seinfeld” and thinking Gillian Anderson was cute in “The X-Files,” both on BBC2, so Richard is obviously spot on.

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    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

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    I’d say you made the right call with Anderson.

    Back on topic and a wholly predictable by-election victory for Labour. I don’t think we’ve learned anything we didn’t already know.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    The result was no surprise. Turn out was around the 35% mark.

    I know the constituency well. It used to form part of the old Ormskirk constituency, before it was abolished in 1983. The village where I grew up was in it but is not in the new West Lancashire seat.

    The area used to be classic marginal seat territory until the early 90s but is safe for Labour now. The student vote from Edge Hill university and migration of people from Liverpool means it is unlikely to go back to the Conservatives any time soon.

    The old Ormskirk seat had some high profile MPs. It was where Harold Wilson started his parliamentary career before moving to Huyton. The last MP for the constituency was Robert Kilroy Silk, later to find fame as a daytime television host before a brief and humiliating return to politics as leader of the short lived Veritas party.

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    I wonder if O’Mara got some sort of sympathy vote because he was disabled? Hope I’m not offending anyone by saying that: certainly don’t mean to. But it did cross my mind at the time. He seems to be a deeply troubled individual.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    O’Mara benefited from the student vote against Nick Clegg.

    I feel sorry for his constituents, especially those who did not vote for him. In effect they were without an MP for two years.

    You do have to wonder how on earth was he chosen. His fellow defendant claimed it was an open secret he was a cokehead.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    “What is a recession and how could it affect me?”

    Another BBC News dumbed-down Classic in an era when anyone who didn’t already know could google “What is a recession?” anyway.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
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    Avatar photoCork All Star
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    Rachel Reeves has admitted the selection process in Sheffield Hallam was flawed and O’Mara should not have been chosen as a candidate, still less ever been an MP.

    She then said there were lessons to be learned for all the parties in how they select their candidates. Erm, no I don’t think so Ms Reeves. Only your party thought it was a good idea to choose a social misfit cokehead. The briefest of searches on his social media history should have ruled him out.

    The narrative being spun – he was only chosen because no one thought he would win – does not stand up to scrutiny. Clegg had a declining majority of just over 2,000 and was clearly unpopular with the student electorate. The seat was highly winnable and (given its incumbent) had a high profile. That should have made candidate selection even more important.

    No wonder Starmer has clearly decided to start imposing centrally vetted and approved candidates.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
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    Now that he has made enough money to buy a house and possibly found a safer constituency as well, perhaps he will attempt a comeback?

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    General Election Most Seats
    Labour 1.22
    Conservatives 5.5

    Overall Majority
    Labour 1.59
    No Overall Majority 3.55
    Conservatives 10

    Little change in the Most Seats market, but I’d say a combination of the prospect of a post-Sturgeon Labour resurgence in Scotland and a squeeze on the Tories from Reform UK is driving the odds of a Labour majority ever shorter.

    Right now, Starmer can purge Labour of people like Corbyn at centre-ground gain and little left-wing cost (left-wing Labour voters have no meaningful alternative), but any attempt at being moderate by Sunak could haemorrhage right-wing Tory support to Reform UK.

    Btw, to give credit where it’s due, Richard was asking on the forum why on Earth Labour weren’t odds-on favourites long before they even became market leaders.

    The Betfair market has been behind the lift in Labour fortunes all the way, my theory being many of the traders are Tory voters with an inbuilt sense of denial about what’s happening.

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    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    I don’t use exchanges, but I’ve taken the 9-1 about a Conservative majority. Never underestimate the power of the rightwing media… or the stupidity of the British public.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I totally hear you – and records are there to be broken – but a combination of that major adverse fiscal event John Curtice says no UK government has ever shrugged off at the next election and Starmer managing to do an even better “I Can’t Believe He’s Not Tory” impression than Blair performed on the run up to 1997, allied with the points I made above, makes me believe there’s no way back for the Tories this time.

    Rats desert a sinking ship, even The Sun (which has to claim it backed the eventual winner and influenced the result) told its readers to vote Labour on Election Day in 1997 and I can see that happening again this time at the death.

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    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoWilts
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    Latest poll from Redfield & Wilton

    Labour 51%
    Tories 24%
    Lib Dem 10%
    (Representative Sample 2000; date 18 Feb ’23)

    Sunak’s net approval rating is at minus 22%.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Getting rid of Johnson worked out well for the Conservatives, didn’t it? 😉

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