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Racing on BBC

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  • #251356
    • Total Posts 100

    Your pseudo intellectual rant is just an opportunity for you to air your prejudices and biases which disturbingly IMO are probably polar opposite ones to the ones you accuse the BBC of.

    There is nothing intellectual about it, pseudo or otherwise. It is a statement of fact:

    (Note what Andrew Marr, a Labour supporter and BBC stalwart, has to say)

    You, on the other hand, decide to conclude I am a racist because I point out the BBC’s obvious and oft-stated preoccupation with progressive and left-wing ideas such as multiculturalism, positive discrimination. To do that makes you appear rather a pseud. As for the others, the BBC’s own management declared itself biased to the liberal left some time ago:

    Racing was never going to fare well under this ‘liberal cultural bias’; pointing this obvious fact out does not make me racist or pseudo-intellectual.

    • Total Posts 591

    I’m back on now and don’t want to get too involved with the debate about the BBC’s intellectual bias – as a commmitted church going Christian, I see enough of it.

    However on Sunday, on what could be a really strong day for the BBC racing team we will only see two races on Terrestrial TV with the rest of the meeting on BBCi. This, no doubt, is due to the wonderful world of snooker and F1 being on. No other sport would see so much of it marginalised in this way.

    I am concerned that what the BBC does produce on the few weekends they televise next year, is for most of it to be on BBCi and only two or three races on BBC1 or, most likely, BBC2. This weekend sets the precedent and I hope is not a foretaste of what we will get in 2010 and beyond.

    • Total Posts 478

    Betting Boy you describe the people running the BBC as: "…… products of 1970s Marxoid university educations"
    Racing, to them, is the antithesis of all they purport to believe. They see it as something the Queen, her mother and aristos like……….. see racing as being ‘cruel’ and ‘exploitative’.
    ………… Because the BBC is completely obsessed with multiculturalism racing is also – YAWN – far too ‘hideously white’ for them. …….. in their eyes it’s too white, too rich and cruel to animals.
    ………….. They probably think that betting is a vice that needs to be stopped (while drug legalisation is always being endorsed through biased news reporting).
    …………find black, Asian, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender jockeys (preferably female) who are loud about it and damn good riders and the BBC will be back broadcasting racing…………………"

    To me this sounds like part of the well worn diatribe of the modern class war which gets nobody anywhere,in this case it is anti PC backlash that is as bad as the people who have given political correctness such a bad name and in this case bears no relation to why the BBC are reducing their coverage of racing IMO.

    Take everything as you find it especially people ,stick to the issue and avoid conspiracy theories,its hard but try not to pre-judge or pigeon hole people or issues or we’ll all end up in trenches and nothing will improve or get sorted….there is never a need to be wholly in one camp or the other.

    As for the allegation of ‘racism’…….sadly this important term has become an instant turn off and no more than cliched name calling through misuse. The effect of this is that the term as a description of behaviour or attitude doesn’t help or move anything forward anymore IMO therefore you won’t find that allegation in my post.

    As such I assess the BBC as I find it,programme by programme,employee by employee,day by day and I fail to recognise the agenda you describe.

    As for internal reports within the BBC about how biased it may or may not be?……..sounds like yet more wasting of tax payers money IMO.

    • Total Posts 17716

    There is nothing intellectual about it, pseudo or otherwise. It is a statement of fact:

    There’s a first time for everything: I never before heard anyone claim that any article in The Mail on Sunday was "a statement of fact".

    The particular "facts" in this farrago include the following piece of enlightenment:

    BBC executives admitted the corporation is dominated by homosexuals and people from ethnic minorities, deliberately promotes multiculturalism, is anti-American, anti-countryside and more sensitive to the feelings of Muslims than Christians.

    I’m scared: not by the BBC, but by the (true) fact that the Bettingboys of this world can be influenced by such rabble-rousing, poisonous tosh.

    • Total Posts 100

    Pinza spluttered:

    I’m scared: not by the BBC, but by the (true) fact that the Bettingboys of this world can be influenced by such rabble-rousing, poisonous tosh.

    The BBC reporting its own report is ‘poisonous tosh’ is it?

    You must be careful of rhetoric, Pinza. Anyone can do the ‘LOOK AT ME, I’M A GENEROUS HEARTED LIBERAL AND YOU’RE JUST A NAZI’. Rik in The Young Ones did it every week. Facts are what counts. And the Dail Mail story was based on the FACT of the executive inquiry and its leaked report which the BBC ITSELF reported above. I repeat, is this poisonous tosh?

    Without the FACT of the report there would have been no news story in the Mail, therefore it was perfectly acceptable to call the story a statement of fact.
    Incidentally, knee-jerk refusal to believe stories in the tabloid newspapers is usually a sign of snobbery, not intellectual vigour.

    Bob Wharton, you’re not making any sense, just rambling and denying what you’ve suggested in previous posts. Life’s too short to bother with a serial contrarian like you.


    Avatar photoMaxilon 5
    • Total Posts 2432

    Superb little post by GC amongst the rhetoric.

    It does appear that the relentless assault on horse racing in the last three years is the result of the prejudices and personal tastes of one man, Roger Mosey – the Dr Beeching of terrestrial horse racing coverage.

    • Total Posts 478

    …… contradictions in my posts here I’m afraid but sorry if my responses to BettingBoy have contributed to this thread going way,way off topic.

    May I suggest ro BB that a more focused,speak as you find appraisal of BBC racing ironically more like the speak as you find appraisals of your woe is us view of who runs the BBC would have got us further in getting somewhere in discussing why racing is drifting off the channel.

    PS Very interested in political correctness,positive discrimination and have always wondered if multiculturalism really means anything more than live and let live and respect other people’s way of life but suggest again that it has nearly nothing to do with racing on the BBC.

    • Total Posts 100

    Bobby ‘I’m down to earth, me’ Wharton wrote:

    May I suggest ro BB that a more focused,speak as you find appraisal of BBC racing ironically more like the speak as you find appraisals of your woe is us view of who runs the BBC would have got us further in getting somewhere in discussing why racing is drifting off the channel.

    You are John Prescott and I claim my five bob!

    Bobbeh Wharton’s reply: ‘I think you will find that I am very sensible and have never suggestificated at any point that that when I suggestificated or implied that you might hold views that were opposite to liberal I wasn’t actually but actually I was but never admit anything and never apologise neither because as was laid out to me at Brownsop Labour Club many years ago by Len Blackhelmet you never admit wrong just keep going and never take lip off a southern jesseh speficatingly one who thinks he knows owt about horses dogs or pigeons for what it is worth am I am interested in lots of things like that and liberal politics but if you say black I will say white because I’m contrary see like that are you understandificating me?’

    • Total Posts 17716

    Pinza spluttered:

    I’m scared: not by the BBC, but by the (true) fact that the Bettingboys of this world can be influenced by such rabble-rousing, poisonous tosh.

    The BBC reporting its own report is ‘poisonous tosh’ is it?

    Interesting report, when you actually read it!

    Alas, poor Mr Bettingboy has followed the

    Mail on Sunday

    by misreading and/or misunderstanding the BBC’s report, which dealt not with management issues, but with programming.

    It came up with findings about technical breaches of the "no charity ads" guideline in one programme, and published the results of a survey in which (a) employees such as Andrew Marr and (b) members of the licence-paying public, were asked whether they believed the BBC was impartial. Mr Marr admitted he felt there was a liberal

    (note: not gay Islington pinko)

    bias, whilst the public felt that the BBC’s impartiality led to dull insipid programming.

    It’s not any rhetoric of mine, but the rhetoric of the

    Mail on Sunday

    which extrapolated from all this that the management was comprised of homosexual multiculturalists – goodness knows how it managed this mental contortion, though we might guess why.

    Mr B. may of course read what he likes, and say what he feels; but I fancy he would be better to focus his arguments on the BBC’s coverage of Racing, which was the point of this thread, and desist from hurling fruity

    ad hominem

    remarks at other posters. It’s rude and – more to the point – even more dull than

    The Mail on Sunday


    • Total Posts 478

    Well sorry Bob, i’ll get things right back on track.

    The beeb is inept at covering horse racing, and given the stakeholders who watch the sport are mostly indifferent white people (and a minorty at that), they show an abhorent lack of empathy in appeasing us.

    An abomination of the license fee.

    The stakeholders who watch the sport are mostly indifferent white people?

    What? :?

    Also,speaking as I find and conspiracy theories aside of course I’m afraid I will have to row in with the majority opinions expressed here about Bettingboy’s views.

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3442

    Clare Balding fails to see why RUK & ATR are allowed to show races that are broadcast on either BBC or C4.

    What a ****!

    Avatar photoZarkava
    • Total Posts 4691

    According to Mr Rishi Persad, Rosanara won the same race Zarkava did.

    Are you sure, Rishi?

    • Total Posts 205

    More paying customers with white skin may go through the turnstyles at racecourses, but in all racing aspects there days is it not Arab nationals who have the final say on British racing?

    • Total Posts 478

    The stakeholders who watch the sport are mostly indifferent white people?

    What? :?

    I think if you use your brain and understand the artisic license with which it was written you might gather I was being sarcastic.

    That said, hope I didn’t offend any ethnic minorites in the process! ~ I was trying to highlight that given the beeb’s coverage is so inept these days they obviously have a low opinion of their modern day racing audience, so I decided to poke fun at the white folk who I presumed tend to watch the sport more predominantly than anyone else. Do you think that assumption was wrong, Bob?

    Or was it the "indifferent" bit that didn’t make any sense? Ever been in a betting shop?

    Lost interest in your point because you strayed into unnecessary rudeness by telling me to use my brain because I didn’t get your ‘so called’ joke.Offensive.

    • Total Posts 478

    More paying customers with white skin may go through the turnstyles at racecourses, but in all racing aspects there days is it not Arab nationals who have the final say on British racing?

    Tom,what is the final say exactly? Where are the arab nationals in the BHB or anywhere else in Racing decision making? And even if this was true what is your point, and for that matter what is the point that anyone who notices racial origin or even colour of skin in racing trying to make?

    I’d take a lot of convincing that this is not a very odd and pointless road to go down IMO.

    • Total Posts 1046

    I was watching the BBC red button coverage from Longchamp just after the Prix Marcel Boussac. Soumillion was the winning jockey and was up collecting his prize amongst a media frenzy of photographers and tv crews. And Clare Balding starts blabbing on about how there is no Racing shown on French terrestrial television apart from Arc day, its all on Equidia (or something like that).

    And it has me wondering. If it wasn’t for Channel 4 racing every saturday, our country would be the same. We are prob only a year or two away from having only The Grand National, The Derby and The Arc from the bbc! Forget the politics of it all and lets get all racing onto Channel 4, dont give the BBC a chance to offload more fixtures and keep the flagships. Lets take the Flagships away from them! It would serve them right and I dont think you’d hear Channel 4 complaining!

    • Total Posts 591

    I was watching the BBC red button coverage from Longchamp just after the Prix Marcel Boussac. Soumillion was the winning jockey and was up collecting his prize amongst a media frenzy of photographers and tv crews. And Clare Balding starts blabbing on about how there is no Racing shown on French terrestrial television apart from Arc day, its all on Equidia (or something like that).

    And it has me wondering. If it wasn’t for Channel 4 racing every saturday, our country would be the same. We are prob only a year or two away from having only The Grand National, The Derby and The Arc from the bbc! Forget the politics of it all and lets get all racing onto Channel 4, dont give the BBC a chance to offload more fixtures and keep the flagships. Lets take the Flagships away from them! It would serve them right and I dont think you’d hear Channel 4 complaining!

    Agree entirely Douginho, a bit rich coming from the BBC that one. As I said earlier in the thread, exactly how much of the shoulder races to a big day like the National or the Derby will now find themselves shunted on to BBCi given the precedent of this weekend and just how many races will be on the main BBC1 rather than tucked out of the way on BBC2.

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