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Racing on BBC

Home Forums Horse Racing Racing on BBC

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  • #250755
    • Total Posts 184

    What happened to the coverage of Sunday and the Cumberland Lodge?

    I remember coming home from school to watch that race on the Thursday, with the QEII on the Saturday when the meeting was the ‘Festival of Racing’ Milligram v Miesque……., and the Eddery v Cauthen Title race.

    Aah memories, is it really the same sport now?

    Yes I am pretty sure that was the year the meeting kicked of with an official race between Channel 4 & BBC commentary teams with the most overweight ever been seen on a British racetrack. Gimmicks going on back then too.

    Not Milligram that stays in the memory, it was the Royal Lodge, real crackerjack of a race that year.

    Avatar photoAndyRAC
    • Total Posts 735

    They’ve once again surpassed themselves, this time on Sunday: … -the-stars

    • Total Posts 100

    The BBC is dominated by young urban liberals and its senior management by older, Primrose Hill liberals who are products of 1970s Marxoid university educations and years of Guardian reading and dinner parties in Islington. Racing, to them, is the antithesis of all they purport to believe. They see it as something the Queen, her mother and aristos like. They also like to strike postures about animal rights and because they are ignorant they will see racing as being ‘cruel’ and ‘exploitative’.
    Add to that the fact that, unlike in years gone by, no senior management has a personal interest in racing and lo and behold you have a slo-mo death for racing on the BBC.
    They forget that the sport has a large following among all races and classes. Because the BBC is completely obsessed with multiculturalism racing is also – YAWN – far too ‘hideously white’ for them.
    So, let’s tot it up: in their eyes it’s too white, too rich and cruel to animals.
    Of course, this is a disastrously wrong view, but you won’t ever persuade Holland Park liberals out of that. They probably think, in a nannyish, new Labour way, that betting is a vice that needs to be stopped (while drug legalisation is always being endorsed through biased news reporting).
    It is simple: find black, Asian, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender jockeys (preferably female) who are loud about it and damn good riders and the BBC will be back broadcasting racing a couple of times a week. I’d make a wager on it.

    Avatar photoCarryOnKatie
    • Total Posts 589

    Surely only a matter of time before BBc drop all shoulder races from their coverage.

    Allows more time for Motor Racing & Football. (BBC execs wet theirselves with excitement at the mear mention of these words).

    Why O Why are so many hours devoted to their shoddy rip off of Sky Soccer Saturday (Final Score)?

    • Total Posts 17716

    When there’s snooker or tennis on, the BBC usually offer altnerative viewing (i.e. other tables/courts) via the red button; why can’t this be done with horseracing? There aren’t many who don’t have access to digital television in one form or another these days and it would avoid cutting in to their precious Football League time.

    • Total Posts 478

    The BBC is dominated by young urban liberals and its senior management by older, Primrose Hill liberals who are products of 1970s Marxoid university educations and years of Guardian reading and dinner parties in Islington. Racing, to them, is the antithesis of all they purport to believe. They see it as something the Queen, her mother and aristos like. They also like to strike postures about animal rights and because they are ignorant they will see racing as being ‘cruel’ and ‘exploitative’.
    Add to that the fact that, unlike in years gone by, no senior management has a personal interest in racing and lo and behold you have a slo-mo death for racing on the BBC.
    They forget that the sport has a large following among all races and classes. Because the BBC is completely obsessed with multiculturalism racing is also – YAWN – far too ‘hideously white’ for them.
    So, let’s tot it up: in their eyes it’s too white, too rich and cruel to animals.
    Of course, this is a disastrously wrong view, but you won’t ever persuade Holland Park liberals out of that. They probably think, in a nannyish, new Labour way, that betting is a vice that needs to be stopped (while drug legalisation is always being endorsed through biased news reporting).
    It is simple: find black, Asian, gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender jockeys (preferably female) who are loud about it and damn good riders and the BBC will be back broadcasting racing a couple of times a week. I’d make a wager on it.

    Sorry Bettingboy I know they’ve got problems but I’m not recognising these insurmountable ones…………are you sure you’re watching the same channel as me? You can’t mean this surely?

    Neil Watson
    • Total Posts 1376

    What amazes me is that Horse Racing is classed by some as a minority sport.

    On the BBC news on R2 this afternoon official figures revelaed that it was the 2nd most attended sport behind football and brought over £3 billion pounds into the British economy.

    I am still aghast at the BBCs coverage of racing being decimated year on year, when they show previous races from their 70s and 80s coverage on their main programmes about previous races it shows what a great job they did.

    • Total Posts 100

    Sorry Bettingboy I know they’ve got problems but I’m not recognising these insurmountable ones…………are you sure you’re watching the same channel as me? You can’t mean this surely?

    Dear Wharton,

    put down your pigeon clock and make a study the people who RUN the BBC. Not the people who are ON it. The people who RUN it.

    Then we can have a conversation.


    • Total Posts 17716

    put down your pigeon clock and make a study the people who RUN the BBC. Not the people who are ON it. The people who RUN it.

    Then we can have a conversation.

    It’s hard to have a conversation with someone whose analysis of the BBC’s managerial composition has about as much subtlety as Godzilla’s analysis of downtown Tokyo.

    The tone of your post, and the abrasiveness of your response, hardly suggests a keen appetite for constructive debate.

    Are you perchance one of The Sun’s political leader writers?

    • Total Posts 384

    It’s really sad. Can the bha not have meetings/ talks with them as surely terestrial coverage is good for the sport betting etc…?

    • Total Posts 346

    I’m heartened that the nonsense from ‘BettingBoy’ has been challenged – thought I’d stumbled into the Lounge for a moment.

    Criticising the BBC for the quality and content of its coverage (as I have) is one thing. Using the topic to stick the boot into the organisation because you believe the institution to be ‘marxoid’ (sic) in some way defies belief.

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    Quite so, Reason. Roger Mosey was the Head of Sport at the BBC until a few weeks ago (before moving on to look after the 2012 Olympics coverage), and from memory he’s a working-class Bradford lad made good, isn’t he?

    Moreover, I seem to recall his dislike of racing is a deep-rooted personal, lifelong one, which even the best efforts of longtime acquaintance and Sports Minister Gerry Sutcliffe (who schooled in Bradford at the same time and has bookmakers in his immediate family) couldn’t assuage to any extent.

    That sounds rather less like the destruction of TV coverage by any real or imagined liberal intelligensia of whatever vintage, and rather more the work of one determined individual. I wait with interest to see if new incumbent Barbara Slater (West Midlands to the core, Olympic gymnast in 1976, 26 years a BBC producer and turning 50 this coming Monday) is any better disposed towards racing – I’ve genuinely no idea.


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 478

    Sorry Bettingboy I know they’ve got problems but I’m not recognising these insurmountable ones…………are you sure you’re watching the same channel as me? You can’t mean this surely?

    Dear Wharton,

    put down your pigeon clock and make a study the people who RUN the BBC. Not the people who are ON it. The people who RUN it.

    Then we can have a conversation.


    Your pseudo intellectual rant is just an opportunity for you to air your prejudices and biases which disturbingly IMO are probably polar opposite ones to the ones you accuse the BBC of.

    Avatar photoCarryOnKatie
    • Total Posts 589

    No truth in the rumour that the BBC have requested next years Grand National will consist of 30 polystyrene walls replacing the green spruce fences, and that Anton Du Beke & Dale Winton will join the commentary team to "showbiz" the event up a bit.

    Expect the commentary to be something like this:- "…As they cross the Melling Roadcome to the first …(wait for it)….BRING ON THE WALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Sorry couldn’t resist!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    • Total Posts 9299

    Perhaps someone like GC could draft a letter to the new Head of Sport that we could all sign voicing our concerns about BBC coverage and the future of racing in this country. Or send individual letters. I have always believed in the power of the pen.

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    No truth in the rumour that the BBC have requested next year’s Grand National will consist of 30 polystyrene walls replacing the green spruce fences, and that Anton Du Beke & Dale Winton will join the commentary team to "showbiz" the event up a bit.

    Expect the commentary to be something like this:- "…As they cross the Melling Roadcome to the first …(wait for it)….BRING ON THE WALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    Sorry couldn’t resist!!!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    Heh-heh, very droll! Knew there must have been an underlying reason why Mattie Batchelor appeared on that show last year…


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    Neil Watson
    • Total Posts 1376

    And now they come down to the Foinavon fence which is number

    Len Goodman "Sevvvvven"

    And over they go.

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