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Panorama Programme on Racing – Wed BBC1

Home Forums Horse Racing Panorama Programme on Racing – Wed BBC1

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  • #8513
    • Total Posts 788

    Watch it on I Player ?

    • Total Posts 3119

    I saw the bloke getting slung out of the house, looked quite interesting.

    Avatar photoRockytony
    • Total Posts 96

    It’s repeated next Saturday morning at 01.45 am, although if you wait till then, you will probably have read everything there is to say about the program on the forum :D

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    I strongly suspect the program will be all froth and no substance aimed at sensationalism for the non-racing viewer.

    More worryingly I fear any official response will be weak and woolly.

    But let’s not pre-judge too much. I will be watching the program with some non-racing people so it will be interesting to see how they react.

    • Total Posts 624

    It will be very entertaining as they have obtained tapes from the Police or CPS of the probe evidence that was used during the recent trial. These probes were used to listen in on Miles Rodgers telephone calls so most of the time you are hearing only one side of the conversation but from timings and telephone records you know what phone is calling him.
    In reality it will be a re trial by television in 60 minutes.

    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833

    I strongly suspect the program will be all froth and no substance aimed at sensationalism for the non-racing viewer.


    These investigation programs are masters at it, especially when they go into area’s the general public are none too familiar with. Dispatches hatchet job on Ryanair comes to mind :x

    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7507

    The BBC’s News and Current Affairs programmes were once the envy of the world for their objective and fair-minded approach. Sadly these days their news programmes are nothing more than a ‘gossip shop’, and current affairs programmes seem to have gone the same way.

    I hope that in this instance that I’m wrong, but I doubt it.


    • Total Posts 2923

    Have to agree with you, Rob.

    Panorama used to give a responsible and objective view of events, now it seems to employ the same tactics as the worst tabloids.


    Avatar photothebrigadier
    • Total Posts 416

    Have to agree with you, Rob.

    Panorama used to give a responsible and objective view of events, now it seems to employ the same tactics as the worst tabloids.


    Sadly I also am of this opinion.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    Perhaps I should have places a bet on Betfair – even more froth than I expected.

    Nothing new for those who know anything about racing – shock, horror sensationalism for those who are not followers of teh sport.

    To be honest it wasn’t even that well presented – if it was intended as a hatchet job then it could have been done much better. Tabloid television.

    • Total Posts 788

    To almost anyone watching that, they would have to think that there is a bent element in racing. It didn’t look good did it?

    Avatar photorory
    • Total Posts 2685

    Perhaps I should have places a bet on Betfair – even more froth than I expected.

    Nothing new for those who know anything about racing – shock, horror sensationalism for those who are not followers of teh sport.

    To be honest it wasn’t even that well presented – if it was intended as a hatchet job then it could have been done much better. Tabloid television.

    I disagree ~ it was no revelatory exercise but clearly not a hatchet job; it was more an expose of dodgy geezer punters than anything.

    • Total Posts 537

    erm……there is a bent element in every walk of life. it was a poor program..another waste of tax payers money.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    Perhaps I should have places a bet on Betfair – even more froth than I expected.

    Nothing new for those who know anything about racing – shock, horror sensationalism for those who are not followers of teh sport.

    To be honest it wasn’t even that well presented – if it was intended as a hatchet job then it could have been done much better. Tabloid television.

    I disagree ~ it was no revelatory exercise but clearly not a hatchet job; it was more an expose of dodgy geezer punters than anything.

    I said "IF it was intended" the implication being it did not work as such.

    Avatar photosberry
    • Total Posts 1800

    no, it didn’t look good and it makes me think even more that rather than cases have previously been brought against innocent people, cases may just have been brought incredibly incompetently and complacently

    still, at the end of the day, unless someone is convicted by a jury they are said to be not guilty and if someone has mind enough to put a bet on they have mind enough to decide if they want to, all things considered and nobody is forcing them to do so

    we know it’s not straight and yet we still enjoy it, most of the time, i guess we are all constantly hoping it will get better and that anyway, even though it’s a bit grey, it’s not too dark to put us off completely

    what can you say ?

    • Total Posts 4491

    So if there is a bent element, should we just accept it, or rid them from the sport? Hopefully the BHA will be able rid the likes of Lynch from the sport for good.

    BTW, is it wrong to still be laughing at the bit where Bennett kicks Kenyon in the air?

    • Total Posts 537

    indeed DJ….never accept it. But the horse racing community/authority do a decent job and will continue to improve….. more of these guys will get caught and eventually it wont be worth the risk.

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