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Oisin Murphy – oh dear

Home Forums Horse Racing Oisin Murphy – oh dear

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  • #1562890
    • Total Posts 2901

    Can’t get my head around the lower riding limit either as you can do a hell of a lot more damage whilst driving a tonne of car under the influence than half a tonne of racehorse

    Very true and this is why the drink drive limit should be zero.

    • Total Posts 773

    He probably had a large glass of wine with his evening meal the night before.

    For the average male of height 5′ 9″ and 182 lb it takes approximately 1 hour for 1 unit of alcohol to leave the body. Oisin is 5′ 5″ and 112 lb. What difference this makes to that approximation is unclear. He certainly has less blood circulating within him at 3.9 litres, where 5.2 litres would be an average. There are also stress levels and metabolism to consider.

    If Murphy still had alcohol in his system at the time of testing this implies he drank a lot more than 1 large glass of wine on Thursday evening. 4 large glasses would be more realistic. Assuming he stopped drinking at 12am the alcohol contained therein would not be totally dispelled from his body until 12pm on Friday.

    Disclaimer: I am not a doctor. Neither do I play one on TV.

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    • Total Posts 3439


    Have you seen the size of Oisin’s large glass? And the strength of his wine?

    Thought Kevin Blake was a bit OTT on the issue on the Opening Show yesterday.

    • Total Posts 773


    Strictly speaking you have a fair point.

    One of the largest wine glasses obtainable through retail channels by Murphy, or indeed by any of us, seems to be this one:

    It’s available with capacities of 2 and 4 litres. The 2 litre version seems to be about twice the size of the Cheltenham Gold Cup.

    I’d be surprised if the discerning drinker couldn’t get a larger one custom-made.

    • Total Posts 142

    Not gonna throw any shade when I happily went through a bottle of wine (then a bit more) during yesterday’s Fairyhouse card. And if it wasn’t for that bottle of wine I’d never have put my last bet on and made profit during the day. For me it was a fun day on an afternoon I didn’t have to be doing anything.

    Which to me is the big point. People are talking about him being “working” but the reality is almost every jockey and most stable staff don’t really get days off. Certainly not a “weekend” where they finish up a little early one day, then have the next two days off.

    This isn’t a case of someone showing up bladdered incapable of getting on a horse. It is yet another example that jockeys (and stable staff) are under huge pressure, have little real time to relax, and absolutely should have a system where they do get time off to do things like have a bottle of wine and a few G&Ts.

    Avatar photorollotommasi
    • Total Posts 82

    Is a breathalyser test for every jockey riding every day such an overhead for the BHA / HRI that it needs to be done on random sample sizes?

    The test is there to find positives, I take the view that jockeys are no different to other humans and of the population some take cocaine, some drink too much occasionally, some might drink too much more than occasionally.

    Finding a positive from someone who is in the top 5% of jockeys who have taken up rides by volume during the season doesn’t strike me as that big a story

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    I think this is a little more sinister than Murphy having a glass of wine too many with his evening meal, and being unlucky due to being small and not eating much.

    This is his second booze related incident, his cocaine excuse was laughable and dishonest. And rumours are abound about a Bloodstock Agent being struck in the face with a plastic glass by a hammered Murphy on the night prior to the latest test failure.

    I think the lad has some issues, and I am unfortunately speaking from personal experience – hope he gets the right support.


    • Total Posts 611

    It was interesting to hear on Nuck Luck’s podcast today, Dave Yeats saying there was rumours a plenty about an incident that happened the night before but would not go any further, which sadly will make the rumours worse.
    Does anyone on here now what was supposed to have happened.The Tatling Cheekily as alluded to something but do we know anymore.

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    No, I don’t know any more droffats. The Barstewards Enquiry podcast said he was hammered and had attacked a bloodstock agent with a plastic glass to the face. They also alleged Murphy was a well-known big drinker generally.

    Kieron Fallon has admitted to drinking a litre of vodka after every race day whilst being driven home. Murtagh had his problems. It killed Eddery. It does seem a pattern in racing.


    Avatar photopatriot1
    • Total Posts 959

    Is it a pattern in racing?

    What percentage of the general public have addiction issues? Apply that percentage to jockeys and how many riders with issues would that make?

    • Total Posts 268

    Not good then if he is getting hammered and going wild.Those of us not in the loop can only takes stabs in the dark. If these incidents are common with him then he’ll have to snap out of them as on ability surely he would be up for one of the two or three very biggest jobs. Idiocity as well as the accident did great damage to Robert Winston, who hard to believe now, was picking up plenty of rides for Michael Stoute at the same time as Ryan Moore, and it was in the balance who would get the main job there.

    I think Walter Swinburn was involved in a couple of incidents while drinking – on one occasion trying to pick a fight with a group of giant French Rugby supporters who luckily for him just laughed at him and brushed him off.Think his intolerance increased after the Hong Kong accident. Also didn’t Paul Carberry’s decision to come over here to have a spell riding for Robert Ogden come from him regularly getting hammered and acting the clown in owners and trainers bars in Ireland.

    With Pat Eddery, it now appears that he was a serious drinker when riding. I got his autograph a few times as a kid in the 1970’s as I was absolutely in awe of him. In his last few years he looked shocking,dribbling around the mouth in some images you saw of him. Suppose it’s a warning for those of us who like a drink but don’t believe it will ever get hold of them – I write this looking at my 30 capacity wine rack with 28 bottles of Red aboard!

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    Patriot, I honestly don’t know. But I’m looking at a potential pattern for the very top end of jockeys, rather than jockeys.

    Cancello, I can confirm from personal experience that alcohol addicition is cunning and conniving. I very often (all the time) think that there MUST have been a specific moment in time when I went from social drinker to alcoholic. It is frustratingly impossible to put a finger on.


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    • Total Posts 2027

    No wish to comment on an individual case, but if your alcohol intake affects your occupation, you have an alcohol problem.

    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    I agree with that.


    • Total Posts 7667

    Oisin Murphy has admitted to being involved in a ‘fracas’ in a pub in Newmarket a few hours before he was stood down from riding at the town’s racecourse after failing a pre-racing breath test for alcohol.

    • Total Posts 2849

    He’s riding Alcohol Free this afternoon. Superb.

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Fracas ….punch up then

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