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Gold Cup 2024

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  • #1686437
    • Total Posts 7543

    ” he ran himself into the ground”

    I don’t know if he did though. First three so fit and strong you wouldn’t know the ground was so soft to watch them coming up the hill.

    • Total Posts 7669

    I will be watching that race back again i think. :o)

    • Total Posts 7669

    wd winners

    • Total Posts 1030

    Big chance for Corach off 159 if he gets there ok. Gets 10lb off Hewick but hes probably run to a level there better than anything Hewicks done before depending on your view of the King George

    • Total Posts 7543

    “shocking to see how quickly they all went to the first though.”
    I know, I was horrifed watching that, I thought jeez steady on or the end of the race is going to be hideous. Fortunately they did a bit but still, it looked a decent gallop.
    Didn’t Corach run a stormer considering it wasn’t his ground.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    A good job Mark Walsh rides Fact to File because it would be difficult for Townend to desert this one

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoChivers1987
    • Total Posts 1929

    I thought Corach’s effort from horse and rider was perfect. It was a fine balance between riding him quietly and being woefully outpaced. If the ground is testing at Aintree then the reserves may be under too much strain but otherwise barring accident he’ll be bang there.

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Green Corach was tired at the end , they’ll need to see how he is , I wouldnt be backing for the GN

    Avatar photobefair
    • Total Posts 2028

    V impressive, always going well, jumped much better than last year. Loose horse certainly impeded him to some degree, eventually Paul just decided to take him on.
    Well done to winners; loved this horse since his first novice chase, just didn’t have the nerve to take the odds on

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Chivers he wasn’t outpaced , he was never pushed along , he hunts along at the back , it’s the way he runs

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4118

    The run to the first was like a sprint, maybe because they used that fresh strip of ground on the inside part of the track.

    GDC truly is a great champion, especially if you look at his past two seasons. I still think there is more to come from him, but please give him a rest. He’s done more than enough for the season, no matter how fresh he might look tomorrow or in the coming weeks.

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Loose horse prob helped him after the last , not that he needed it to be fair

    • Total Posts 3109

    I would be worried about Corrach after that, he was only a couple of lengths down on Gerri at the last and yet was 9L behind him at the line, when you would have thought he would have stayed strongly up the hill..

    He was going as fast as he could from the start and even though he was at the back, it was a big effort to get into a challenging position and that effort may have cost him for the National….everyone on TV saying its the perfect National trial but not for me, that race will have left a mark.

    • Total Posts 7543

    I’d say it’s a cert GDC gets rested. Al Boum got beaten at Punchestown and they didn’t do that again with him the next year.

    Avatar photoChivers1987
    • Total Posts 1929

    That’s what I meant HDLG, horse did everything right, jockey did everything right, that was the best finishing position he could have obtained.

    • Total Posts 7669

    Corach has top 6 credentials at Aintree. I expect a few will be better handicapped. Noble Yeats made 4th in the Gold Cup and a few were then better handicapped at Aintree afterwards.

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Def Chivers , that however will leave a mark , if any of these turn out again if be playing against them , rule no1 of Aintree is to look for the horses that bypass Cheltenham

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