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  • #185642
    Avatar photoMaxilon 5
    • Total Posts 2432

    Or The Evil Dead.

    When you absolutely, positively have to scare every mother in the room…

    …accept no substitute. :D

    • Total Posts 2316

    I still think The Shining is the daddy of the genre.

    I watched The Evil Dead at a pals house when I was about 15 or 16, I guess. He lived about a mile from me, and our houses were seperated by a large park, which I used to have to cross to get back home.

    After leaving his gaff, I crossed over to the park to find that an eerie fog had descended, visibility was down to not much more than 50 yards or so. The fog was backlit in a muted orange glow, by the intermittently placed street-lamps on the paths that criss-crossed the park.

    I wouldn’t say I was shi*tting myself as I ran home, but I am reasonably certain that none of Coe, Cram or Ovett would have been able to live with me that night.

    • Total Posts 9300

    Never heard of The Evil Dead but just read that they’re doing a remake of it due for release next year; nearly accidently clicked onto a trailer for the original film which would not be good as no one has still come home and even the dog has gone away for a few days….

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    Scary is a relative and personal concept, I guess. I, for one, am absolutely terrified of snakes, so Mrs C had to scrape me off the ceiling when the black mamba shot out of the suitcase full of money in Kill Bill 2.

    There’s also something intrinsically terrifying about any broadcast with Anne Widdecombe in it.


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    Avatar photolekha85
    • Total Posts 330

    I’ve got to agree with GH on this one…definitely The Shining.

    I had to watch the very beginning, the very end and then the whole film before I could manage it. But then I am a wimp when it comes to scary films…

    Avatar photoaaronizneez
    • Total Posts 1751

    The Evil Dead ? Is that the one with the girl and the tree and the pencil in the ankle etc or is that The Living Dead ?

    Can’t say I particularly enjoy Horror movies now but certainly around the 15-17 years of age I watched quite a few with my mates. The Slayer seems to be a title I remember where a scene with a pitchfork rings a bell.

    • Total Posts 2316

    The Evil Dead ? Is that the one with the girl and the tree and the pencil in the ankle etc or is that The Living Dead ?


    • Total Posts 3901

    The Pale Man in Pan’s Labyrinth is a bit freaky alright, as is the Faun at the start but apart from that it’s not too bad.

    The Blair Witch Project isn’t really scary (the camerawork is actually annoying at times) except at the very end but the ending really freaked me out – I slept with the light on that night.

    I went to see Jeepers Creepers in the cinema when it came out – it was actually quite scary up to the point you find out the villain is like something out of Star Trek Deep Space Nine – if they had kept him human it would have been more freaky.

    Ugly Mare
    • Total Posts 1294

    not seen most of those mentioned, I’m sorry to say, but Psycho still scares me to death. Perhaps others view it as a bit tame these days.

    Neil Watson
    • Total Posts 1376

    National Velvet

    How on earth you can train a horse with no race experience,no prep run even over hurdles to be trained by a short a.rsed ginger bloke and be riddden by a female rider who has not even ridden in Point to Points to win a Grand National which was run at a break neck gallop from beginning to end and Liz didnt even get mud on her britches before a doctor had a good old perve at ther when he undid her silks is beyond me.

    Aside from that id say On the Buses

    Two of the ugliest men in all time pulling what would have been at the time some hot totty for letting them park their buses into their terminuses to let the the passengers off.

    Avatar photoMaxilon 5
    • Total Posts 2432

    Aside from that id say On the Buses Two of the ugliest men in all time pulling what would have been at the time some hot totty for letting them park their buses into their terminuses to let the the passengers off.

    Oh, Neil. It was splendid then. Absolutely splendid – long live the Seventies. Regardess of your looks, if you had a few quid, your own teeth, and could tell a joke without notes, you stood a chance of a regular bunk-up.

    In order to get laid nowadays, a fellow has to jump through hoops that would astound Butler and Jack.

    He has to Immac his chest, knacker himself out at the gym, spend thirty quid at a gay hairdressers every week, pay attention to labels, subscribe to Cosmo, watch "Loose Women", get in touch with his feminine side, wear a different shirt every day, change his undercrackers three times a week, polish his shoes, do a grand a year at the dentists (and two grand on therapy); have a shelf full of grooming "products", know what a souffle is and how to prepare stock without using Bisto, ditch his mates, limit the punting to a Euromillions ticket every fortnight and cover his hairless chops with with Innoxia astringent toner and Pecksniffs instead of Hai Karate and displaced chilli sauce,

    It’s just not worth it, Neil, the new millenium.

    SAW is on Channel 4 next week though which I’m told is a rip-off of Dr Phibes.

    • Total Posts 9300

    at least you don’t have to inject yourself with bacteria and wear spanx [ouch]…I’m so glad I’m too old to care any more……

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6010

    Agree with The Shining and Psycho, to which I’d add Hitchcock’s The Birds

    Not feature-length films but the beeb’s adaptions of MR James’s Ghost Stories are genuinely spooky and remain so after innumerable viewings

    Whistle and I’ll come to You
    in particular

    Hopefully they’ll be repeated again this Christmas

    Avatar photoMaxilon 5
    • Total Posts 2432

    Drone, would one of those contain a sequence involving two ghostly children with extremely long fingernails…that terrified me, it really did.

    • Total Posts 3901

    My auntie is a big girl and literally weighs a ton, though she thinks Brad Pitt would be her ideal man – these girls need to be told, "you can’t make a silk purse out of a sows ear."

    There’s a book called "Overheard in Dublin" where one of the quotes goes as follows:

    2 girls in Oasis, one of them trying on jeans

    Girl 1: Do these jeans make my a*se look big
    "Friend": No, chocolate cake makes your a*se look big!

    With friends like these etc etc …

    • Total Posts 9300

    children with long fingernails; it was called Lost Hearts and was on telly years and years ago; the series included The Fall of the House of Usher and another one where this man had a jar which had in it a liquid that would, when smeared on his body after his death bring him back to life; his servant followed his instructions when he died but, having put it on his head first of all was so shocked at the head talking to him that he dropped the rest of the bottle so this living head was then attached forever to this dead body; David Buck starred in some or all of this series..lost hearts was the terrified me..I don’t know if you ever drive to Loughborough but on the way in coming from Shepshed there is a hill at the top of which is a temple/folly which looks just like the one in the story…

    Avatar photoMaxilon 5
    • Total Posts 2432

    Hah! Lost Hearts, that’s it Moe! I watched that one Christmas Saturday night when I was ten and I couldn’t sleep after. Not a particularly festive tale, I felt.

    And I love your description of the Poe tale. I’ve heard it before but it’s beautifully black – like many of the great horror stories.

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