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Bryony back with a bang

Home Forums Horse Racing Bryony back with a bang

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  • #1680798
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    • Total Posts 5683

    When I went for my job interview with the Jockey Club I changed at home.

    Maybe that was my mistake ?

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    No it was for the best gamble , a straight jacket wouldn’t have helped …..

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Sorry to interrupt
    Byrony’s big bang back,
    but the straightjacket
    came after I awkwardly
    fell at the first – GROUND
    They asked me if I bet,
    and I could have been a
    novitiate priest so honest was I in reply. No ten hail Marys to easily recite, Not a bit of it – I got the big JACKBOOT dressed up with humms and haws and was booted out of the building with a definite lack of grace and aplomb, the same way I came in.

    They initially sat me in a waiting room next to a George Stubbs, a three inch horse with a gold frame that looked like it had over breakfasted, while I had rushed empty tummied to Portland Place to try to become a horseman
    and lose my five pound allowance.
    What was a souf end boy
    who’d moved to the east side
    who had a jagger in his veins
    and a Bowie back end
    doing mixing it with the

    • Total Posts 7543

    Good for her adapting and exploring some new opportunities, I hope she does well over there.

    Avatar photoRefuse To Bend
    • Total Posts 2287

    Yeah good luck to her I hope it works out.

    The things I want most in life are the things that I can't win.

    • Total Posts 1374

    Reveley and de Giles have certainly been a success over there , so it doesn’t appear that there is any resistance to using “foreign” riders over there. The fact that she can also claim around 5 pounds allowance in handicaps should also be of assistance.
    If she is good enough , then she should be successful. I am a bit surprised that more female riders haven’t tried this before.

    • Total Posts 3109

    Hopefully she can be as successful as Hayley Turner was when she did a stint over there for a while and having that claim for someone of Brony’s skill (as it was for Hayley) is a massive advantage that French trainers would stark raving bonkers not to take full advantage of.

    She clearly has struggled to get rides here now that she no longer claims and her big named horses have been retired but considering how well De Giles & Reveley have done (jockeys who arguably were not as good as Brony when riding over here) there is a huge opportunity for her to exploit if she can get the backing of a good stable or two.

    • Total Posts 3109

    Nice winner just now for Lucy Wadham at Warwick under top weight of 12-1, where she went wide the whole way round to seek the better ground.

    • Total Posts 9289

    Great to see her with a winner at Aintree. All sorts of excuses on ITV racing as to why she hasn’t been seen as much recently( ok it is true that she’s had a few injuries, but…). First time that I’ve felt emotional about a race for quite a while.

    • Total Posts 188

    That was total bull that McCoy was going on about with “injuries” and Harry Cobden munching up the rides. She’s been cast out by the establishment, poor woman, good to see that pr*ck Robbie Dunne pulling up in same race….

    • Total Posts 204

    You’re not wrong and especially about Dunne. Well done Bryony that was a cracking ride.

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    • Total Posts 959

    I went to the winners enclosure to greet Bryony’s return. She received a great reception.

    Around a hundred racegoers waited for fifteen minutes in the rain while the presentation and post race interviews were conducted just so they could cheer Bryony up the steps to the weighing room. She received at least fifteen requests for selfies or autographs and didn’t turn down any of them.

    It was also good to see some of the other jocks who were coming out for the next race give her a wee word of congratulations. Patrick Mullins and Harry Skelton were two of them.

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    Same at her recent wins at Plumpton. Couldn’t get near the winners’ enclosure. She’s hugely popular. Real racing fans haven’t forgotten her because she’s had injuries.

    • Total Posts 3109

    I think there are a number of factors in play:

    Injuries – as Ruby Walsh said it means you are out of sight out of mind and derails any momentum you have built up, you can also lose rides while off.

    No Claim – that avenue of rides will go to other jockeys now (5lb claimer Freddie Gingell is used a lot by Nicholls for that purpose).

    Stable Jockeys – Most trainers have them, so it is now harder to get outside rides than ever before.

    Establishment – Old school rules do still apply and I have no doubt that some (whether through jealousy or spite) would still specifically look to not use her rather than use her.

    In the last 14 days she has had 4 rides (3 for Nicholls and 1 for Wadham) and including today has won on 2 of them – she has only one booked ride tomorrow (again for Nicholls in the Topham).

    Currently she has had 22 wins from 169 rides (13% S/R) whilst in previous season she has been remarkedly consistent for the limited opportunities she actually gets

    2022/23 she was 29 from 177 (16% S/R)
    2021/22 she was 43 from 245 (18% S/R)
    2020/21 she was 47 from 318 (15% S/R)
    2019/20 she was 45 from 311 (14% S/R)

    The fact that she isn’t riding more horses is a real shame because (as today showed) she can clearly do the job when given the chance – just imagine how effusive people would have been of his skills if it had been Cobden that had given Sans Bruit that ride today.

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    Agree with all that apart from the “out of sight, out of mind”. It’s clearly not the case with the general public so highly unlikely that it’s a factor for the racing community. We’ll see though. Exposure from a high profile winner at a premier meeting on terrestrial TV ought to generate more rides, if “out of sight, out of mind” really is a factor.

    • Total Posts 3109

    Tonge – Racing public is vastly different to those within racing circles – not saying all but a number of trainers have no option but to move on to another available rider who then might strike up a rapport with some of the horses and the owners want to stay with what is working….recency bias plays a big part in not just sport. Jockeys not right at the very top that don’t have a stable attachment often say it is hard to reform connections made when you have been out for a significant period through injury.

    Bryony will always have that public love/recognition (as will Rachael to a somewhat lesser extent) not just because she is a woman competing and beating men on a level playing field but because of her effusive nature when talking about a horse she has just won on where she can relate on a down to earth level to the public that very few (if any) of her contemporaries can.

    That may rub more than a few in the sport the wrong way but the public will always lap it up and it shows that the sport does have very down to earth people in it and is not an elite/snobby sport that many associate with horse racing. Her joy comes over loud and clear when she talks about the sport and that resonates.

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    • Total Posts 186

    Bryony will be riding as retained jockey for Munir and Souede in France. Hope she does well for them.

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