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  • in reply to: Frankels sister #1537582
    • Total Posts 1200

    This article explains her career well. “Slipped” I assume means something akin to miscarriage?

    in reply to: A fully deserved 21 day ban for Havlin #1537504
    • Total Posts 1200

    I’m sure the Rothchild family will survive without the extra £1,600 they would have got for coming first instead of second.

    in reply to: A fully deserved 21 day ban for Havlin #1537435
    • Total Posts 1200

    Cork, the horse didn’t get trapped. The horses ahead of him where at least two horse widths out from the rail. There was lots of room up the inside. And then on the run in he didn’t use his whip, he just pretended to bounce up and down in the drive position.

    Does anyone have a replay to De Sousas ride. I’ve seen plenty about it but missed the race

    in reply to: Columbian marching powder #1537390
    • Total Posts 1200

    Delighted to be called young.

    Watch the 2nd race at Lingfield and you’ll know all about it.

    in reply to: Columbian marching powder #1537382
    • Total Posts 1200

    Gosden must have arranged the Stowell debacle at Lingfield to take the heat off the cocaine debacle

    in reply to: Tiger Roll #1537350
    • Total Posts 1200

    A hilarious overreaction there lads. Jackh is right.

    Tiger roll has won chases over 2miles, 2.5miles, 3miles, 3.75 miles and 4.25 miles.

    He has never fallen, unseated just once in 42 races.

    However below average the Bowl at Aintree was, this Sandown race is abysmal. He is joint top rated, and is getting 6 pounds from Frodon and Mister Fisher.

    in reply to: Columbian marching powder #1537285
    • Total Posts 1200

    Silly assumption on my behalf ruby, it could of course be Bolivian or Peruvian marching powder.

    in reply to: Baffling Handicapping #1537198
    • Total Posts 1200

    I also see Minella times has been raised to 162. I know he won the grand national but 162? Really?

    in reply to: David Maxwell #1537175
    • Total Posts 1200

    In the last 5 seasons David Maxwell has had 181 rides, 46 winners – 25% strike rate, and has been placed a further 48 times. Over half of his rides have placed.

    He is clearly able to ride a horse adequately. He made a very rare unbalancing mistake today on his second ride back from a long absence through injury. The rush to be overly critical is unfair, racing TV in particular seem to be determined to try embrass him as much as possible.

    He has proven during his career that he is more than capable of performing to an acceptable level for an amateur jockey. I’m sure he will admit his own limitations but he is far from a welfare danger.

    in reply to: David Maxwell #1537035
    • Total Posts 1200

    These things happen with amateurs.

    He obviously just got unbalanced after jumping the last, maybe even the saddle slipped slightly just tipping the balance in favour of the ground.

    Part of the magic of NH is the ability for people like Maxwell to live the dream.

    Finished 3rd on the National course last week. Today was only his second race back after injury.

    That’s the risk you take when backing amateurs but I definitely wouldn’t go as far as trying to ban them.

    in reply to: ITV Racing #1536975
    • Total Posts 1200

    The ITV racing coverage reminds me of the sketch between Andre Previn and Eric Morecambe. “I’m playing all the right notes, but not necessarily in the right order”.

    ITV have the right people but not doing this right things with them, and there are a few bum notes thrown in too.

    Going forward, two of the main analysts for big meetings should be Kevin Blake and Ruby Walsh. With both of them living in Ireland it makes it more difficult to have them every Saturday throughout the season so the two UK based analysts should be Andrew Thornton and Luke Harvey. I would also be keen to see what Richard Johnson would be like in the role.

    I’d have a role for Mick Fitz too, he is improving and is respected when talking to jockeys down at the start.

    Plunkett possibly would be useful for something else, but surplus to requirements on raceday really.

    Cumani shouldn’t be on the national hunt team, flat only, but gender balance is all the rage now so she seems to be given a prominent role. Surplus to requirements for NH.

    McCoy adds very little to the quality of the programmes.

    in reply to: ITV Racing #1536968
    • Total Posts 1200

    Venture, very accurate post.

    ITV have many of the right people, but they also have too many others that are surplus to requirements.

    in reply to: Baffling Handicapping #1536806
    • Total Posts 1200

    Apologies, that has made me look a right idiot hasn’t it 🙈

    I was looking at the site, and never looked at the racing Post site.

    Thanks for putting me right.

    in reply to: Baffling Handicapping #1536743
    • Total Posts 1200

    This week’s entry – Saint Sonnet trained by Paul Nicholls.

    Made debut in france finishing 3rd in an unremarkable race, behind 2 horses who have no level of form at all. The winner was unplaced on his next start and hasn’t run again, the 2nd horse came second again a few weeks later and hasn’t run again. The 4th hasn’t run again.

    Almost 2 years later makes UK debut in a 5 runner novice chase at Catterick, beating a 124 rated horse by nearly 4 lengths giving it 4 pounds, so equivalent of a 8 pound beating, and a 115 horse by nearly 6 lengths giving it 4 pounds. Equivalent of a 10 length beating.

    After that UK debut he was given a mark of 145…145!

    He then finished 7th comprehenvisely beaten in the Marsh that Samcro won, and was RAISED 2lbs to 147.

    Since then he has ran 3 more times over fences, his form – Fell, Pulled Up, Pulled Up.

    He was then entred to run in the Coral Cup at Cheltenham. This was his UK hurdles debut. His only previous run was 2 years prior in that 3yo debut hurdle in france, yet the handicapper gives him a mark of 146 for the Coral. How?

    He finished way down the field, 15th

    He is now running on Sunday in an Ayr handicap hurdle off a mark of 140

    There are so many issues with this situation it’s hard to know where to begin.

    Firstly, prior to the coral cup the horse had run once over hurdles, as a 3 year old…yet was allowed to run in a handicap. How was this allowed? Surely the handicapper needs evidence of form before giving handicap marks? Secondly, even if the handicapper was correct in allowing the horse to run in a handicap, what evidence of hurdles form was used to pluck a mark of 146 out of the sky?

    Thirdly, after just 1 chase run the horse was given a mark of 145, and then raised for running in a grade one.

    His form since is total rubbish. Yet is still rated in the 140’s.

    He has only 2 pieces of measurable form. One over hurdles, and one over fences.

    The piece of measurable form over fences is the Catterick win… would put him somewhere between 125 and 132.

    The piece of measurable form over hurdles is the coral cup… would put him at 126.

    Yet the handicapper had him at 146 on his last run over fences and off a mark 140 over hurdles on Sunday.

    Why would anyone want to own and run a horse in the UK under this system of Handicapping?

    in reply to: Retirements #1536722
    • Total Posts 1200

    Happy retirement to the Bay Birch

    in reply to: Stone Of Destiny #1536441
    • Total Posts 1200

    That’s a joke of an enquiry.

    Horse drifted from 9/1 out to 18/1, was ridden like blatant non-trier and all the stewards do is ‘note’ the explanations.

    in reply to: How much behind has Irish racing left Britain #1536312
    • Total Posts 1200

    I didn’t say he doesn’t know how to do it, I just pointed out their competitive records.

    There is a particular skill/s in training mares that Nicholls clearly doesn’t have much practice of, whereas Mullins excells at it.

    Mullins also excells with bumper horses and hurdlers to an extent far greater than Nicholls.

    On the other hand, Nicholls seems to have a particular skill with training chasers

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