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  • in reply to: Gingers Jumpers #460656
    • Total Posts 199

    Oh Ginge, could he mean me, i do hope so as no one has said anything that nice about me in ages – mind you i don`t get out much these days i have to admit.

    But then perhaps he doesn`t mean me at all and my hopes and dreams will be shattered!! Still, mustn`t think like that, be positive and have good thoughts for the rest of the day at least.

    Be still my beating heart. 8)

    PS Thought it was very noble of you not to bring up The Grand National.

    in reply to: Gingers Jumpers #460504
    • Total Posts 199

    Helicopter is the way to go Ginge. Save a lot of hassle.

    With reference to earlier post, after today i`m down to a couple of nights in a dodgy B & B in Southsea. Got any washing up i can do? :shock: :wink:

    in reply to: Gingers Jumpers #460497
    • Total Posts 199

    Good to see you managed to get out of the Newbury car park Ginge, thought you might still be there. :lol:

    Funny how people view things differently. GDC1 mentions that your bookie might have booked a holiday based on your Hennessey selections alone and here`s me just about to book a holiday on the back of profits made from all of your weekend selections so far.

    Hey ho.

    in reply to: Gingers Jumpers #460219
    • Total Posts 199

    Do i take it you`re appearing live at Newbury tomorrow Ginge?

    Expected to see you there today if only to give my ears some relief from Keith`s verbal onslaught :lol:

    in reply to: Gingers Jumpers #457450
    • Total Posts 199

    It’s 1250 races!

    I thought living allowance must of been included

    Not at 80 points a race sam, if i have my maths right that is :!:

    Ah, makes sense now Ginge, i was working on the separate bank theory.

    So working on your table there i can safely go to £50 per point, wonder if i`ll get on?……..anyone gullible enough out there to believe



    Excellent figures though and gives you a new season target to aim at with a nice start to proceedings as well.

    in reply to: Gingers Jumpers #457436
    • Total Posts 199

    Seems a very safe bank Ginge., a losing run of around 125 races in succession would need to occur before the bank was bust.

    I think anyone with any sort of nouse would have given up on your tipping a long time before that occurred :D

    Anyway, since when did you start using a bank!! :wink:

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #457355
    • Total Posts 199

    I`m certain the thoughts about Mount Athos were correct Ginge., just scuppered by the draw i reckon……

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #455784
    • Total Posts 199

    Got to be pleased with that outcome Ginge, on a day such as that.

    Harris Tweed with a soft lead seems to able to run above his entitlement, if that makes sense, but he seems to have been given plenty of soft leads lately.

    Nice to see Brian Ellison`s, or indeed the owner`s decision to supplement Top Notch Tonto paid off too.

    Couldn`t fault Farrh on the day, ran a cracking race and deserved the win imo.

    As for Johnny Murtagh, well, what can you say, back his rides blind on a Saturday on this side of the water would be a plan if there was any of the season left that is!!

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #455371
    • Total Posts 199

    Yes indeed Ginge.

    Interested to see you you`ve put up the enigmatic Biographer in the 1st,well he is imo, with the irrepressible Father Ted up – attraction of a big price?
    Times Up is interesting with Soumillon on board, hopefully no more rain will arrive for him.

    Punters seem all over Estimate here though, might be difficult one to get beat, but you never know.

    Off to meet the Lairy One soon for his opinion then on up to Ascot for the day. Best of Luck, and c`mon you Johnny Murtagh in the Champion Stakes, now that would be nice!!

    in reply to: TheObserver’s horses on the Chat #455359
    • Total Posts 199

    Interesting stuff Observer, will try to look in when i can, always good to exchange views in a live context as it were.

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #455096
    • Total Posts 199

    Well as i said Ginge,. it is far easier for me to comment after the event as i did, but from what you say, it looked a trappy little race, one for the bookies maybe…… :? :wink:

    Let`s see how wrong you get Ascot then, school report must be due so don`t want any "could have done betters" on it. :wink:
    Have a sneaky feeling that won`t happen though. :D

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #455033
    • Total Posts 199

    Morning Ginge.

    I know it was only a saver bet on the day,and this is after the event too, but putting up Magic City on that ground at Salisbury did surprise me a little.

    Interested to know your thinking there if you still have your notes.

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #453287
    • Total Posts 199

    Yeah, based on what we know so far, anything too soft would not be welcome for Intello Ginge, but hopefully it won`t be that soft, time will tell of course.

    I agree that Novellist looks one to definitely have on side and i can see the value about Al Kazeem. One thing that concerns me is that AK has been pretty active this season and i hope they aren`t going to the well once too often as the cliche goes. Mind you he has shown his quality to date and the prize is well worth a tilt.

    in reply to: ‘A DIFFERENT APPROACH’ #453286
    • Total Posts 199

    Another bloody nose for the bookies would be most welcome Gordie – looking forward to it.

    in reply to: ‘A DIFFERENT APPROACH’ #453281
    • Total Posts 199

    Yeah, all part of life`s rich tapestry i agree, and the horses will always always at some point make you look a right ****!

    Still onwards and hopefully upwards eh?

    in reply to: ‘A DIFFERENT APPROACH’ #453260
    • Total Posts 199

    ‘Educate’ has No chance even with the mighty Murtagh on board.

    Thats what makes someone a legend posts like that,when you are right you think you’re the bees knees and when you’re wrong you look the biggest T*at going,thats the difference between me and others,I’m a legendary T*at! As for backing that duffer ‘Kiyoshi’ on Saturday, a horse I have said is No guineas winner……..Beggars belief how ones mind works at times!! :oops:

    Whoa, steady on there Gordie, bit of humility showing there, don`t let that become habit forming :lol:

    After the event i know, but i was on Code Of Honor, so not too pleased either. Should have known better too – Murtagh against Sweeney in a finish….only one winner there.
    Hopefully Candy`ll put up Amy Scott next time :lol: :lol: :lol:

    in reply to: Gingers Flat Winners #453259
    • Total Posts 199

    Excellent write up Ginge.

    Personally, i have taken some of the 14.5 on offer about Intello on Betfair and added him to the mix. Price looks too big to me.

    Not a huge amount of rain forecast for the area between now and the off so may not be that soft.Fabre is very bullish about the horse claiming that he is " exceptional and something out of the ordinary"
    so i feel that it is worth a risk, at that price. that he will stay the 12f.

    Best of luck to all.

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