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  • #412352
    Avatar photoMiss Woodford
    • Total Posts 1659

    Not generally a fan of American humour (sorry, that should be "humor"!) :lol: , but I do always find "Friends" enjoyable.

    And, more recently, I have come to really enjoy "The Big Bang Theory". Much more subtle "humor" than much of the American stuff. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    :shock: Many Americans find the humor in both shows to be insipid and unsubtle.

    Try Parks and Recreation, It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, Arrested Development, Entourage, 30 Rock, Community, Louie…

    Seinfeld doesn’t count since it isn’t so much a TV show as an integral part of American culture.

    • Total Posts 9300

    Y’know, I’ve never seen Seinfeld. I used to love Kate and Ali [sp] years ago and caught a snippet of Frasier whilst channel hopping at the weekend and remembered how much I used to enjoy that, although I think it carried on beyond it’s sell by date.

    Avatar photoVenture to Cognac
    • Total Posts 15015

    Moe, you’ll have to give Seinfeld a few goes, once it clicks, hopefully you’ll love it. Quite comfortably the funniest show there’s ever been.

    Could never take to Frasier, I always felt it was insanely overrated. The early Niles aside, I found most of the support characters really poor.

    • Total Posts 9300

    Niles was a secret crush of mine; so secret that I’ve only just admitted it to myself. Like I said, I think it tailed off quite badly towards the end. There’s something on tonight on BBC4 called Lilliside

    at 10. Not sure if it’s a comedy or what but I’m going to give it a go. There was an Icelandic series on BBC4 the other year that I loved [can’t remember what it was called, but it was set in a garage]; it was very weird. I caught the end of an episode of Black Books the other week; now that was good. Oh for the days when I used to look forward to the latest episode of Father Ted….[Silly me, I meant Lillyhammer; Lilliside is that darn French horse I backed that was disqualified as are most French horses that I back]

    Avatar photoMatron
    • Total Posts 6853

    "There was an Icelandic series on BBC4 the other year that I loved"



    Avatar photothehorsesmouth
    • Total Posts 5577

    Moehat, you might enjoy this! It’s an advert for a Clint Eastwood night on Channel 4 from back in the 90s, featuring Ted and Dougal :) Only saw it for the first time recently myself. … re=related

    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833


    Auusie tv series about a loose cannon but brilliant lawyer, Cleaver Greene. Thoroughly enjoyed it!

    This clip is a great taster

    • Total Posts 516

    War Time Farm, just brilliant TV!

    Avatar photothehorsesmouth
    • Total Posts 5577

    Thought I’d resurrect this thread with the third season of Game Of Thrones having just finished.

    As ever in Game Of Thrones, the first 8 episodes moved the pieces into place all around the world of the series, with episode 9 the episode where the real action happened. The finale then tied up the loose ends and set the show up for an excruciating wait for season 4. You’d think a show with so many characters would struggle to follow the different story lines but they really do a great job, and it seems as though every character, no matter how unimportant they seem, has a role to play. Already looking forward to the next season.

    I’ve been watching Friday Night Lights steadily over the past year or so and I’m now on the 5th and final season. While it doesn’t make one pine for the next episode the way Game Of Thrones does, it is very easy viewing and I’d recommend it to anyone. Kyle Chandler is excellent in the lead role and it’s worth watching for his performance alone.

    I’ve also watched Breaking Bad in the past year. I absolutely bombed through it, watching episodes 2 and 3 at a time. It’s a bit like Game Of Thrones in that every episode ends with you wanting to see the next one straight away. I’m not sure which of the two I prefer. Breaking Bad is brilliantly scripted and Bryan Cranston’s "I’m the one who knocks" speech was immense. The final season begins in August, needless to say that will make the wait for Game Of Thrones that bit easier.

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    I’m ashamed to admit that, although I refused to watch it first time round cause it was historically inaccurate I’m loving The Tudors. Do tend to fall asleep part way through [well, it is on rather late] though. Seem to be missing all the good series; the Returned looks good but I missed the first episode. And I still haven’t seen The Wire. I might retire soon and, if I do I’m just going to immerse myself in all the series that I’ve missed. I’m also watching the programme on Fidays about how to survive in Elizabethan England.


    Avatar photoTriptych
    • Total Posts 16965

    @ Moe…

    If you love The Tudors don’t miss The White Queen which has just started on BBC1 tonight Sunday 16th June.
    Quote from BBC site:-

    Elizabeth Woodville, "The White Queen" has been portrayed in novels and legends as a romantic figure. In reality, her 15th Century life was far from a fairy-tale. She may have married for love but as England’s Queen she faced danger and betrayal.

    As a 10-part drama series "The White Queen" starts on BBC One this Sunday.

    I’m enjoying the series Love and Marriage at the moment with Alison Steadman, Larry Lamb and the fantastic Celia Imrie, shades of Last Tango in Halifax and Strictly Ballroom.
    :D Jac

    Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out...
    • Total Posts 9300

    Saw the first episode of The White Queen but missed the second as I was in Paris [lucky me!]. Has had a lot of flack due to things like dresses having zips on and peoples teeth not being wonky but The Tudors taught me to forget all about minor details like that. Going to catch up with it on iplayer. And, of course, it’s Glastonbury this weekend as well [along with Wimbledon]. So much to watch; so little time….

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6010

    The Wars of the Roses, or more precisely the descendents of Edward III, is a particular interest of mine and some years ago I compiled a huge family tree of the pre-Tudor dynasties which resembles a particularly thick and twisted hawthorn hedge covered in spiders’ webs

    So ‘The White Queen’ was eagerly anticipated and the anticipation was reasonably well rewarded, with as far as I can judge the historical facts correct and the characterisations in-keeping, particularly those of Elizabeth’s scheming mother Jacquetta and ‘Kingmaker’ Warwick, who are both splendid

    It is a little too pretty, sanitised and Hollywoodesque with the incessant clips of Edward and Elizabeth engaging in steamy rumpy-pumpy rather unnecessary; but overall it was engaging and entertaining stuff

    Haven’t watched the second episode myself yet – as the prog conflicts with Miss Marple on ITV which on no account can be missed :) – but will be interested to see if they develop a warts-and-all portrayal of the so-far angelic Edward over subsequent episodes as he became a grossly obese wreck towards the end of his life

    Ten episodes seems a lot so presumably Richard III, the Princes in the Tower, Henry VII, the unification of the York and Lancaster dynasties etc will feature in due course…good-oh

    • Total Posts 9300

    Given that Henry remained svelte and handsome throughout the Tudors [and not a trace of red hair] I can’t see Edward turning into the Michelin Man in this series. Supposedly the rumpy pumpy was aimed at the American market but they’ve gone all prudish about it it may have to be edited. I understand that Jacquetta was actually tried for witchcraft but got away with it. Find her the most fascinating of all of the characters. Need to find time to watch Episode 2, what with Wimbledon and Glastonbury this weekend. Typical that, when you want programmes to be repeated, they aren’t.

    Avatar photoTriptych
    • Total Posts 16965

    iplayer Moe :D
    Here’s the 2nd Episode of The White Queen … Episode_2/
    I think it will work from here.

    Talking of Jacquetta, Phillipa Gregory wrote another book all about her and it’s fascinating. Called Lady of the Rivers so I would imagine and hope that will follow The White Queen series.
    Jac :D

    Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out...
    Avatar photothehorsesmouth
    • Total Posts 5577

    I’ve also watched Breaking Bad in the past year. I absolutely bombed through it, watching episodes 2 and 3 at a time. It’s a bit like Game Of Thrones in that every episode ends with you wanting to see the next one straight away. I’m not sure which of the two I prefer. Breaking Bad is brilliantly scripted and Bryan Cranston’s "I’m the one who knocks" speech was immense. The final season begins in August, needless to say that will make the wait for Game Of Thrones that bit easier.

    Five episodes down in the final season, three to go. Mondays can’t come quick enough! This series is


    • Total Posts 9300

    Saw Count Arthur Strong the other night; haven’t laughed so much at a sitcom for ages [wans’t quite aure what I was watching]. A bit dated perhaps but very quirky; the S.O. didn’t find it even mildly amusing but I was in tears. Very marmite. Can’t wait for next weeks episode.

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