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  • #117475
    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    I’ve been listening to:

    Nyaaaaayyy! I bloody loved Slowdive back in the day, me. I know shoegaze really annoyed a lot of folk, but it takes a hard heart not to find this unutterably gorgeous;

    Slowdive – Shine

    Patrick Wolf (as always)

    He floats my boat also, and the world needs more fey, effete, muscially hyper-literate outsiders like him in it. Still think “Lycanthropy” is better than his new stuff, though.


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 232

    …that Giant Drag album is great. I can’t wait for their/her new album, I’ve played YFLMD, etc, so many times now!

    I’ve been listening to:
    Patrick Wolf (as always)
    Klaxons (I thought they would be rubbish but they’re quite good)

    Love Giant Drag! This isn’t it, and Kevin is gay. Ohhhh they’re brilliant.

    And Jeremy…. CSS are excellent! So much fun live too!

    • Total Posts 9300

    just bought new PJ Harvey; very haunting and very beautiful – music to send shivers up your spine.

    • Total Posts 232

    just bought new PJ Harvey; very haunting and very beautiful – music to send shivers up your spine.

    Still haven’t got it yet! I love PJ!!!

    • Total Posts 9300

    went to Tescos on Saturday to buy the new Babyshambles but it hadn’t come out – luckily had to go into Nottingham today so got that and PJ Harvey – first time in ages that I’m really pleased with what I’ve bought…oh the awful cd’s that I’ve bought over the years! the worst one probably being Nigel Kennedy, why oh why did I buy it?

    Kingston Town
    • Total Posts 1049

    Runrig – 30 Year Journey The Best

    • Total Posts 9300

    I’ve just remembered that I used to be in the Runrig Fan club [it was @ the time that I was in the Desert Orchid fan club!] those were the days….Franz Ferdinand do this thing at the end of their set where they get all the drummers from all the other bands to play together; it’s pretty spectacular – but Runrig have been doing that for years.

    Kingston Town
    • Total Posts 1049

    I love their music, they’re pretty amazing :D

    • Total Posts 9300

    saw a documentary on the telly a long time ago about Runrig and joined the fan club as it was the only way, at the time, to find out how I could get to see them. Remember asking a Scottish friend what they were saying when they sang in Gaelic[?] and he said they were just singing about how much they hated the English!! never seemed the same after Donny left to become a politician [wonder how he’s doing?].He’ll probably make a come back on a quiz show – no, thats Donny Osmond.

    • Total Posts 703

    Currently: Cover of Can’t Stand Losing You in the musical fashion of Feeder

    Next up: Tarantula, Smashing Pumpkins

    (Hands up who now has a mental vision of a big hairy spider smashing several varieties of hell out of a pumpkin?)

    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7508

    saw a documentary on the telly a long time ago about Runrig and joined the fan club as it was the only way, at the time, to find out how I could get to see them. Remember asking a Scottish friend what they were saying when they sang in Gaelic[?] and he said they were just singing about how much they hated the English!! never seemed the same after Donny left to become a politician [wonder how he’s doing?].He’ll probably make a come back on a quiz show – no, thats Donny Osmond.


    I’ve been a fan of Runrig for over 10 years, and having seen the translation of their lyrics I can’t remember many, if any, suggesting they hate the English. Some their Gaelic songs are the most enjoyable.
    I think they have produced some decent stuff since Donnie Munro left, different, but still decent material. Donnie’s done some pretty good solo stuff too. Ironically it was the keyboards man Pete Wishart who made it to parliament, Perth and Kinross I think, and Donnie didn’t though he did stand against Charles Kennedy.


    Currently listening to ‘Day Of Days’ the 30th anniversary album.

    • Total Posts 9300

    methinks my Scottish mate was winding me up! naughtynaughty. it’s the gaelic songs I like the best, but I can’t sing along to them [well, I try to!] however, think Hearthammer with it Hank Marvinish guitar is pretty good too….however it’s songs like siol ghoraidh that are the best….makes me feel all patriotic and then think damn, I’m not Scottish. However, spend a lot of time in the border country, not sure if that counts…mo

    Avatar photoAndrew Hughes
    • Total Posts 1904

    Next up: Tarantula, Smashing Pumpkins

    (Hands up who now has a mental vision of a big hairy spider smashing several varieties of hell out of a pumpkin?)

    In my imagination the spider is also wearing a woolly hat

    Avatar photoAndrew Hughes
    • Total Posts 1904

    I bloody loved Slowdive back in the day, me

    Could never understand what the NME had against shoegazing, as you say, some beautiful music. I remember listening over and over to a track by Chapterhouse, possibly ‘Breather’

    I also loved the Boo Radleys album (2nd album?) ‘Everythings All Right Foreverr’ Seem to recall feverishly trying to complete a year’s worth of A-level art whilst listening to this repeatedly. ‘The Spaniard’ was particularly fine, heart-breaking trumpets.

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    I bloody loved Slowdive back in the day, me

    Could never understand what the NME had against shoegazing, as you say, some beautiful music.

    Quite simple, really – NME seems to have held the general editorial view for much of the last 20 years or so that music made by posh British kids is evil and must be destroyed, even before said kids have cleared their throats to sing. As Slowdive contained both a number of public schoolboys, plus two former members of the short-lived Sarah Records act Eternal (not that one), they were the easiest of easy targets for the Steven Wellses of this world.

    …And this despite them being neither humourless nor especially wet. I still have the copy of Select somewhere with a big poster of singer / guitarist Rachel Goswell in full combat gear brandishing an enormous machine gun and pronouncing death to all softies; and the “Souvlaki” album was named after one of the favourite insults of the foul-mouthed plumber Frank Rizzo character from that series of “Jerky Boys” US phone wind-up tapes of the time (as in, “she’ll suck you like Souvlaki, boy!”)

    Chapterhouse – hugely underestimated singles band. “Precious One”, “Mesmerised”, “She’s a Vision” and “We Are the Beautiful” were all very, very fine by me, ta very much. About time the back catalogue was reissued?

    Video for “Mesmerised”;

    I also loved the Boo Radleys album (2nd album?) ‘Everythings All Right Forever’ Seem to recall feverishly trying to complete a year’s worth of A-level art whilst listening to this repeatedly. ‘The Spaniard’ was particularly fine, heart-breaking trumpets.

    Yep, it was the second, after “Ichabod and I”. “Does This Hurt?” is still a searing track all these years on, the perfect match of a plaintive, forlorn vocals and a guitar onslaught. Video here – soz about the clock thingy for the first 10 seconds;


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    Avatar photoAndrew Hughes
    • Total Posts 1904

    Wonderful to hear that again. I didn’t hear enough of Chapterhouse the first time round and I have to admit to being too easily swayed by the aforementioned publication. They complained, as I remember, about the lack of ‘glamour’ and ‘performance’ and then when the Manics came along, also complained that they weren’t ‘for real’.

    The only charge I think they got right was that against Ride who’s lyrics were often of the ‘mat, cat, hat, bat’ variety, although compared to much of the banality that fills the charts and did at the time, that is hardly a terrible fault.

    Didn’t the NME also champion a band at the same time called ‘Fabulous’ who were photographed on the front page, apparently naked, wrapped in barbed wire. I don’t think I remember anything they produced mind. They seemed to have a lousy record for picking winners.

    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7508

    methinks my Scottish mate was winding me up! naughtynaughty. it’s the gaelic songs I like the best, but I can’t sing along to them [well, I try to!] however, think Hearthammer with it Hank Marvinish guitar is pretty good too….however it’s songs like siol ghoraidh that are the best….makes me feel all patriotic and then think damn, I’m not Scottish. However, spend a lot of time in the border country, not sure if that counts…mo


    I know what you mean when you mention the "makes me feel all patriotic". I’m not Scottish, though attached/married to a Scots lass for 14 years, but the place ‘gets in your blood’! Moved up here in April 2006 from southern England, and have not regretted the move for noe minute.

    I agree Hearthammer’s a classic, and there are plenty of other songs where Malcolm Jones belts out his ‘guitar bit’. Siol Ghoraidh translates as ‘The Geneology of Goraidh’ which sounds a clumsy title and perhaps proves that titles are sometimes left untranslated. The album ‘Celtic Glory’ has a lot of their best Gaelic songs on it, with a handful of English tracks thrown in, though ironically I’ve only heard my favourite track, the rather hymn-like ‘Thairis Air A Ghleann’, on the album Mara.

    I’ve got a tape Runrig released in 1978, presumably their first album, ‘Play Gaelic’ which is a bit ‘heuchter teuchter’ but disturbing catchy once you’ve listened a few times. I understand it was released on CD in 2002.


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