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Vaccine passports

Home Forums Lounge Vaccine passports

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  • #1568613
    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Not quite everyone – I am strongly in favour of vaccine passports!

    I’d quite like to bring in passports for just about everything tbh – if only to annoy the civil liberties brigade who only actually care about their own civil liberties.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 7848

    Ginger look at bars restaurants and nightclubs in England majority not using vaccine passports and starting to get back on there feet.

    As said before where the science for vaccine passports there is none

    Covid is likely be with us for rest of our lives so every winter do we have these restrictions in

    This about keep the unvaccinated away are you saying those who can’t take the vaccine for medical reasons can never go to a nightclub or a Football match ever again. Because someone who is exempt from vaccine can cause the same effect then someone who not want to get vaccinated

    Look at Pete parada story a drummer for offspring who was advised by doctor not to take vaccine what happened to him got fired from band because he follow advice from his doctor. So your message all those who are exempt from vaccine got to stay home and not have a life no more they never go to a sports event or a nightclub again because this not going away anytime soon. what about the mental health for those who can’t take the jab on medical grounds being told sorry guys you got to stay home. Then got to ask will employers pay people to stay at home that unlikely it is. For those who are exempt it up to them what they do with their life.

    • Total Posts 2849

    I’m largely indifferent to the idea as I’m vaccinated so I can carry on as before whether they come in or not. I think it’s a bit of a stretch to say that the unvaccinated will never be able to do anything again. I don’t think anyone is seriously suggesting this should be a permanent measure (Mr Davies excepted possibly :yes: ). Neither do I believe that it will lead to government tyranny and abuse of power as is no doubt suggested by some (not necessarily here) and I distrust this lot as much as anyone.

    As I have said, absolutely it’s anyone’s choice to have a vaccine but that choice has consequences which you have to live with. The simple fact is unvaccinated covid patients are putting pressure on the NHS and those beds could and should be free for those who have conditions for which there is no vaccine and therefore no choice. If you bar the unvaccinated from things, they are less likely to catch it which is both good for them and the NHS.



    • Total Posts 2553

    Well, that’s a silly and pompous post IMO. You’ve surpassed yourself there, son.

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    • Total Posts 2553

    No more from me tonight about Covid. I’m sick to death of it- no pun intended

    Avatar photogamble
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    Dickie you are younger than me – do you remember Dickie Dirts. They had a marvelous store in Westbourne Grove. ( Bloody awful shirts though)

    The unvaxxed do not have a huge curtailement on their freedoms as they can do anything they like behind locked doors. ( Within reason – they can’t laugh at the masked.)

    Could they not be best treated at home, if they pull the short straw, and thereby free up beds for those in masks ?








    Avatar photogamble
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    Can the unvaxxed still put out their cats ?

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    Have a nice night Tank


    Richard when I said unvaccinated not do a lot again it a response to Ginge who said those unvaccinated stay away from super spreader events like a nightclub or a Football match. which I add those who are exempt you telling them stay at home and don’t go to a club or Football again.what the message it do to there mental health if that there life for rest of there days.


    We seen in Wales and Scotland that vaccine passports not brought cases down


    In Germany been using masks and covid pass this year and last week they had there highest daily infection since pandemic  started. And been using covid pass for months


    My last message tonight off to type my Golf Bets up



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    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Is that your thumb yank or is it an imposter’s ? You said no more from me tonight about Covid. It also sounds as if as an unvaxxed your tolerance has been reached.

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    • Total Posts 5683


    New passports for old

    roll up you lazy glitches





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    Imposter’s thumb for a real one :good:

    tell a lie !






    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    It is typical of the anti-vaxxer/civil liberties mentality that they believe they should be able to do literally whatever they like without consequences.

    It’s an extreme form of selfishness and again underlines that only their civil liberties matter.

    Others have the right not to want the unvaccinated anywhere near them and they don’t have to justify their reasons for this any more than the anti vaxxers have to justify their reasons for refusing the vaccine.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    There is no evidence vaccine passports work.

    What we are witnessing in Europe now is governments and their medical advisers panicking. They have dug themselves into a hole. They will not admit they: overstated the threat from Covid back in spring 2020 and scared people out of their wits; and they know very little about how the virus behaves and how to treat it.

    They have thrown everything at Covid but infections, hospital cases and deaths are still increasing. None of their policies have worked. This includes the vaccines, sold to us this time last year as the escape route but which do not prevent infection or transmission and which wear off in a matter of months.

    They know the public are getting angry. Witness the riots in several countries. Therefore they have resorted to an old trick. Stigmatise a group as scapegoats so the public turn their anger on them, instead of where it should be. It is as old as the hills.

    This situation has been going on for nearly two years now. It is not going to end until governments stop pretending they know what they are doing and just treat it as an endemic virus. But that is not going to happen because it would involve politicians and doctors admitting they got something wrong. The two groups of people least likely to do so.

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    We live in a selfish world sadly and mostly gone are the days people stopped to help granny to cross the road and more drivers rush past a queing filter lane to join it later and cause possible death by obstruction. Love thy neighbour replaced by lock that door.

    You have stated this before ‘ there is only ‘ – I have stated it – it is the undeniable truth but the blind see what they want to see.

    There will always be two sides to an argument – it used to be BBC v ITV. It is not black and white.

    I have spotted Corky’s post above and will consume it with my tea. B-)

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Yes, filter lane behaviour for years has been an omen for what would happen in a Pandemic.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

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