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The World Cup

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  • #1623865
    • Total Posts 434

    I’ll be watching it, it’s football, but the things surrounding this this time round is shocking from certain hypocritical individuals, to corrupt nations.

    In truth I don’t really enjoy watching England anymore as we won’t win anything with Southgate in charge, but just hope this is something that can be enjoyed when two teams line up against each other, if everyone can forget about politics, and everything else going on in our sorry little world at the moment.

    Just hoping for a release from all the doom and gloom that’s been thrown at us which feels relentless, and going back years now.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    “we won’t win anything with Southgate”

    But actually have got further in major competitions with him than with any Manager since Alf Ramsey in 1966.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    • Total Posts 434

    We have been extremely lucky Ian with the draws.

    Italy was there for the taking in the Euro’s. We scored early, but Italy made some minimal changes and dominated the game after 15 mins.
    Southgate hadn’t got a clue how to change things.

    Same thing happened against Croatia in the semi of the World Cup, took the lead but couldn’t see the game out with the lack of tactical nous.

    • Total Posts 2849

    ‘Even those I know who are keen on the game seem less than enthralled at the prospect: a resigned shrug of the shoulders ‘I suppose I’ll watch it’ type response’

    This sums me up and many I know. I was far more excited about today’s test match against the All Blacks than the entire Would Cup. Quite some finish there was too.

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Similar sentiments with me, for whatever reason I’m just not particularly bothered by the world
    cup this year and I’m usually rather excited. I guess it’s partly the time of year – feels like we’re about to watch a collection of friendliest rather than anything important. And the fact that I’ve moved away from all my mates, I’ve previously always headed to a pub with a bunch of mates to watch all the England games but this year I won’t be able to do that so the thought of watching them on my own, or with a group of people that I don’t know in a pub is a lot less exciting to me. I’d like to say the human rights issues are making me want to take the morale high ground and boycott the event but in reality I think it’s the two reasons mentioned above that are making me unenthusiastic about the whole thing.

    • Total Posts 2849

    That’s fair comment Ben and I agree. We’d be switching off far more than the World Cup if it was solely about human rights in the host country or the presence of corruption. Don’t get me wrong, what has gone on in Qatar is abhorrent but I can’t believe that it’s the only place guilty of this.

    The time of year is definitely a factor. The beer gardens and fan zones etc don’t have quite the same appeal when it’s pitch black and freezing at 6pm.

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    You’re not wrong there Richard, I’ve gone to the pub on my own tonight and it’s absolutely freezing, not only that but it’s actually rather depressing being here on my own seeing all the groups of friends having fun together lol!

    • Total Posts 2849

    Good on you getting out there. Not always easy to go to the pub on your own but you have far more chance of getting chatting to someone there than you would at home.

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Cheers mate, ended up meeting a bunch of drama students there last week and they invited me to go clubbing with them, which I did…….instant regret lol really not my scene, didn’t even try chatting to any birds I felt so out of place lol! That’s why I used to love a cheeky bit of the white stuff, only thing that makes those occasions bearable!!

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    “The beer gardens and fan zones etc don’t have quite the same appeal when it’s pitch black and freezing at 6pm.”

    I had a walk by the fan zone in my neighbourhood which I mentioned earlier. It literally looks like a circus big top tent. Can’t say the idea of heading out there in the dark and the rain and paying extortionate prices makes a lot of appeal.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Time to put the cat out …

    As a young adult, Wilma worked with Betty as a cigarette girl at a resort. There, they first met and fell in love with their future husbands, Fred and Barney, who were working there as bellhops.

    They must have rung their bells !

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Terrible opening game , taken 9/4 on Qatar to win

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863
    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    A new low point for global sport – the World Cup in Qatar – is about to get underway: Chezza’s always been an Ecuador fan….

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    I can just picture Chezza dancing away, free Waitrose coffee in one hand and can of cherryade in the other, to Sash! in his living room…

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Chezza’s boys are playing the human rights-abusing hosts off the park.

    Will Qatar even qualify on merit for another Finals this century?

    Looks a mismatch so far and the hosts will be lucky to end the game with 11 on the field (half of them carded already)….

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Qatar are a championship level team …goalkeeper is awful

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