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    Avatar photoDrone
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    Was that the sixties or seventies Drone?

    Julie Felix’s LP ‘Flowers’ was released – appropriately enough – in 1967

    Dylan’s ‘Gates of Eden’ was on his LP ‘Bringing it all Back Home’ released in ’65

    The Zim wrote many a great song but I’ve long tired of the old groaner’s guttural plosives and prefer cover versions, notably those by Joan Baez. Julie Felix has a good voice but is not a patch on that of the angelic Joan’s

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    Great stuff Drone,
    Your knowledge of the old stuff is great so much in fact you can rewrite rock. There nothing new under the sun. What is new has always been here and just waits to be rediscovered.

    An early sortie with my green wheelie bin to my first call at 7:30 to the squadron leader’s postage stamp garden to take away some of his clay top soil. The SL always comes out no matter how early I pass by and today was no exception, “ nice to see you Sam couldn’t you sleep 😴 . “No not till your patch is tidy and things are growing.” The bin now weighed a tonne and I doubted if the refuse people would take it but elf 🧝‍♂️ and safety hasn’t entirely taken over in Suffolk and these refuse collectors are made of sterner stuff.
    A delightful lady was just leaving an elderly neighbour’s house as I arrived home with my cargo of clay. She is a carer for him and she always greets me with the biggest smile you can imagine. She lights up any day. You know when someone has an aura and this woman has it. But todays smile was stronger and brighter. I greeted her and asked of her broader than usual grub. She held out her left hand and adorning the appropriate finger was a rock of ages!! 💍 an exact replica of the illustration. When I get the picture techs bit I’ll put it up. The person of her heart ♥️ had popped the question and had presented this hefty rock to seal the deal.
    The second bit of great news is I’ve discovered POO 💩 HALLAH . I’ve been looking for a few weeks now for a new source of the black gold which fires my farming industries and a remote farm on land which is currently not earmarked for redevelopment houses quite simply the biggest pile of aging poo 💩 I’ve ever seen. Indeed I’d swear we are back in the common market because never mind butter and flour mountains this is mount POO 🏔. The track I travelled along was tree lined and endless I couldn’t drive down because of the mud do set off on the trek of over three quarters of a mile through a serene glade with deer and rabbits and squirrels Jays magpies rats 🐀 and all manner a wood pile the length of my street a glade and st the end s clearing birds of prey and the biggest stockpile of horse muck in Europe. My wheelbarrow tyre was not up to it and the huge builders bag accompanied by three ferlizer bags was optimistic was reduced to just the builders bag as I had to jettison some three bags of deadweight but man alive !! I’ll be back with s four by four and a trailer asap.

    The music I’m putting forward today is rapper’s delight there is nothing like it and in pure contradiction of what I’ve just said nothing before like it.
    My abiding memory of this amazing masterpiece is four wide eyed smiling laughing brothers all reciting this melody and rap word for word jumping up and down on mum and Dads bed.
    Swearing with dismay whenever the radio DJ would fade it out early (dad’s wireless which I still have and treasure)
    Monday is a day of contrast and delight. Always expect the unexpected I’m trying to get out but can’t. I’ve been out already and bumped into numerous folk. cocaine by Dillinger will have to wait a tad longer.
    On the way out I thanked the owner by way of the only currency I know ( along with graceful gratitude) GUINNESS.
    My immense joy was tempered minutes later when I met an old friend. He’d been hit by aggressive cancer and was on way to the hospital for treatment. My heart is with him and his wife and son. They have been through a ton before of strife but I’ve always known them to be happy and strong and I hope that may can carry them through this latest trial.

    Avatar photoDrone
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    I was dodging the showers inside the gates of the other eden today, picking pounds and pounds of Bramleys from a large neglected apple tree on the plot of a recently deceased old-timer who planted the tree some 60 years ago to celebrate the birth of his first child. It’s a fine example of how trees – which are to all intents eternal compared to our short time here on this mortal coil – form a tangible link with the past. Old Maurice was 91 when he shuffled-off and had the good earth under the fingernails of his gnarled bronzed hands until nearly his last breath

    Look forward to Dillinger’s aural coke, and his knives, forks, bottles & corks

    That’s more reggae than rap I reckon, so my favourite rap track from an admittedly short list is:

    As for the Liffey Liqueur: yes indeedy

    Avatar photoBigG
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    I don’t know where you get the energy Sam, but keep up the good work whilst you can :good:
    Yes I’m sure it feels odd not to have Molly at your heel, like all of us we’ll get the call
    whenever it’s due. We just have to accept taht and make the best of what we have. I’m sure
    there are plenty good memories about Molly.

    I agree with you about Ginger, I get on with him well now, I just don’t get into any heavy
    disagreement, there’s no point. I don’t think I’ve ever seen Ginge change his view on anything,
    regardless of any points he’s challenged on. That’s why I say I just don’t get involved in a
    stooshie. I agree with you, I actually like Ginger and we’ve got on pretty well since out sh*t
    flinging day. He does know a lot about horses, but he’s wrong if he disgards your methods without
    fully understanding them. You’ve put up a few winners in our Meydan Thursdays, a 28/1 winner and
    a 50/1 e/w shot come to mind. Keep going with your systems, if someone disagrees with them well
    that’s ok. Plenty of men argued with great gusto that the world was flat :scratch:

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    More great music from the head gardener Drone. We don’t get this in the irritating thread I guess that’s why it’s, well irritating!!
    Traverse law and free energy brought about a truly potent combination of factors (those of you who I’ve explained in writing about traverse law will be closer to understanding what’s happened here than most.) College wizard 80/1 scored in fourth place and looked to be tailing off when he disappeared out the back of my tellyscreen on the mobile. But just like the horses at the breeders in receipt of free energy master of the seas, Auguste Rodin among them they all found more energy at the business end of their races an indicator to me that I associate with horses receiving inordinate amounts of free energy.
    This has little to do with trees though guys and today’s forays into the woods yielded some of the best composted matter I’ve seen. I’ve collaborated at the allotment with a gent who is showing me how to compost leaves 🍃 for pure soil in two years from the leaf mulched and broken down into pure soil. I’m increasing his yield of leaves by a massive amount as he gathers by bin liners and cycles 🚲 it to his plot a bag at a time. I have two large gardens to retrieve it from at two builders bags a time and van🚐 it in to him a big bag at a time.
    I pay for his expertise in allotment hard currency in my case artichokes. They are massively heavy croppers and even a cursory poke around the soil in a rough vicinity where I planted tubers in April this year reveals huge newly matured tubers. I’ve got them in an isolated raised mound in a corner out of the way by my shed door otherwise they spread rapidly. I’m taking a box to my superb bakery tomorrow too, and my good friends at the food bank. The rest will stay in situ for a bit longer to be hardened off fully by the frosts as temperatures drop rapidly in the coming weeks. I’m keen to find out how they go down on the specials board at a top mezzanine Mediterranean restaurant later this week. Someone who bought ten bags of manure two weeks ago got only about 8 full bags so they had first shout on the new batch and a massively overweight bag was delivered to them tonight. The remaining underweight builders bag was traded off too to my other neighbouring allotment holder who got four bags worth for a tenner he readily pledged to the hospice and will send his wife in to pay soon. My mate Simon will finally get the chance to go off road in his Land Rover now as we need a 4x 4 to get to this remote location with a trailer to get sufficient piles of poo 💩 off this gladed beauty spot which few people will ever see.
    Dillinger’s New York “ a knife 🍴,a fork a bottle and a cork”. Will wait no longer and this version knocks Clapton’s cocaine into a crocked hat 🎩 although it is a totally different poem.

    Avatar photoDrone
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    I don’t care for that version much, sounds like a reprise Dillinger was asked to record from the comfort of his care home with fellow residents on vibes

    This is the original single from 1976

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    I’m lining up a four by four to return to the farm because I had scant return for my initial endeavours. But it was a huge reccy in terms of massive potential and it’s the Indian Scout post battle who carries the fight to the enemy and who scoops the jackpot . Out of my small idea to raise a few hundred or so for the hospice will come a mighty oak for a business here in the world of commerce 💡 :mail:
    The original version that you’ve sourced is the daddy but wait until you hear CB200 Drone bosses them all on that score.

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    You can’t judge your day by how you pick your horses.
    On Monday
    I enjoyed a brilliant stroll armed with wheelbarrow through a remote location. A long walk but such an enjoyable and serene walk through isolated woods. At the end of the trail was a huge unexhaustible store of old well rotted manure. Which will satisfy my needs for a very long time to come.

    A major disappointment towards the end of the evening but overall a grand day. As a friend with a vehicle which could get us to that huge pile of poo I’d not prepared to risk his 4 x 4 off road ( which is what I thought they were for) I’m not sure if that was the major disappointment or failing to land a single winner on what is only Tuesday. Back to Molly’s and although only a fleeting visit plenty covered and a fresh bed completed with recycled parts and many layers of a lasagne made in true no dig fashion. I’ve built a huge no dig bed for flowers and it is most likely the biggest one I have made the gentleman next doors front garden has grown out of control so I’ve mowed the lawn and used the grass cuttings for the no dig bed. I’ve planted tulips and split and spread the agapanthus plants so that they cover three quarters of the entire l shape of the bed I’ve put in wallflowers. Seal of Solomon roots have gone too. Many times I’ve come back to living bed and dug away the soil for my allotment because the soil is so good and the split agapanthus plants is spread all over the area. Food bank visited and friends seen and plans laid. November is in full swing and it’s all rocking. visit and regular source of manure secured. Returned to scene of chest infection and carried a face mask just in case not used but acted as an effective placebo. Misssd one appointment due to memory lapse.

    Putting right that miscreant version by Dillinger.

    Heres another musical hero
    Gerry rafferty

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    Not so much the song as the scene so get busy living

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    I went to Sandown back in the day with a bunch of good old boys on a coach. It was the regular annual trip on a hot summers day. It was an all boys trip not by design it just was. Rather the same as the girls would have an all girls day out. We all wore best bib and tucker and hampers of food were taken and there were tables and a fantastic spread we always ensured the copious amounts of beer we were going to consume would be soaked up with lots of good everyone had huge appetites and we always behaved impeccably. I’d never seen any of these lads get into any bother though we misbehaved plenty in a happy way and always had a great day out.
    These lads were timeless still working some retired but all boys at heart. We’d have a quiz enroute before we got out of Suffolk and we’d assemble early in the pub prior to boarding the coach. We’d all had an “early night” which meant leaving the pub before 10 pm on the Friday. Some were in the pub and ready for the off from 8:30 for a 10 am embarkation. The landlord who I’d known from the port where he was a purser on the ferry ⛴ in the eighties was a great fella and in addition to the “hare o the dog” for the hardy and foolhardy he’d serve up a decent fried full English.
    There was a wizened old fella in his late eighties who had the constitution of an ox. We’d drop him off on the way back late as you like, he’d cross darkened country lanes and find his way down his track across fields home without trouble drunk as a skunk 🦨 but happy and Mobile.

    We’d set off and the countdown would be set to see who needed the loo first and wether we’d be on the m25 by then.
    We were pretty much all pals and veterans of Newmarket fakeham and Huntingdon and the “commoners day “ the Saturday of Royal Ascot when all the toffs and some of the cokeheads had gone home.
    This particular day was coral Eclipse day at sandown and me and one fella had a “plan” we saw Jamie Spenser walking the course and he was about to change history on not now Cato and so were we.
    These days out some guys would ‘have one’ they had planned out to win a few bob and not now Cato was our horse. I’ve never splashed the cash on a racecourse because I’ve never had enough to do so.
    But I bought a ticket for about a 100 pound return and Smartie did similar and we took up position on the finish line.
    I’ve never stood on the finish line before or since and when Spenser veered to the right on the home turn we thought his steering geer had gone and he was sailing without a rudder cut adrift on the Sandown straits.

    We needn’t had be concerned because he came home with a wet sail and outflanking the fancied field won easily. We celebrated and partied on the finish line I’ve looked at footage and you cannot see two men embraced and jumping up and down on at the finish line but we are there somewhere on some angle I guess.
    We then dined on copious amounts of oysters and champagne which for me went down a treat. I didn’t see my good friend again that summer, but when we met up the following spring he told me he’d been taken Ill the day after with severe gastrointestinal trouble and was very Ill indeed. He was eventually right as rain again but never ate oysters again.
    On the way home from many trips particularly Fakenham and Huntingdon this chap had a magic trick he’d do to the tune of dam busters it involved picking up coins off the floor without the use of hands and depositing them elsewhere.
    I moved house and stopped frequenting the local pub but bumped into him recently and we always reminisced about the days of trips by coach to exotic racecourses and yarned about “happy days”.
    Today is a busy busy day and I’ve sourced a Land Rover and we’ll head to the stables tomorrow and put his vehicle to its natural use and if we get stuck there’s the fun of it we have spades and boards and will travel in hope.
    I’ve raided a few gardens and have lots of flowers for the shop. I bumped into a youngster from the pub days he told me what I didn’t want to hear. We lost Smartie last week unexpectedly and his catchphrase “ happy days” still rings loudly and brightly in my ears,mercifully one of his boys who’d emigrated to Aus was here. I don’t know the ins and out but it is very sad, I but my abiding memory of this most cheery and happy of men is most most heartwarming and a reminder that you must always travel optimistically in hope with a huge confidence of expectation too. :good: :good:

    Avatar photosporting sam
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    Song for Smartie from a jack to a king one he always sang on the bus home from sandown ascot Huntingdon or fakenham.
    Happy days.

    Avatar photosporting sam
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    What a day yesterday was and what a day today has been.
    The squadron leader messaged me last night to proudly declare he’d ordered a phalanx of plants, compost bulbs and above all else, A tree 🌲.
    I’m finding out now that things happen for a reason I’m not one of superstitious ways but somethings make up you sit up with a massive massive jolt.
    You couldn’t meet someone without timing and one pause or missed step and that someone flashes past and you are none-the wiser. A bit like that cheesy British Rom com sliding doors, where a set of circumstances lead to a parrellel world of outcomes. Well two days ago after my yomp through the woods to this Poohallah (this inexhaustible new source of manure) I was delayed by my wheelbarrow not being fit for purpose and had to jettison much of my cargo in order to travail through the mud. This led to me being caught at a railway crossing. Instead of thinking “damn I’ll have to wait” it wasn’t a big deal. This is Suffolk guys and girls and things happen when they happen.
    There is no hurry here and life moves at a sedate pace,and if you have to queue behind me or any other chilled out “Suffolker”, you’ll likely have a long old wait.
    So finally, after the longest road train in history rolled through from the docks carrying miles and miles of plastic Far East plastic tat bound for Amazon (what an incredibly STUPID MONIKER for a company which is stripping the world of its assets and ecology faster than most parasitic entities of nature) I crossed the track and ran straight into a family getting into their car. Friends I hadn’t seen for several years (ten). Quick hugs and “ great to see you agains” were :rose: exchanged but anxious looks were given and the wife said wr can’t stop Hubbies not good at all we going to hospital he’s got aggressive cancer and we’re trying to get more done.
    It didn’t look great and my normal optimism would be out of place in this conversation we talked briefly and I gave them my love before they rushed away.

    Today 48 hours on saw another visit to the farm and my old neighbour seventy seven years young was only too pleased to have a chance to put his forty year old Land Rover off road again and we stocked up with lots of bags and his trusty old trailer. We’d had lots of adventures together and this fellow like me is a boy at heart. After yesterday’s truely devastating news at the loss of Smartie sunk in I really needed something big to happen today and driving my mates landy was nothing short of riding constitution Hill. To say we dug for victory today is an understatement and we got very close of half a ton off the massive mound of Dobbin’s Wonder stuff. I’ve got a name for it and will be penning it up in lights when the time comes.
    We trekked this mass of Mother Nature’s alchemistic product (BLACK GOLD)to my two allotments on my way to the rendezvous I came across a team of workers felling a tree 🌲 They had a massive shredding machine working off a sturdy generator. Me being SAM I stopped and spoke to the foreman who was very kind to remove his earplugs and turn off the generator. “ what are you going to do with the wood chippings mate” We are taking them back to the yard then we are dumping them, why “?
    “ because I can use them to make paths on my allotments”
    Great tell us where and we’ll dump them there tonight “
    My faith in human nature restored, I went on to my date with a 4×4 an adventure people pay good money 💰 for.

    Then having had my fun in the horse muck and a go at off road driving an amazing thing happened. ……
    After not seeing my friends for such a long time I bumped into the mother and son again in the town centre. Twice in the space of two days. It’s time they both spoke candidly about the final diagnosis of terminal cancer and palliative care when they had thought there was a chance a thread of hope when there had never been any.
    Consultants dodging meetings and lack of full and frank disclosure when this diagnosis had been known for months.
    Although everyone’s cases are unique I saw a familiar pattern of GPs mistreating an initial illness and symptoms which were clear red flags for much deeper enquiries in this particular two years of fobbing off about reflux problems. Real anger and despair expressed. I offered any help I could give and gave my Dads experience and the help we got from his hospice.
    There is very little you can say, but the wife spoke candidly and this utter helplessness mirrored mine when the doctor told me and my Dad that the “stomach trouble” his doctor had offered Epsom salts as a sufficient help to sort out his grumblings of “ somethings not right as I don’t usually go to the doctors do I ? Dad has told him. Was beyond hep and he was to make the best of what little time the consultant could offer after the briefest of biopsies had offer ZERO HOPE the severe chemo offered would be merely a very painful and debilitating Placebo. We went home shocked but resigned and my Father openly wept for the first time ever. I’m still bloody glad I was there with him then as to be utterly alone at that time would have been as unbearable as the news.

    I’d say me and the old timer have enough poo 💩 for twenty bags for the hospice which will take the tally to over 50 bags at £5 a time plus 25% gift aid while the bouquets must stand at about 30 I’d reckon.

    Now for that dip I’ve been promising myself for a few days!! I hope the North Sea is as welcoming as it has been this summer even if a little colder than then.
    As I say when folks fret about the rain that falls, “Dont worry!! We are not Soluble!!!”. Hot curry and an equally hot bath to follow…,
    I walked along the prom earlier and with the sunset throwing up a vast canvas of light over the sea and casting a beautiful veil of colour where there should be grey across the clouds it looked again like a J.W. TURNER landscape yet again, and for me, it looked very much like the “Fighting Temaraire for the third time in a couple of weeks……
    Happy days….
    Happy days indeed.

    Avatar photosporting sam
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    Hot curry and soothing hot bath just what the doctor ordered after a dip in the North Sea Tonight The temperatures have held up well since it’s peak of about 19. 10 degrees or 11 is the norm now. Swimming was not the opium of the masses ten years ago, now it’s a reaffirming must do trendy thing. “The lonliness of the short distance swimmer can only be enjoyed at night now. It’s not too advisable Safety wise though and I did text the boss to tell her “I was having a dip”. It’s dangerous and better and proficient swimmers have come a cropper in these waters many times. I don’t venture far and my land lubbing tendencies keep me yards from the shoreline.

    This the only song of the day and one which I’ve always kept close to.
    At the time and even now, it was as if the nutty Boys themselves had crept into this Sixteen year old’s bedroom and read through all my secret notes and poetry and stole out again and put it to music 🎵
    They knew me, my mum and my Dad… and my relationship with them. And, how impossible it is for a kid to express to them what he wants to…

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    Nodding off in the bath is more dangerous than the low temps of the north sea at this time of year! A combination of high temperatures ( of the bath) and being peckish and tired mean a early retirement is long overdue. A pint of full on Guinness is going down Well.
    Today is another big day.

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    A lad I first met at work in the mid eighties had a ridiculously premature funeral today.
    He was a devoted Dad and grandad and never spoke to me about anything other than his family and sport. He was a consummate professional at everything he did and was loved by all. It is easy to attach the label of good egg, likeable. well respected and much loved to anyone if you try hard enough. But of this fella, all of the above really were true. Huge numbers of staff serving and retired converged from miles around to testify to his popularity and huge esteem that he was held.
    So I didn’t need to find or think of a song for today. This fella had MR BLUE SKY as his ring tone and set as his alarm
    tune at home.
    I choose a couple of runners in honour of him at Dundalk and both went close coming second.
    Big dreams came very close going down by a neck in the 2000.
    The bog bank was a half length down runner up in the last.

    It was great to meet his family and be one of a mass of mates who could confirm the high feelings all that met him had for him.
    Earlier on I’d been to Molly Roberts’s and put the final touches to a no dig flower bed.
    The cardboard base followed by layers and layers of green and brown organic material. The layers included manure brown and green leaves, grass cuttings, coffee grounds all manner of discarded organic items and finally topped off with
    a mixture of Suffolks finest horse poo rotted by six year poo

    I ended the evening with a trip to the beach and a nighttime dip. I’d had my eye 👁 also on a large piece of driftwood the high tide had marooned above the waterline. Somehow 11 felt like 16 degrees and somehow I find it much colder and uninviting by day maybe it is the peace you get just like being undisturbed to work happily on the allotment. I was accompanied by the boss tonight and that is a lot safer than paddling out “jaws” style.
    Anyway here is to you and your brilliant family. Buddy

    We can actually do the forecast here

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    It is Remembrance Day 11/11 and at 11 am, many people around the world will remember those who fought and lost their lives in the countless conflicts on our tiny globe.
    I’m privileged not to have had to raise a gun in anger to my fellow man in attack or defence. Many have not been so lucky as to have a choice and I respect many friends who have taken the military path.
    My views towards war and fighting are my own and I’d never bore anyone with them on a forum.
    I don’t know where today will take us all, but I know that a number of people from all sides of the spectrum of views will aim to mark today to their own bents. Lots of differing opinions will meet head on today and clashes are absolutely inevitable.
    The threat of an opportunist terror strike is real and I’m surprised that the level doesn’t appear to have been raised given terrorists propensity to use anniversaries as a starting focus point to attacks. Hammas used the Yom Kippur date and anniversary of the six day war to launch their attacks and it is very unlikely that the world’s most sosphisticsted surveillance organisation were actually caught unawares. Military response was swift and hugely well organised and I’ll not venture further into those realms. The TET offensive in Vietnam and the most recent Enniskillen attrocity all used significant events and dates to catch people unawares and today’s event are food and drink to anyone seeking to cause mayhem.
    I’ve worked with the military of all branches air sea and land in the uk at various levels. And on a sporting front I’ve played with them too it’s a different way of life and I have the utmost respect for them.
    As a little boy, my Mum took me to visit visit elderly Lady on the neighbouring Council estate to ours.
    She had a massive painting framed of the HMS Ark Royal hung over her mantle piece.
    Their was an inset of three separate oval painted coloured pictures of three very young boys graduated from naval school. I guess the eldest was 19 Those three boys the youngest of whom was SIXTEEN were all of them her sons and alongside many hundreds of their Brother seamen were all lost at sea in the First World War when the Huge flagship vessel was destroyed in battle.
    I have never ever forgotten that old woman. She bore no ill will to either the Germans who were back in conflict in the second Great War just two generations later or the incompetent Admirals who were tactically outthought on numerous occasions by the German fleet.
    My point? there is no point other than to say that war is very futile and is unfortunately very human and until we use all this clever technology at our disposal simply to understand each other better and use our basic instincts to respect and understand and celebrate All of our differences and accept them all wars will continue.
    On the battlefields of Europe the same young men and women are being sent to their deaths by old men who fear death themselves and hide behind idealologies which are nothing short of ridiculous and their absence from the battlefield are not coincidence!!!! These youngsters going to their deaths number among the thousands of entrepreneurs and scientists and farmers and tomorrow geniuses who are lost to indiscriminate bombs and bullets and a huge loss to humanity and to our planet. Normally the french and Russians are the people who come to realise first when they are being misled and they are historically the first to disobey their generals mutiny and shoot them. Hope springs eternal…..
    I’m on a bit of a journey I guess some will get it more won’t. But I’m using the time I’ve got to spread and promote peace and love. My way is through my gardening 👩‍🌾 and I use it to raise awareness and grow food and flowers to make a better world as best I can. If I make a difference in Suffolk then my small pebbles can make maybe make a ripple in this great pool of ours.

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