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  • #1648699
    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Whilst gamble waits patiently in the sock drawer for me to unscrew or uncork something viscous, or viney, that easily releases him, here is A BLAST FROM THE PAST and a fine example of how to distort a thread and bring back monkey.

    As it’s a Sunday I do dare.

    Last entry was May 29 2006 – The Word Association has fizzled out and Razeen had been dispatched in his deathly fight against it, some three months back. Alan Potts was making the news, and in his element, whilst gamble was untethered and on a high and I myself was no longer straddling youth but not a relic either, but events were shortly to unfold which would darken the clouds.

    Avatar photoAdmin-Matron
    • Total Posts 30

    I might consider resurrecting “The Word Association”.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Old hat has been removed in spirit of appeasement.

    Pps. One lives and learns.

    I am finding recent forum replies and recent topics – extremely useful and energy saving. If you click on them you Fastrack to the post or thread. Old dogs can learn new tricks.

    Avatar photoAdmin-Matron
    • Total Posts 30

    You just can’t help yourself Gamble – you really are quite tiresome at times.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    I wouldn’t disagree with that, one iota, but methinks you are maybe a wolf in sheep’s clothing and taking words from a higher command post. You baited him from the drawer with that hook though. I try to learn from you and be succinct but fact is it’s hard – I was born a babbler and remain one to this day. Strange that we have remained friends but I suppose it is the length of our relationship – it sort of binds us in bonhomie.

    P.s. It might work better for me if you moved that latest post link and thread higher up – above the Twitter link and the racing forum link – I’m one lazy ol’ fella 🙂
    Do it for yer mate !

    pps.. I’ll promise to stay stumm about the Word Association thread and will contribute ten times if you set it up. 😁
    I also know viewing numbers drop when I post – I promise to see my quack !

    Avatar photoAdmin-Matron
    • Total Posts 30

    “I wouldn’t disagree with that, one iota, but methinks you are maybe a wolf in sheep’s clothing and taking words from a higher command post. You baited him from the drawer with that hook though.”

    Wrong again.

    Last comment from me on this.

    “P.s. It might work better for me if you moved that latest post link and thread higher up – above the Twitter link and the racing forum link – I’m one lazy ol’ fella 🙂
    Do it for yer mate !”

    You will need to contact Cormack on this matter as I am not involved with the design of the site.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Yes I am wrong it is you – strange !!
    I have rarely seen you so downwind about something.
    I have removed all evidence of the ghost of the past.
    In defence of the word association threads – they did have the occasional bits of banter mixed in. The irritable thread is going great guns. I have always agreed – particularly in the lounge area – people should post what they want – within reason – just an opinion.

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    Goodwood not suitable for high class racing? Seen some of the greats handle it well enough (Frankel, Baaeed, Stradivarius…). Even inexperienced 2yos seem to cope if they’re good enough (The Platinum Queen a recent example). Epsom is even more of a challenge in terms of camber, undulations etc so where does that leave The Derby? Racing ought to be a test of the thoroughbred.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    IMO gamble is only “tiresome” if taken literally and seriously at all times – gamble has a pop at me regularly, and has been doing for 22 years and counting.

    It’s all good fun and gamble retains this uncanny capacity to intrigue me.

    I’ll never figure him out – but that’s fine as life would be intolerably dull if I knew the answers to literally everything.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Let me deal first with tonge
    then later with big tongue.

    Tonge writes…

    ‘Racing ought to be a test of the thoroughbred.’

    Leave Frankel out of it he was a beast with unnatural powers.

    Baaeed was a six race wonder untested at seven.

    As for Stradivarius with 18 group races under his belt one could hardly call him a plodder or lucky. Your ace card.

    However the prolific third reich shocking Jesse Owens, who powered home five times in the 1936 Olympics was not asked to run with Jack and Jill – and commiserations to Dancing Brave on his switchback nightmare. Starkey never rode rodeo.

    Big tongue writes…

    ‘It’s all good fun’

    Yes partly true, but there are rather large blob elements of the Marquis de Sade mixed in with the uncontrollable laughter.

    Avatar photogamble
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    Forget Baaeed Tonge…

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    As The Marquis de Sade himself might have said: “Everyone’s entitled to a hobby.”

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Blob writes…

    “As The Marquis de Sade himself might have said: “Everyone’s entitled to a hobby.”
    It’s the way ‘e tells ’em

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