I reckon Dettori, Fallon and maybe McEvoy would edge it, the difference from the other jocks being chiefly consistency. Personally, I doubt Kieren would be inferior on front-runners to the other two.
Not that I’m knocking Robinson’s prowess, but I think he was a lighter weight for most of his career, wasn’t he? Or Holland’s prowess, but I get the impression he hasn’t made the most of his opportunities and gets less of the top rides these days.
Of course, Dettori and Fallon tend to get more of the the best horses, having made their mark on lesser beasts.
But otherwise, I suspect you couldn’t get a rizla paper between  the rest of the leading jockeys. When they’re on top form they’re perfect or near perfect, and their consistency would be at much the same level, though below the top two.
A bit like pro golfers. My brother-in-law told me the difference between their skills is actually very slight.
<br>(Edited by Grimes at 10:06 pm on Aug. 9, 2006)
<br>(Edited by Grimes at 10:06 pm on Aug. 9, 2006)<br>
(Edited by Grimes at 2:02 pm on Aug. 10, 2006)