So we have no ambitious people on here who’ve never towed the line because it was in their interest to do so? I know I have…
Whilst I agree about Milliband I can’t help thinking that plenty of people operate in a similar way but just not in the public eye.
You’re missing the point, Aragorn.
He is a public servant, and is therefore to be expected to serve the interests of his constituents – not himself. This is the essential difference between Milliband and those “not in the public eye”.
Also, as an MP, he was required to make a decision on whether to send those constituents to fight and die in a war. When such momenentous and life-threatening matters are being determined, it is reasonable for us to expect our parliamentary representatives to display gravitas and solemnity when they make their decision. What they shouldn’t do is vote in the manner that they think will best further their careers.