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Lydia on pre-race screening

Home Forums Horse Racing Lydia on pre-race screening

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  • #1648570
    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4118

    A pretty good article and I really like her views:

    The part I like most is this one:

    When I spoke to York’s chief executive William Derby following the second fatality on Tuesday, he said he would like to see pre-race trot-ups introduced for all horses entered at his racecourse’s fixtures. This is a safety measure routinely carried out for high-profile meetings in other jurisdictions around the world and yet, inexplicably, had not yet happened as a matter of course in Britain at the time of our conversation.

    • Total Posts 18

    Yes, she was on the Nick Luck podcast earlier this week talking about it and Nick also talked to a guy who is testing out screening horses beforehand so you know their normal gait and the computerised system could then pick up changes before a race on screening.

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