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  • #198026
    Avatar photoPompete
    • Total Posts 2390

    Fist, did you train with Pai Mei ? Did he teach you the ‘Five-point palm exploding heart technique’?

    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    I’ve got a vague recollection of him training in Barbados.

    Trained there and died there

    GINGE why don’y you google Bill Marshall it’s all there on the net

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32970

    I’ve got a vague recollection of him training in Barbados.

    Trained there and died there

    GINGE why don’y you google Bill Marshall it’s all there on the net

    :lol: But that would be cheating Fist.

    Value Is Everything
    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    Fist, did you train with Pai Mei ? Did he teach you the ‘Five-point palm exploding heart technique’?

    No I trained with William Wallace who taught me how to to consume silly posts with fireballs from my eyes and bolts of lighting from my a*se

    Shadow Leader
    • Total Posts 763

    For clarification, I most definitely have not asked anyone to reveal who they are or questioned their credentials on here, not FoF or anyone.

    There is no chance whatsoever of my retracting any comments about your harrassment.

    This is the last form of communication I will enter into with you.

    • Total Posts 537

    What, no Xmas card? :lol: Foxy – maybe you should have your own thread in the Lounge where you just spend your time looking for arguments in empty rooms….. :wink:

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32970

    I think he was only responding to a question put by Fist. And saying why he thought that way. What is wrong with that?


    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 17716

    Look through all the posts you have made in your short time here, firefox, and then come back and tell me you’re an innocent party in each and every ‘altercation’ in which you have been involved. You seem to have developed a very high opinion of yourself and the SMS (Selective Memory Syndrome) which has proved to be the basis of much of your criticism of other people.

    Try focusing on racing – it’s actually quite easy when you put your mind to it.

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9229

    Not only Firefox who might want to give that a try.

    • Total Posts 537

    Indeed Cormack. Focus on the points raised..not on the person raising them. If i say Sam has a piash ride…..tell me why i’m wrong. Dont make it about ME or Her or IT. (Even though i’m a top class ex jockey!) :lol:

    Avatar photoKen(West Derby)
    • Total Posts 1063

    Thanks for your very informative post, Fist. Seems as though you’ve led an interesting life. With your M.A. background it might persuade some of your opponents on this forum that not only is Fist’s pen mightier than his sword but, if goaded, his words carry a powerful punch.
    However, there’s bound to be an however, I’m not so sure that you really live in Ban……..I suspect you have a little croft somewhere in the Shetlands and you just post on here in between sheep shearing and tending your vegetable patch. How’s that for perception, Fist?

    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    Did you miss what Corm said above?

    Don’t go there Ken you will end up looking like a complete idiot like MikkyMo73 did….a few of the boys will remember the pic I uploaded when he came away with the same shyte. Wouldn’t have 2 ID’s would you?

    Be a good lad and keep the personal questions to yourself and you and I will get on fine.

    Corm will no doubt have noticed you have, no matter how you disguise it’ called me a con man and a liar in a matter of 2 posts whereas I have been perfectly nice to you……….so I don’t expect you are stupid enough to continue the trend.

    Have a great day

    Avatar photoKen(West Derby)
    • Total Posts 1063

    Fist. I’m genuinely sorry if I have upset you. I truly thought you understood where I was coming from and as you had previously indicated you were not offended by my tongue in cheek enquiry about your name and then you chose to elaborate I never thought for one moment you would take my latest post the wrong way, believing it to be gentle banter between us. In fact I thought initially you had taken things in the spirit they were intended. As for having two ID’s I have absolutely no idea what you mean by this. If you peruse my other posts I think you will appreciate that I avoid slanging matches and try to focus on the issue at hand whilst being supportive of other posters regardless of their side in a particular discussion. In fact, only the other night you told me not to be kind towards a first time poster (since deleted) as, unknown to me, he was a ‘spammer’. I will, of course, take your advice, and not ask further personal questions; in fact, in the circumstances, I think it best to avoid further misunderstandings between us so I will refrain from commenting on any of your future postings. If Cormack is upset that I strayed from the path then I apologise and send both of you my very best seasonal greetings.

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9229

    Ken –
    I wasn’t directing my comments at you in particular, just a general shot across the bows of a few posters who are quick to take things personal when someone disagrees with their opinion. If I have a specific problem with you don’t worry – I’ll let you know.
    As far as not repsonding to Fist’s postings – don’t let a minor spat like this put you off. TAKE HIM ON – just don’t get personal.

    Fist of Fury 2k8
    • Total Posts 2930

    Fist. I’m genuinely sorry if I have upset you. I truly thought you understood where I was coming from and as you had previously indicated you were not offended by my tongue in cheek enquiry about your name and then you chose to elaborate I never thought for one moment you would take my latest post the wrong way, believing it to be gentle banter between us. In fact I thought initially you had taken things in the spirit they were intended. As for having two ID’s I have absolutely no idea what you mean by this. If you peruse my other posts I think you will appreciate that I avoid slanging matches and try to focus on the issue at hand whilst being supportive of other posters regardless of their side in a particular discussion. In fact, only the other night you told me not to be kind towards a first time poster (since deleted) as, unknown to me, he was a ‘spammer’. I will, of course, take your advice, and not ask further personal questions; in fact, in the circumstances, I think it best to avoid further misunderstandings between us so I will refrain from commenting on any of your future postings. If Cormack is upset that I strayed from the path then I apologise and send both of you my very best seasonal greetings.

    My Bad Ken.I should be the one apologising.

    To put you in the picture… last season a poster was badgering me day in day out and just wouldn’t let go.

    Originally he had PM’d me waring me about certain member on here saying they thought hey owned the place and always gave new comers a hrd time……….I took him into my confidence and told him several personal things as we PM’d back and forth and the next thing I knew the guy went from being freindly to a being real nasty piece of work.

    On one of his many personal atacks he said I was lying about living in Bangkok and I lived in a council house in Glasgow.

    So to make him look like the idiot he was, I uploaded a pic with a picture of my Girfriend and next to her a Thai newspaper and a sign saying FU MIKE on it which seemed to do the trick as he disapperared shortly afterwards.

    When you wrote something very similar I had visions of going through all the crap again……I thought you were him and replied as I did wanting to stop it right in it’s tracks……….

    You are obviously not him as he would find it impossible to be as well mannered abuot the whole thing as you are.

    Sorry once again

    Fist of Fook ups

    Avatar photoKen(West Derby)
    • Total Posts 1063

    Many thanks Fist. I appreciate that the coincidence between what you experienced last season and my post must have been quite unsettling; I’m pleased that we seem to have cleared the air and you can rest assured that I have no hidden agendas. The bit about the Scottish croft was just my abstract sense of humour with no intent to question your integrity, identity or location.
    Hope to continue communicating with you via the forum. Meanwhile, must go now because Nurse is calling my name as it’s time for my medication and if I don’t take it they’ll not let me out of this orphanage. Please Sir, can I have some more.

    Avatar photoThe Ante-Post King
    • Total Posts 8695

    Ken, they closed "St Kitts" orphanage in Derby 30yrs ago! i hope your not confusing it with "Kingsway" mate! You will get more than a double dosage of medication there!! and you wont be out for the King George!

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