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Keir Starmer – Good For Labour?

Home Forums Lounge Keir Starmer – Good For Labour?

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    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Cooper, Benn and Burnham would all probably be better leaders than Starmer, although before he became Labour leader I’d have put him in with the other three. Although a bit disappointing on thursday’s Question Time I quite like Lisa Nandy… That said, did a hell of a lot better than Paul Mason.

    Whoever is in charge has got the problem of the left. Part of the reason Starmer has struggled is by not having noticable policies. Probably a deliberate thing; not wanting the left’s policies and yet trying to keep them happy by not going against Corbyn policy either. Only policy being to let Boris mess up…And at the beginning of the pandemic that seemed to be working… But once vaccines became available the tide turned; the lack of Starmer policies became evident and being known as a true Remainer, always going to struggle in Brexit voting constituancies post vaccine.

    Starmer must either do a Kinnock and get rid of the left and otherwise keep quiet. Hoping Brexit doesn’t work.

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 7845

    Ginger do you think Brexit will work been very quiet in the media it has. I swap a lot of tweets with people on twitter who had to deal with it like Daniel Lambert who In Wine industry also Simon Spurrell who runs a cheese company was told by government be better for him move company to France. Chuck in fishing community who sold down the river a case to say not going great.

    • Total Posts 2849

    The Brexit mob got very lucky with the pandemic Darren. Taken all the attention away and given them a nice convenient excuse for all the problems. Not sure the fishing industry has been sold down the river though, they just chose to dismiss concerns as Project Fear and voted overwhelmingly for it. It turns further into Project Reality by the day. For some reason they thought that erecting trade barriers between them and their biggest market was a good idea :wacko:

    Interestingly for a government that is so obsessed with closing borders, they still haven’t managed to actually do it when even in circumstances where the most ardent of Europhiles might have approved of such a measure.

    Still I’m sure this is all Labour’s fault somehow, it usually is.

    • Total Posts 1200

    There’s a great video doing the rounds today on twitter of 4/5 minutes of clips from a recent Labour party conference. It basically sums up why they are unelectable.

    They care more about pronouns and other similar b*ll*cks, than on proper issues that most people actually care about.

    They really are for the few and not the many.

    And Angela Rayner coming out today supporting a vigilante group who are trying to stop the deportation of ILLEGAL immigrants in Scotland, further displays that they are behaving more like a secondary school student union than a group of people hoping to govern a country.

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    I think the eggplant
    could be labour on the
    other hand….what about
    the egg plant ?

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