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Keir Starmer – Good For Labour?

Home Forums Lounge Keir Starmer – Good For Labour?

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    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Thought best to start a topic on Keir rather than include him in the Scottish debate.

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    Cork All Star asks:

    Keir Starmer said he was going to accept responsibility for the bad results. And so he has – by sacking Angela Rayner!

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    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    I feel sorry for Keir.
    If he thinks it was a mistake in appointing Angela Rayner as Chairman and leading the election campaign, then yes. Taking responsibility for his own mistake could include getting rid of Ms Rayner.

    However, I think there may be more to this than meets the eye. Suspect Starmer rang Rayner and told her things are going to change and she did not agree /consent to those proposed changes. Showing Labour is no longer on the far left is something that’s very much needed if Labour is to regain power. Therefore sacking those on the front bench who are on the far left and bringing in bigger names more centre-left like Hilary Benn and Yvette Cooper is necessary.

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    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Listening to someone on LBC they made the valid point it’s hard to get a working class vote when u go around making sure everyone calls you Sir , I get the feeling there,s going to be a push for Durnham at some point , regarding Keir he,s a formidable QC but only a average politian , labour are going to be in wilderness for a while yet

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    However, people know just how much of a Remainer Keir was – even wanted a second EU Referendum… And he’s also a Southern ex-lawyer. Not a Brexiteer, not Northern and not working class. Therefore as regards the Northern heartlands – ex-red wall – Keir is in all probability part of the problem.

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    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
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    That’s true ginger but how then is a posh ex etonite like Boris getting the northern vote …there,s no brexit vote now , maybe they can’t see through the bluff and endless broken promises ?

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Is it wrong I miss Gordon Brown … A PR man’s nightmare but Jesus Labour could do with a experienced , gruff , get the job done politian

    Avatar photogamble
    • Total Posts 5683

    Keir hardie a Lanarkshire ghost appeared to Sir Kier one night and said “Awa’ an bile yer heid” and told him he’d only have a ghost’s chance unless he spoke in Glasgee, dropped his title and the flatcap and pies and tried to seriously interrupt vaccine supplies, and develop a new variant of himself to spread amongst southerners.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    “However, people know just how much of a Remainer Keir was – even wanted a second EU Referendum… And he’s also a Southern ex-lawyer. Not a Brexiteer, not Northern and not working class. Therefore as regards the Northern heartlands – ex-red wall – Keir is in all probability part of the problem.”

    That sums it up. Starmer is a complete dud. I cannot think of anyone less likely to win back Labour’s former northern heartlands.

    And it will not have helped when he had a confrontation with a pub landlord (admittedly in Bath, rather than the north), a lifelong Labour voter who said he had been failed by him, and Starmer angrily told him he was not going to take lectures from him. Way to go Keir – that’s the way to win hearts and minds!!

    The metropolitan dominated Labour Party has lost touch completely with the north. Tony Blair and Peter Mandelson did at least represent constituencies in the north east of England, both now lost to the Conservatives. They could not afford to ignore their constituents. Starmer, on the other hand, gives the impression he could not find the north on a map. Can you imagine him sinking a few pints in a working men’s club? It is difficult to imagine him making any connection with the communities he needs to win over.

    Labour really is in deep trouble. It has lost Scotland and now it is losing the north. And there is no sign that will go into reverse under dull technocrat Starmer.

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    It doesn’t matter who the Labour leader is – the party is, thankfully, unelectable.

    Whoever the leader is is not relevant – it’s their fundamental principles and beliefs that are flawed and most people see that.

    The only reason Bliar did so well is he and his policies were not, traditional Labour policies and his slick PR skills showed the value of appearance over substance.

    Corbyn shone a light on the true colours of Labour and for me it was a sad day when he lost the leadership.

    The party lives in the past, moreso when it bangs on about it’s “working class” roots which is a ridiculous concept in the 21st century.

    The trouble is the party needs people to be in poverty and repressed because that’s its raison d’être for existence – therefore it has no interest in people bettering themselves, it is more interested in dragging people down to the lowest common denominator.

    The party is pure evil.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Keir Starmer is an intelligent guy and, being a Law graduate myself, I have found his style at PMQs entertaining.

    That said, even Boris Johnson’s mum would surely admit he isn’t the sharpest (or most honest) knife in the drawer so Starmer has had easy pickings.

    I do think sacking Angela Rayner is a big mistake.

    The haters will sneer she left school with more children than GCSEs.

    But IMO the fact that, fully 50 years after Monty Python lampooned such people in their “Upper Class Twit Of The Year” sketch, the fact we have someone like Johnson as PM is a severe indictment of modern Britain – classless society, my arse!

    Rayner has worked her way up from literally nothing, not easy even in the Labour Party as Tony Blair went to Public School and Starmer doesn’t exactly strike me as from a disadvantaged background.

    Scapegoating Rayner is an act of abject cowardice and has coloured my view on Starmer somewhat.

    Starmer won’t gain any votes from doing this.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
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    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Agree Ian. I do not agree with Angela’s politics but I do have a certain amount of admiration for what she has achieved at a personal level. Sacking her is not a good look for the Labour Party or Starmer.

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Paul the problem was like Michael foot corbyn was unelectable as a PM , Ian I listen to pmq most Wednesday and I’ll be honest I don’t think starmer has done Boris anywhere near enough damage , Boris is the master of taking a question then going off on a irrelevant tangent without remotely answering said question , numerous times he,s been pulled up by the speaker for doing so …ask the question and keep demanding an answer …Boris has plenty previous of losing his temper and putting his foot in it

    Avatar photobefair
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    I have no tears to shed for Labour; their equivocation during the Brexit referendum led to the screw-up which has destabilised N Ireland and re-energised the Scottish independence movement. Socialism yes, Labour no.

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Befair at this moment Scotland is no nearer to voting for independence than they were back in 2011 , inspite of the labour self destruction Nichola still couldn’t get a majority

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    Doesn’t matter what he does really. The opposition (by which I mean all non-Tories, not just Labour) has been rendered useless by our undemocratic election system. Labour actually have roughly the same percentage of seats as they got votes in 2019 but the figures elsewhere are the problem. Most obviously the Tories getting 57% of the MPs from 44% of the vote but also the SNP getting 48 MPs from 1.2 million votes whilst the Lib Dems get 11 seats from 3.7 million :wacko:

    As for his background, a quick search says he’s the son of a nurse and a toolmaker so it would appear that he’s worked to get where he is. You could say he’s a good example to those from humble backgrounds.

    And the ‘pure evil’ comment- that never stopped the Tories gaining power did it?

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I think it worth pointing out that in 1983 Michael Foot was hugely disadvantaged by the emergence of the Social Democrats and that in 2016 Jeremy Corbyn got more votes nationally than Tony Blair in any of his three Election victories.

    It’s Corbyn’s abject failure to build on that which is the indictment of him.

    Like so many well-intentioned very left wing people Corbyn ended up betraying the very people – the working classes – whose lives he sought to enhance, especially in the North.

    We have had Conservative governments most of both my adult and entire life.

    This is a naturally Conservative country – only an incredibly moderate Labour leader in Blair has punctuated perpetual Conservative rule since 1979.

    Anyone disagree?

    After running down the NHS for ten years and then pursuing policies which have led to a world-leading six-figure Pandemic death toll, and this amid endless evidence of corrupt cronyism, the fact that “hey, income tax is lower than it would be under Labour – that’s all that REALLY matters” means Starmer’s mob still copped for a right battering at the latest hustings.

    Genuinely caring about those less fortunate than yourself went out with flared trousers in the 1970s.

    That surely is the reality, ladies and gentlemen!

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

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