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ITV – your dream presentation team

Home Forums Horse Racing ITV – your dream presentation team

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  • #1265100
    • Total Posts 5228

    How Rishi keeps getting the call whatever channel it’s on is a mystery

    You are not being serious? Whatever anyone thinks of his talent or lack of he ticks a box which increasingly programme makers appear to think is essential. As far as I am aware there were no other candidates. Realistically, he was a shoe-in.

    The idea that Holt was linked to Channel 4 sounds like a fob off to me. Doubt he believes it himself. Totally different with Luck who was in the shop window.

    • Total Posts 179

    We really are a mixed bunch when it comes to the racing presented to us, i’m easy to please mostly with the exception of Mick Fitz. (so boring with a grating voice) and Emma (i need to change my clothes before i go on to the course and is my hair looking good ?)but thankfully Leslie Graham (which camera can i grin stupidly at next ?) has gone for good.
    I really like Matt Chapmann and his forthright outspoken views, breath of fresh to a sport that needed honesty and not just lickey lickey.
    The other presenters i haven’t mentioned i find all pretty good.

    Avatar photothejudge1
    • Total Posts 2251
    • Total Posts 1665

    40 days live on one of the two mainstream channels is an excellent result.

    How many other sports can boast that?

    Racing fans should stop whining and be thankful for what they’ve got.

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3439

    “ITV have lined up jockeys-turned-pundits Luke Harvey and Jason Weaver to put the fun into their morning show when they begin their racing coverage in 2017.
    Bosses at ITV are desperate to inject some humour into their Saturday morning preview show.”

    • Total Posts 1487

    <p abp=”280″>“ITV have lined up jockeys-turned-pundits Luke Harvey and Jason Weaver to put the fun into their morning show when they begin their racing coverage in 2017.<br abp=”281″>
    Bosses at ITV are desperate to inject some humour into their Saturday morning preview show.”

    Good grief! It’ll be Get In all over again. :wacko: The Morning Line isn’t that great (I don’t watch it much anyway), but it had some humour. I don’t watch Get In either, the few ads for it I’ve seen on ATR have been enough to put me off.

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    “ITV have lined up jockeys-turned-pundits Luke Harvey and Jason Weaver to put the fun into their morning show when they begin their racing coverage in 2017.
    Bosses at ITV are desperately lacking in ideas and should be shot.”


    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    I’m pleased Matt Chapman has the gig with ITV and I think he will do well, getting the break he deserves.

    I have been his biggest critic over the years – he once famously asked me “why do you hate me” (for the record I’ve never hated him – he just frustrated me because his buffoonery and ego got in the way of his being potentially one of the best interviewers / presenters in the business) he also accused me of showboating by using my blog to criticise him (the irony of that one was not lost on me)

    He has mellowed / matured over the years and has reigned in his excesses but not to the detriment of saying what he thinks – you may not always agree with him but, at least, he doesn’t sit on the fence with a backside full of splinters.

    He was MC at Ascot on Shergar Cup day and he was much more bearable than he was a few years ago – I actually came away without earache or wanting to throttle him.

    Say this quietly but when I used to go to Towcester I actually got to enjoy he raceday presentation, he could still be mischievous at times but some of the interviews he managed to get with trainers were informative – as I alluded to earlier he is a very good interviewer when he doesn’t manage to pi$$ off his interviewee and that’s something he seems to do less and less.

    I long gave up with C4 but (and this is something I thought I would never say) Matt my just tempt me to watch the ITV coverage – I just hope it’s to see him show his true potential and not take part in car crash TV.

    I had the ATR feed running one evening a few weeks ago whilst scrutinising a live Wolverhampton fixture, and I had to raise an eyebrow at Mr Chapman’s ranting about the quality of the evening’s second race, in particular regarding competitors racing off the basement handicap mark of 45. “Didn’t we do away with these sort of rated horses?!?”, he frothed. In reply:

    1) Nope. Horses rated 45 or under get put in on a stock basement mark of 45 for any handicaps they participate in, as (for reasons I believe of justifiable expenditure of time and resources) the BHA no longer goes out of its way to maintain sub-45 ratings every time a sub-45 handicapper contests a handicap (you’ll still see sub-45 marks in maiden and plating races if applicable, however). This was documented and communicated at the time of the change.

    2) If those sort of horses had been done away with, they hadn’t been done away with for longer than half an hour, as he was pronouncing on the second division of a low-grade handicap!

    I suppose it could be argued that the nature of his job (as with many in racing, including in fairness some of mine) is such that an immediate pronouncement, right or wrong, is required on practically everything (and it’s hard to imagine the betting reporter role at ITV/ITV4 won’t exacerbate those tendencies yet further), but it’s hard not to think sometimes that he’d benefit from stopping and thinking for a few moments before letting fly.

    In another example on the evening, he appeared to be all up for crucifying the riders of the beaten horses in the feature staying handicap for gifting Jimmy Quinn’s mount a 20l freebie that they never fully clawed back, and he may well have done so unchallenged had Jason Weaver not pointed out the winner’s early refusal to settle had established the initial lead and Quinn’s crafty pace-scrambling successfully upheld enough of it thereafter to secure victory.

    The man’s clearly unshakable confidence can paper over the bluffs enough for them to go relatively unnoticed where a minor evening meeting is concerned, but a bigger and potentially more critical Saturday afternoon ITV audience could find him out.

    Interesting times ahead.


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 921

    Simon Holt seems to have been treated pretty shabbily judging by his Weekender column.

    He was kept hanging on ITV for six months seemingly when it was obvious to him that they had no intention of keeping him on, even in a Graham Goode-style secondary role when Simon ironically got his chance at the expense of GG.

    The biggest joke is that having Richard Hoiles as the main commentator is hardly a new voice considering how often he has been heard and sometimes seen on Channel 4. 🙁

    I suspect the ITV team will be distinctly underwhelming. I bet the viewing figures will prove very disappointing because it seems a distinctly uninspiring line-up for racing fans, never mind the hordes of young viewers who will no doubt be clamouring to be prised away from their mobile phones and selfie stunts to sit watching horses and not-so-sparkling presenters for the afternoon. 🙂

    I’m sure Mick Fitzgerald and Rishi Persad are just what a thrusting new and younger audience have been waiting for! :yahoo:

    Avatar photoDiamondGeezer
    • Total Posts 533

    Mark Johnson been announced as second commentator for ITV

    • Total Posts 1927

    Mark Johnson been announced as second commentator for ITV

    Great (!) “strung out like the washing” and all the other cliches to come then. :negative:

    Avatar photothejudge1
    • Total Posts 2251

    Simon Holt seems to have been treated pretty shabbily judging by his Weekender column.

    He was kept hanging on ITV for six months seemingly when it was obvious to him that they had no intention of keeping him on, even in a Graham Goode-style secondary role when Simon ironically got his chance at the expense of GG.

    The biggest joke is that having Richard Hoiles as the main commentator is hardly a new voice considering how often he has been heard and sometimes seen on Channel 4. :-(

    I suspect the ITV team will be distinctly underwhelming. I bet the viewing figures will prove very disappointing because it seems a distinctly uninspiring line-up for racing fans, never mind the hordes of young viewers who will no doubt be clamouring to be prised away from their mobile phones and selfie stunts to sit watching horses and not-so-sparkling presenters for the afternoon. :-)

    I’m sure Mick Fitzgerald and Rishi Persad are just what a thrusting new and younger audience have been waiting for! :yahoo:

    Yeah it’s the same old faces, no real imagination or risks taken by the producers. It’s the same thinking that makes god know how many fast and furious films and transformer sequels because they are proven to “work”

    When in fact it doesn’t really “Work” as channel four figures were declining in any case.

    Avatar photoViltash
    • Total Posts 192

    Jesus H Christ, shouty know all now.


    • Total Posts 368

    Jesus H Christ, shouty know all now.


    Via the Club House turn

    • Total Posts 1927

    Jesus H Christ, shouty know all now.


    Via the Club House turn

    He will probably persuade itv to get American racing rights so he can get a freebie to his favourite courses, is there any point in using Johnson anyway he spends most of the year over there.

    • Total Posts 1927

    Jason Weaver & Luke Harvey join itv along with Brough Scott, Lucy Versamy will give weather reports (!)

    Avatar photoDiamondGeezer
    • Total Posts 533

    Think I mentioned before but they are doing a dummy run at Cheltenham this weekend

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