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ITV – your dream presentation team

Home Forums Horse Racing ITV – your dream presentation team

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  • #1264934
    The Insider
    • Total Posts 4

    Re Holt and Hoiles. The former has never been an option. Don’t know about the latter

    • Total Posts 1927

    Re Holt and Hoiles. The former has never been an option. Don’t know about the latter

    They might use the racecourse commentary feed for itv4 shows

    Avatar photoInthestream
    • Total Posts 92

    Hmmm. R Persad is just mediocrity personified. I’m disappointed Nick Luck isn’t in there as he has proved to be an excellent anchor man. I had got nicely accustomed to the Alice / Tanya set-up on C4 and would have liked one or both of them to be taken on by ITV. Glad however Ms Balding has been overlooked. I’m not familiar with the others but hope some of them might dice with fire and liven things up a bit !

    Avatar photoKenh
    • Total Posts 750

    Hoiles gets the job. Holt not considered even for secondry role, apparently because he is so closely linked to C4.

    • Total Posts 1487

    Still don’t see why they need so many people to present racing. Looks like the new team is going to be as big or bigger than C4’s. :wacko:

    • Total Posts 5228

    Shame Hunt turned it down. I would have much preferred Holt over clever dickey Holies. At least it wasn’t Barty.

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    …clever dickey Holies.

    I knew Richard many years ago- we went to the same school, although he’s a few years older than me- and he was a nice lad. I don’t rate him as a commentator, though, as he always exaggerates distances and his “witty” lines are so obviously premeditated.

    Still, he’s a better commentator than most so good luck to him. :good:

    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9224

    I think we are pretty lucky with commentators, plenty good ones around and they all seem like nice people. Well done to Richard Hoiles, I don’t think he’s ever anything other than well-prepared, knowledgeable and accurate.

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675


    Definitely not.

    • Total Posts 921

    I thought Simon Holt’s comments about losing the top commentator job were very moving and candid. They reflected great credit on him. It’s a shame he is going.

    There are shades of what happened to Graham Goode when he was pushed aside to make way for Simon Holt, who had earlier seen off Raleigh Gilbert as second commentator to GG. The wheel has come full circle as tastes change.

    At least Graham Goode was retained in a secondary role. Simon Holt has not even been given that consolation prize.

    Alastair Down wrote a very good piece in the Racing Post bemoaning the loss to terrestrial television of Nick Luck for the sin of becoming too synonymous with Channel 4 (or more probably for being too posh in these dumbed-down days).

    We are going to have to put up with the irritating and smug Richard Hoiles and his Oliver Postgate voice more suited to narrating Noggin The Nog, Ivor The Engine, Bagpuss and The Clangers for children’s television. The occasionally too languid Simon Holt will be missed.

    Just hoping the celebrations about Tanya Stevenson being put out belatedly to elocution school are not premature. I’m sure we can rely on Uncle Matt Chapman not to keep slipping her favourite word “liquidity” into his betting ring contributions. :good:

    Avatar photothejudge1
    • Total Posts 2251

    I can’t stand Hoiles, he is sickening smugness personified.

    Won’t be watching now.

    Avatar photophil walker
    • Total Posts 1374

    Mick Fitzgerald isn’t linked to being part of Channel 4? He’s lived a charmed life for being an awful presenter

    • Total Posts 1927

    “I am disappointed,” Holt said. “I had the call on Monday morning from Niall Sloane saying that there was nothing wrong with my commentating but I was too linked to Channel 4 to their liking. They wanted to have a new sound I guess.

    “I am in a similar situation to Nick really, being so identifiable with Channel 4 having been with them for over 20 years – they just felt they wanted a break.

    “I was kind of half expecting it. I have had a very good run. I have called some fantastic races over the years and I am very proud of all of that.”

    Holt has no appetite to hang up the microphone, and added: “I am sure I would have done a very good job for them. I said to Niall I wouldn’t have been too proud to take the second job. I just would have liked to have been part of the team and enjoyed being part of that new challenge.

    “I think they had made up their mind quite a while ago. They might have told me a little earlier because I don’t think they had any intention of using me. They were courting John Hunt and when he declined I don’t think I was on the shortlist even then.”

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3439

    I thought Simon Holt’s comments about losing the top commentator job were very moving and candid. They reflected great credit on him. It’s a shame he is going.

    I would agree with that.

    I much prefer Simon when he is doing the racecourse commentary though, for some reason commentators lose something when doing it on C4 for me, maybe it’s things they are asked to do by producers/directors.
    Interesting that he was quite happy to do the secondary role.
    Think there’s only one current commentator who would have turned down the “dream” job.

    The reasoning behind not employing Luck & Holt just seems a bit odd to me when they’re still employing plenty of staff from C4 anyway. Just employ the best person for the job is the best plan imo.
    Are less people really going to watch ITV racing if Luck and Holt are on it rather than if they’re not?
    How Rishi keeps getting the call whatever channel it’s on is a mystery, he and Dave Yates were desperate on RUK last night.

    • Total Posts 1927

    We are going to have to put up with the irritating and smug Richard Hoiles and his Oliver Postgate voice more suited to narrating Noggin The Nog, Ivor The Engine, Bagpuss and The Clangers for children’s television. The occasionally too languid Simon Holt will be missed.


    Simon Holt has a voice that could cure insomnia he is boring and thank goodness itv have seen some sense and put his inane monotone voice out to pasture.

    Why people rate this man is beyond me he has the same style as Dessie Scahill one voice for the first xx furlongs then up the tone slightly for the finish.

    • Total Posts 313

    I really can’t see what all the fuss concerning commentators is about, I just watch the race, either on TV or through the bins, and commentry is basically superfluous.

    Avatar photoViltash
    • Total Posts 192

    I have just one simple requirement for a horse racing commentator, no shouty know all man.

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