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Adverts, is this the greatest ever made?

Home Forums Lounge Adverts, is this the greatest ever made?

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  • #7926
    Avatar photoCav
    • Total Posts 4833

    Awesome sights and sounds…..

    <!– m –><!– m –>

    • Total Posts 788

    I have just seen the new (well I think it’s new) Guiness ad on TV. Brilliant!
    It’s now my fav. Worst is any advertising shampoo. :evil:

    Avatar photoDrone
    • Total Posts 6010

    Guinness have a long history of clever and memorable advertising

    Battle of Hastings 1066, Bottle of Guinness 1966
    Tall, dark and havesome
    Just the weather for dark glasses

    spring to mind

    • Total Posts 1789

    My favourite ever advert is a Carlsberg one.

    It’s a very old one, where some geezer was walkng round the Carlsberg offices. He then spots a room that looks as though hasn’t been used for years. He opens the door and looks inside. All he can see is dust, cobwebs etc as if the room hasn’t been used for many many years.

    On his way out of the room, he rubs the dust off the plaque to reveal the name of the room. The plaque says something like, "Carlsberg Customer Complaints Department".

    Absolutely brilliant.

    Very simple, straight to the point, and nothing complicated.

    Carlsberg – probably the best adverts in the world :lol:


    • Total Posts 329

    Nothing beats the gorilla on the Cadbury’s advert.

    Ugly Mare
    • Total Posts 1294

    Josh!….Dad’s found yer scootah….oh come on, she’s a legend! :x

    The diet coke ad, when the rather gorgeous young man arrives in the lift. I like the way it permits women to be the predators.

    ..that was the worst and the best by the way :lol:

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    We currently like the advert attempting to recruit a new generation of science teachers, where all those scraggy teenagers are being asked what scientific invention they’d like to see being, um, invented.

    Most of the answers are pretty mundane, i.e. time machines, but it’s the response of the Lancashire lass at the very end that we like… "Solar-powered killing sheep!!"


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 1789

    We currently like the advert attempting to recruit a new generation of science teachers, where all those scraggy teenagers are being asked what scientific invention they’d like to see being, um, invented.

    Most of the answers are pretty mundane, i.e. time machines, but it’s the response of the Lancashire lass at the very end that we like… "Solar-powered killing sheep!!"


    :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    • Total Posts 54

    Just saw a very funny one for "Tilda" microwave rice where an Indian mother talks of how her handsome, clever son has brought shameon the family for cooking rice in the microwave :) .

    I love the "Bodyform" advert where a woman walks into a building carrying a little dog in her bag. The dog climbs out of the bag with a "lady product" stuck to its bottom :) .

    I cannot stand any of the "Picture" ads. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere near Josh, his scooter or his mum and as for the one talking to "Mike" about football…… :x .

    I also hate the "Injury Lawyers for You" ones. Why is that woman so angry :? .

    • Total Posts 9300

    the one with the mother in the car with her son Tom and she tells him she’s changed her car insurance ‘on line’ and he completely ignores her…as I’ve only just learned how to use a computer and have been through the ‘Kevin’ years with my kids it makes me chuckle every time – but the best ever was the guinness white horses advert…..[also David Beckham dressed as a cowboy]….mo [however, apart from the guinness one I don’t actually know what any of these are advertising]

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    I also hate the "Injury Lawyers for You" ones. Why is that woman so angry :? .


    …to which, of course, the only appropriate answer would be, "Um, stuck in a dimly-lit office with a scary harridan who can’t stop overacting to save her life?"


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    Avatar photoBurroughhill
    • Total Posts 1635

    I am SO glad everyone feels the same way as me about those bloody Picture ads! What’s up with those? We alsways have to race for the remote in our house when they come on because watching them is like scraping your nails down a blackboard. It’s a combination of a lousy script "Is that thunder your end or mine?" *shudders* or the terrible acting, but it’s just minbogglingly bad!

    Another one we used to reach for the remote for but fortunately soon got swept up and thrown in the bin was that awful Lynx one with the silly noise I can’t even remember.

    Oh yeah and for those who don’t know….you know the Rice Crispie one where theres a man and his two little girls, and he says "Did I tell you I used to be in a band?" Well he did, he was in Dead or Alive with Pete Burns :-)

    I nearly forgot……the best is anything Guinness have ever done.

    • Total Posts 703

    Best adverts ever, no question…..



    The Volcanity adverts!

    I have no idea why, I must have been in a particularly giggly and daft mood one day, but I walked into the living room where someone had left the TV on just in time to hear George Volcano yell "LOOK! BIIIIIIIIIIRDS!" and completely lost the plot. I had an attack of the giggles that lasted about ten minutes.

    But then I have a very small mind and am easily distracted by silly things.

    Never mind the plot holes such as, they weren’t birds at all, they were flying lizards or something, and the fact that Tyrannosaurus Alan would NOT be able to say the word ‘suave’ with those teeth. It. Doesn’t. Matter.

    They’re brilliant.

    Avatar photoPompete
    • Total Posts 2390

    My favourite ad (hasn’t been on for a while) is for some cereal or something where the daughter is telling her mum how great and cool and youthful her friend’s mum is. To which the mother replies "Good for her". :evil:

    The current one for Cheltenham’s Open is quite good, but I guess we only get that in the South West.

    The Picture Ad is an all time classic. We all hate it but can quote it word for word.

    • Total Posts 1593

    I think this new Cadbury’s advert with a drumming gorilla is vastly over-rated. At the end of the day, it’s a gorilla drumming to a Phil Collins song. Nothing special, nothing particularly well thought-out. Just a cover of ‘In The Air Tonight’, with a man in a gorilla suit.
    If you absolutely adore that advert should check out Ross Noble, you get an hour and a half of a man making up such scenarios. Like a pig… wearing a bowler hat! Can you imagine?! :wink:

    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    I think this new Cadbury’s advert with a drumming gorilla is vastly over-rated. At the end of the day, it’s a gorilla drumming to a Phil Collins song. Nothing special, nothing particularly well thought-out. Just a cover of ‘In The Air Tonight’, with a man in a gorilla suit.

    The fact that the ad has single-handedly sent said single back into the top 20, and the parent Best Of back into the top 10, pains me greatly. I thought we’d seen the last of the intolerant, squat, right-wing tax exile as a commercially viable proposition forever. Bah. Bah, I say!

    If you absolutely adore that advert should check out Ross Noble, you get an hour and a half of a man making up such scenarios. Like a pig… wearing a bowler hat! Can you imagine?! :wink:

    Barely comparing like with like. Noble is a wildly tangential, stream-of-consciousness perfomer who makes me dissolve into fits of giggles. The gorilla is unfunny and palpably a one-trick pony. Well, one-trick gorilla, actually.


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 703

    Noble does indeed have his moments.

    Such as when he did a show locally where, after the interval, he had somehow managed to talk himself into creating some mental picture of a magician in a pointy hat being jettisoned across the audience and getting said hat stuck in the wall as if it were some form of human darts game.

    I can’t entirely remember how he got to that point but he manged it in about two minutes of…welll….waffling.

    Good man.

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