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  • #1340982
    • Total Posts 1927

    Michael O’Leary has hit the nail on the head RUK pay over the odds for the irish rights then ATR goes under and in the next rights review suddenly there is no competition and what do the Irish authorities do then when suddenly RUK say we not paying that for the rights and there is no one else.

    Avatar photoGoldenMiller34
    • Total Posts 1404
    Avatar photojackh1092
    • Total Posts 3887

    Very surprised they aren’t doing a 2nd channel.

    Also very nice of them not to put the price of Ruk up….that will last all of a year at a guess :good:

    Twitter: Jackh1092
    Hindsight is 20/20 so make the most of it!

    • Total Posts 1927

    Of course what RUK have failed to realise is on a Saturday they cannot change the times of races if one runs late and into the next one as itv have the rights to decide on the schedule and control the timings therefore RUK can’t say to any course hold back your next race.

    So inevitably they will come unstuck on their busiest day.

    Avatar photoGoldenMiller34
    • Total Posts 1404

    Generally, I feel reassured by what RUK said today.

    It appears to have committed to holding the price until at least 1/1/20, Jack. The last price rise was in March 2016. By how much will Sky and Virgin have increased in cost between those two dates?

    You’re correct about ITV, Steve, and Saturdays. In addition, all it will take is a horse bolting, trouble loading into the stalls, low sun, lack of ambulance cover, horse or jockey still being treated on the course, etc for the schedule to go skewiff. Saturdays (especially in the Flat season) and Boxing Day are the busiest and contain a lot of the best racing – not a good combination. As well as having the main channel on TV I will have RUK Extra on my laptop ready for clashes.

    It’s been acknowledged that some fixtures may move. Leopardstown on National day should switch to the Sunday for a start.

    Avatar photoKenh
    • Total Posts 750

    If ATR does have to close hopefully this will mean the end of the majority of the interminable US and Australian racing, add Dubai and this would be even better!!

    If you don’t like it don’t watch it. There are lots of people who have an interest in, and enjoy, watching overseas racings. Why on earth anyone would want other peoples enjoyment stopped when it has no impact on them baffles me.

    Avatar photoDBRDBR
    • Total Posts 1035

    I can’t understand why they won’t use a second channel. They say it’s ‘only’ 43 racedays with more than 3 races, but that will be basically be every saturday or other festive day. Already it is a shame to see so many great races with 0 to 30 seconds of introduction or even split screen.

    • Total Posts 1927

    Last Saturday jumps cards at Sandown & The Dublin festival were 5 mins apart so how can they show a 3m in time?

    Plus if RUK does force ATR off air or ARC signs its courses to RUK then it will be clearly a lot more than 43 racedays.

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    Two things:

    There are no plans “in place” to increase the price of RUK subscriptions. That is not to say that those plans won’t be coming soon.

    Secondly, RUK is STILL not available in HD to Virgin Media subscribers. Until we stop being treated like second class citizens, they won’t be getting any of my money.

    • Total Posts 1927

    The authorities really don’t have any braincells do they?

    3.35 Uttoxeter 4.2m race followed by Wexford at 3.40 and Racing UK think they will be able to avoid split screens when the planners can’t even get a simple timing like this right.

    Avatar photorollotommasi
    • Total Posts 82

    Anyone have any (non racist) insight as to why French racing has never been shown to any great degree apart from the classics and G1’s on RUK / ATR ?
    Just had a look at some of the races over the last week or so at Saint Cloud / Chantilly online and Equidia have quite high quality pictures..presumably there could be potentially some mutual interest on both sides across the channel to get some consistent pictures from the higher quality tracks

    Avatar photoKris
    • Total Posts 1442

    I’m not quite sure what this has to do with Irish Racing, but the reason is fairly straightforward Rollo.

    The product just isn’t there for sustained interest, the whole French Racing Scene is incredibly sterile, and bar a handful of races, there is little to sustain any real interest on these shores.

    On the off chance that this has any hint of racism, that couldn’t be further from the truth. I have been fortunate enough to visit some splendid courses in France, but as enjoyable as that is, the whole experience doesn’t translate to the small screen, certainly not enough to grab your average racing fan.

    In layman’s terms, French Racing is just rather dull.

    I’ve been involved in one former racing forum, and the board dedicated to French Racing was like a ghost town.

    It works for the other code as well. As far as I can see, interest in the French jumps scene is practically non existent.

    Avatar photorollotommasi
    • Total Posts 82

    Hi Kris, maybe I am being overly sensitive here but I do actually find your post quite racist and would imagine most objective people would also, not that I really care however, its just I find it gets in the way of the real point of the question.

    To address the main thrust of your post (although it doesnt really merit it in my opinion as you gave no back up for your ridiculous argument other than you find French racing dull), If the French jumps scene is non existant why has every major jumps trainer in Britain and Ireland completely pillaged it of its best talents? Kauto Star and Long Run are two that come to mind immediately but of course you could have Farclas, winner of yesterdays Triumph, two time Foxhunter winner Pacha Du Polder (It sounds a bit foreign doesnt it) and Grand Annual winner Le Prezien winner of the Grand Annual who started life in Auteuil…you can go through the rest of the card yourself to see where the winners were sourced but the question is still valid imo.
    Personally I wouldnt mind having a look at the Group 3 in Saint Cloud today Air Pilot won or some decent maidens with a full sister to Solow winning for the Werheimers in Chantilly on Thursday than some of the dross output from the domestic tracks

    Avatar photorollotommasi
    • Total Posts 82

    Also the reason this has been put into the Irish racing thread is as the thread is (in the main) looking at the amalgamation of British and Irish racing on RUK from 2019 and the knock on effect to ATR it is relevant to address whether the stations are actually interested in quality horse racing in general or developing something equivalent to a BAGS service

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