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I read the news today, oh boy !

Home Forums Lounge I read the news today, oh boy !

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    People soon get used to the odd non breather lying in the gutter. These unusual deaths are unfortunate, but somehow necessary. Happiness to the greater number is worth a few stiffs’ wives cashing out the life insurances of their fed corpses in the corner just a little early, and people have got to go sometime, and a few years earlier for a good cause, and to ultimately keep the gang happy and by the by to boundlessly improve the dexterity of intellect and it’s enablement in starved minds in little village halls up and down the country where the local locos come together to enjoy associating words and by the same token accept that pain is part of the happiness (Shadowlands).

    The extreme sense of joy that word associations instill in the previously word blind, and the happiness that permeates the length and breadth of the great British sceptered Isle of misadventure; in little country halls all a mingle, or clubs full of shedloads of Steve Stranges – well let’s rejoice and remonstrate strongly against any misfit that dare pronounce a homonym – SNUFF HIM OUT and rejoice in Freud and shout out the joy of conjoined words. So many die for their art, and no better art than associating the odd word amongst consensuals in private is there ? Nothing unnatural in that ! The odd death can be brushed under the carpet.

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    There has been no news for several months. Two of our older reporters who pay to work for BB News have gone on forever holidays in Switzerland. Ricky Lake’s disappearance is still being investigated by our one eyed reporter holed up in lakeside hotel for almost a year. There was news of a possible sighting of big Lake in a rundown campsite in Portugal – however this turned out to be just a ferret wearing long trousers and carrying washing.

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    A recent sighting of Ricky Lake has been reported in a campsite in Portugal. He was chasing a ferret making off with his washing !

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    • Total Posts 5683

    There a four important
    things to remember in life.
    The first and most
    important thing
    to remember is
    to try to remember
    the other three.

    Avatar photoPurwell
    • Total Posts 1508

    I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
    I've walked and I crawled on six crooked highways
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    Elvis was a 30’s guy born a few years after the crash.
    The fresh faced girls in the clip – well you’d see a lot about back in the day, virtue of the good pure air back then and well the gals had lungs to die for, and they would literally throw themselves at you – specially if you had a motor.
    Fact is I was a dodger. Despite my bent back my neck was bent in the opposite direction – upwards so you can bet your sweet patootie I dodged out the way when I saw anything come off a ledge be it petticoat or the more common pinstripe and much more dangerous if attached to a brolly. The odd day there were a spate of fallers and I would cowardly stay indoors and read my Virginia Woolf and miss my trip to the corner shop. I only had a couple of farthing to my name and lived on broth so a jump never entered my mind. Tough times really back then. Nice air though !

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Not sure if it’s the correct thread (probably not), but just seen the Wagner chap has died! I can only assume he struck a deal with Putin while marching to Moscow with his troops and miraculously-naively trusted Vlad.

    Well his plane has just crashed, oh dear. Why he didn’t move to some remote island in the middle of nowhere is anyones guess. The whole thing is strangely fascinating.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Given the history of “accidents” encountered by opponents of, and those who’ve crossed Putin…
    Doubt even Pregozhin himself thought he’d last the year.

    Is there any real evidence of this aircraft crashing?
    If not suspect he’s just been killed elsewhere.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Hope you and the mrs are still well Ginge.

    I wouldn’t be at all surprised if you were right, it could be he’s living it up somewhere quietly and this ‘death’ was all part of his deal with Putin.

    Alternatively, it could have been the CIA that took him out, Wagner is causing havoc in Africa right now.

    So many possibilities, it’s enlightening to know that it’s now acceptable to question official narratives.

    • Total Posts 2849

    Of the many possibilities that exist here, I don’t think anything can be ruled out and I don’t think any of them would surprise me. I can’t imagine we’ll ever know either.

    Ben, I’m sure you love a Wikipedia rabbit hole like I do, start here:

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    Thank you Gentlemen for your soundly expressed rogue input – I move on though from your interesting matters of the mind to the more essential, dare I suggest, material matters of the heart. Think on it for a minute. It’s no use creating chatGTP if the creator never moved from a twinkling of the Orwellian eye to creation itself – in other words – matters of the ❤️

    The World cup celebratory kiss registered somewhere on the tachyomemeter but was hardly on the richter scale of Heaven sent, or even less scent, more a turgid Heavens Gate and certainly not in the foamy, heady fame registered class of Burt lay it on me Lancaster in the clean air non boiling earth filum – From Here to Eternity. It was in contradisinction – what Punk rock is to Brahms – Bernie the bloody bolt please and aim quickly, and yes on target, but tacky euphoric, and in a nutshell – ‘ BLOODY LOWER DECK and feck the officers

    Pay up with your six or seven figure pension and all be forgotten you pleb with Trump pretensions.

    On another level Chris Packham may have to defend himself in court for sniffing endangered birds.
    One wonders why he didn’t go a little bit further ?

    The oldest man in Britain at 111 gives some sanguine and sensible advice…

    Moderation in all things !

    On the other hand I don’t think the King football kisser or Chris the after dark bird sniffer want to live until they are 111.

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    There are four all important things to remember in life which I have mentioned to you all before, and have taken the trouble to drum into my id ad nauseam. They are all easy to understand and quite simple messages.

    The first is, erm,

    well erm…

    Avatar photoPurwell
    • Total Posts 1508

    Nurse! He’s been at the surgical spirit again.

    I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
    I've walked and I crawled on six crooked highways
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    Just take the shot !…

    Elton John fell at his home in a foreign clime.
    We don’t know if it was the stairs ?

    He went to his local hospital at Monte Carlo – wouldn’t we all ?

    He demanded a piano in broken French.

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    Miserable git that John
    but somehow you can’t fail
    to like him !

    The video was appropriately shot in Cannes. I thought I recognized it !

    I am more of a Nice myself,
    The Cote De bloody Azur or French Riviera has shades of blues to die for fresh out of ‘ To Catch a Thief ‘.
    I met a lot of Brits there decades back sunning themselves on the beach – lazy b*rstards just dropouts who lost direction (why didnee I think of that ?) and were travelling back every two weeks to Blighty to sign on collect their ruddy benefit, their snout money, and then **** the cockles and muscles they’d fly straight back home to Brigitte Bardot alive a live oh – and real life in the sun.

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    I was born years ago between the wars ( yes they argued a lot ) in a large detached house awaiting it’s plaque and in fishing line distance to the sea. Oh those were heady days. Well the midwife said it was the largest one she’d ever clapped eyes on !

    Avatar photoPurwell
    • Total Posts 1508

    Did it get bigger as you got older?

    I've stumbled on the side of twelve misty mountains
    I've walked and I crawled on six crooked highways
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