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Grand Turina

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  • #1636299
    • Total Posts 656

    Absolutely horrendous fall and aftermath in the 2:30 at Lingfield. Front leg clearly broken

    12 years old and pulled up in her last 2 races, you do wonder if some of these owners and trainers really do have their best interest at heart.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Probably a broken neck as well. Alex Hammond should have mentioned the incident first instead of her cheerful, enthusiastic schoolgirl routine about the winner. Disgraceful coverage.

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4118

    Worst fall one could think of. It won’t bother Nora’s Playmates though.

    How unusual it is for a 12 year old mare to run over fences after so many no-shows in the previous five races. Never thought Venetia would allow such a thing…….

    May she rest in peace.

    • Total Posts 66

    Worst fall and aftermath I have ever seen. Horrendous and sickening viewing. Can only hope it was instant and the poor house knew nothing.

    • Total Posts 302

    “Never thought Venetia would allow such a thing…….”

    Perhaps it’s because Venetia Williams has forgotten more about horses and racing than you’ll ever know Ruby.

    Before passing these judgmental comments, of which there have been many based on a horses basic form or age, perhaps you should contact Ms. Williams and ask why she has continued to run the horse, contrary to YOUR better judgement.

    Have you ever given consideration to the remote possibility that the horse actually likes competing?

    Regal Encore fell on Saturday, racing at the age of 16 years old. I don’t recall any comments from you prior to this race that he should have been retired three or four years ago. Perhaps you know far more than Honeyball and McManus combined.

    Of course if he’d fallen and broken his neck, we’d have had you bleating on about his age and how he hasn’t won a race since 2020.

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4118

    Shut up, griff. I never doubted Venetia and I still don’t. As already stated, maybe the owners just wanted a fun day out. But looking at her stable’s excellent run and the horse’s SP of 40/1, you knew something wasn’t quite right with the mare.

    Oh, and you want to talk about JP McManus? How many of his horses has he lost on and off the track in the
    past 30 years? You only get to read about the happy retirements Istabraq and Co get, but what about the lesser ones he lets go? Any clues where they are?

    Compared to him, I haven’t lost a single horse. I bet he’s easily lost over 200. Now that’s what you call fun and knowledge, right???

    • Total Posts 7543

    “It won’t bother Nora’s Playmates though.”

    What an odd thing to say. Do you know the syndicate members personally? Are they particularly heartless terrible people? Unless you know them and know that they’re awful, or overheard them after the race laughing, ripping up their betting slips and speculating how much they might get from the glue factory, that’s a pretty scurrilous thing to say about their likely attitude to to horrible death of the only horse they had in training.

    Bay of Freedom, owned by one of TRF’s posters, barely beat a horse home in the six starts he had in his last season, despite all the things the stable tried to keep him happy and get him enjoying racing again. As it was, he was retired, but if he had broken his neck over the Punchestown banks on his penultimate start would you have said oh Paul doesn’t care about his horse?

    Avatar photoEx RubyLight
    • Total Posts 4118

    It was the right decision to retire Bay of Freedom who showed nothing over the x-country courses. Was that such a big feat to retire a horse that was tailed off in his last eight races? Peter Fahey is a very shrewd operator who knows when to call it a days.

    By the way, where is Bay of Freedom now?

    • Total Posts 302

    “Never thought Venetia would allow such a thing…….”

    “But looking at her stable’s excellent run and the horse’s SP of 40/1, you knew something wasn’t quite right with the mare.”


    “I never doubted Venetia and I still don’t.”

    There appears to be plenty of doubt implied there Ruby.
    From now on, I’m going to question the wellbeing of any horse running at 40/1 and above, but I would like to know what the threshold SP is for horse welfare, anything above 25/1 perhaps?

    My apologies, but I can’t see the reference suggesting the owners just wanted a fun day out, but I do see where you inform us all that the owners wouldn’t care regarding the horses demise.

    A question also asked by greenasgrass, that you very conveniently failed to answer and cleverly deflected onto the subject of Bay of Freedom.

    As for McManus.

    “…..but what about the lesser ones he lets go? Any clues where they are?”

    I’d take a guess at new ownership or slaughter.

    “Compared to him, I haven’t lost a single horse. I bet he’s easily lost over 200.”

    You can clap yourself on the back for that Ruby, but first you have to own the volume of horses that he has and then compare percentages.

    Let me know how you get on. :scratch:

    Avatar photoTriptych
    • Total Posts 16887

    I’ve been reading the Thread on Grand Turina and her horrific fall and came here to pay a respect to her.
    I didn’t see the race and I couldn’t and never would go back to watch a rerun knowing the fate of this poor mare.
    Such a sad day for all concerned.

    Some heated comments made on here and understandably so as we all love the sport and want to right wrongs.

    I”m certain Nora’s Playmates were devasted at the loss of their mare but the naming of their syndicate is not a good one conjuring up a vision of treating horses as playthings which I hope wasn’t their intention but probably along the lines that Ruby was thinking to be fair.

    In an ideal world I would like to see thorough medical checks on all NH horses over the age of 10 before they are allowed to race with their recent form and number of days since their last run taken into consideration.

    All this too late to save this beautiful mare..

    RIP Grand Turina ⚘

    Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out...
    • Total Posts 302

    In an ideal world Triptych, it would be preferable for every horse to have a thorough medical check before racing, not simply those aged 10 and over. Plenty die from 2yo onwards and plenty die off track as well.

    Any efforts to safeguard the welfare of horses is of course welcome, but nothing, apart from banning racing altogether, is going to stop fatalities and people have to accept that.

    Perhaps the ‘hidden’ side of racing, the breeding industry, should have more attention paid to it.

    • Total Posts 302

    “I’m certain Nora’s Playmates were devastated at the loss of their mare but the naming of their syndicate is not a good one conjuring up a vision of treating horses as playthings which I hope wasn’t their intention but probably along the lines that Ruby was thinking to be fair.”

    I can’t see the correlation between the name and the treatment of the horse to be honest Triptych, but Nora certainly sounds like an interesting sorta gal. 😉

    • Total Posts 787

    The mare was seemingly badly out of form but the return to a course she had won at the previous season may have given some impetus to persist with her. In these times of many more chances for mares I could understand a wish to persevere. The yard have a tradition of some success with horses into the veteran stages.

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