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Favourite Snacks

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    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    Years ago, when I had a really sweet tooth, I was an avid fan of Jacob’s Club biscuits.

    Lovely thick chocolate and crunchy biscuit – as the advert used to say “if you want a lot of chocolate on your biscuit join our club.”

    For the past few months I have seen them on the supermarket shelf but resisted the temptation unti a couple of weeks ago when I succumbed.

    Oh I was so disappointed – the biscuit was much smaller than it used to be and as for the chocolate well it was just a token effort.

    Oh how disappointing!!

    Today I was caught out again – again a Jacob’s product Lemon Puffs.

    First of all they have changed the shape and secondly the biscuit is nothing like as flaky as it used to be.

    Why do manufacturers have to change popular products?

    Why is it “new improved” in invariably less and better for the manufacturers?

    End of gripe!!!

    Rob V
    • Total Posts 173

    KVE Scratchings! They were once large ‘n’ flaky tasty pieces of meat. Now they’re just bits of fossil-hard rind and salty lumps of vile fat.

    Grrrrrrrr :evil:

    • Total Posts 788

    Paul, the Club biscuit was a regular in my lunch box at school about 30 years ago I think. Today I buy them for my kids but can usually only find mint or orange. (BTW I agree about the choc bit. They are just not the same.)

    However, I’m sure there were other varieties such as raisin and one called simply ‘milk’ (light blue wrapper) I think the raisin one was purple. Can anyone think of any others? F*$K this is a throw back!!!

    Also. whilst on the subject…Does anyone remember ‘sky divers’ crisps /snacks or the fish and chips biscuit snack which also figure in that box?

    Blimey, I have suddenly remembered loads of other stuff about Primary school :shock: :D

    Love Divine
    • Total Posts 198

    We had the same conversation on Friday about Creme Eggs – how much they had ‘shrunk’ and how much they now cost. Similarly, Wagon Wheels have diminished considerably in every measurement from when they first appeared.

    • Total Posts 3119

    Admittedly things like this have caused me some concern over the years.

    Is it just me or are Coco Pops not quite as chocolaty as they used to be, despite all the new and improved recipes.

    Think Space Raiders are more Cardboardy these days too.

    And why cant they bring back Mountain Dew (mental note to self, start Facebook camapign), I could understand getting rid of Tab Clear as it was carboated urine but not Mountain Dew.

    And although Facebook brought back the Wispa, why did they ever get rid of it in the first place.

    And why did they change the name of mintolas to mint munchies.

    And why did KFC get rid of the Zinger Twister (that was their cue for world domination)?

    And why do KFCs in England do pepsi instead of coke?

    And what ever happened to Secret bars, and Spiras, and those Mint Pyramids, and those apple flavoured frog ice lollys?

    Im pretty cure that there used to be these mint flavoured chewy sweets (a bit like chewits but tasted more like remegel), what about them.

    One thing is clear, there are certainly dark forces at work in this crazy crazy world, and in the absence of any other logical explanation, two words spring to mind Gordon Brown… :D

    I would ask abouty Raspberry Ruffles, but seen them the other week in a shop for the first time in years.

    Tried those new Ferrerro Rodnoirs the other week too, and I must say they were completely gross.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    However, I’m sure there were other varieties such as raisin and one called simply ‘milk’ (light blue wrapper) I think the raisin one was purple. Can anyone think of any others? F*$K this is a throw back!!!

    Ah yes the rasin one – I forgot to mention that one – yes very much missed – that and the mint were my favourites.

    • Total Posts 384

    Blue Ribbons. They have gone sooo down the pan it’s unbelievable. My favourite biscuit of all time as a kid but years snce had one. Got pack other day and the taste was just so weak and tasteless. And Skips – the crisps. They taste so different. It’s so sad they change these things :( :(
    However i did buy a box of Lucky Charms breakfast cereal (one of my childhood pleasures!) on ebay the other day from america…. happy days :lol:

    • Total Posts 1593

    Just to play Devil’s Advocate, is there not a wee chance that the sentiments in this thread are just cases of reality biting? I could also give examples of things I loved as a kid that seem a lot less appealing now, isn’t it just because I’ve grown up?

    All that being said, I’d kill (or at least maim) to get Nestle’s Secret bar back on the shelves.

    Avatar photowilsonl
    • Total Posts 862

    A proper Curly Wurly.

    The ones where you needed teeth like a great white shark and the arms of Geoff Capes to be able to eat.


    Avatar photograysonscolumn
    • Total Posts 6966

    Is it just me or are Coco Pops not quite as chocolaty as they used to be, despite all the new and improved recipes.

    It’s more the countless, inane variants of both this and Special K that I don’t get on with – Coco Pops Munchers, Coco Pops Crunchers, Coco Pops Mega Munchers, Coco Pops Rocks, etc. All basically the same thing d*cked about with into different shapes to interest gullible kids and parents of kids.

    I had my suggestion for Coco Pops Turds rejected by Kelloggs, but I’m not bitter.

    And although Facebook brought back the Wispa, why did they ever get rid of it in the first place.

    Possibly a redeployment of the production line used for Wispas to make something else instead. See also Texan bars and Cabanas, which weren’t selling badly themselves at the time Rowntree stopped making them, but were usurped to enable production of the more popular Toffee Crisp to continue following a factory fire.

    And why did they change the name of mintolas to mint munchies.

    Possibly to appease dyslexic camera and photocopier manufacturers. 8)

    Their name was changed again in 2006, incidentally, to After Eight Bitesize.

    And why do KFCs in England do pepsi instead of coke?

    Because Pepsi is better (cue dissent!)

    and those Mint Pyramids,

    Pyramints? Ceased production during the last recession. Falling demand. I loved them to bits, but they were messy buggers to eat on a hot day.

    and those apple flavoured frog ice lollys?

    Fat Frogs! Drool. I loved those also.

    Im pretty cure that there used to be these mint flavoured chewy sweets (a bit like chewits but tasted more like remegel), what about them.

    That’ll be;

    Sent packing in the mid-1980s. I guess Softmints were where it was at by then (are they still made, by the way? Not had a Softmint for aeons)


    Adoptive father of two. The patron saint of lower-grade fare. A gently critical friend of point-to-pointing. Kindness is a political act.

    • Total Posts 3119

    Possibly to appease dyslexic camera and photocopier manufacturers. 8)

    Very good Jeremy :lol:

    Very informative, Pacers, Fat Frogs and Pyramints, those were the days. Honestly couldnt remember the name pacers but recognised them as soon as I saw that picture.

    Also Friggo, I’ve never met anyone who didnt love Secret bars so lord knows why they stopped doing them. Probably the only new and original chocolate bar in the last few decades that was genuinely really good.

    • Total Posts 3901

    paulostermeyer – you should try a Cadbury Snack Sandwich – very very similar to an old Club Milk

    Avatar photoCarryOnKatie
    • Total Posts 589

    "Breakaways" are much smaller too –

    "Don’t takeaway my Breakaway!"

    Neil Watson
    • Total Posts 1376

    Agree with GC about Pepsi being better than Coca Cola.

    Wispas are brilliant but at the moment some Kit Kats are really poor as some do not have any wafers in, then again production got moved from York to somewhere abroad for cheaper manufacturing costs.

    Raspberry Ruffles can be bought from one of those Instore stores, i love them and can eat them for ages.

    If im on the long coach journey from Glasgow to Manchester then a big bag of Haribo sweets helps, although i offer none at all to my fellow passengers unless they are female and of some moderate attractiveness.

    Viscounts where another favourite of mine and worth dunking in tea.

    • Total Posts 9300

    You sometimes used to get a slightly soggy Malteser in a packet of crisp crunchy Maltesers..that was always the one that I looked forward to finding, and the joy was not knowing when you were going to bite into it.

    Love Divine
    • Total Posts 198

    Sugar puffs have a very unpleasant metallic after taste now that they never used to have.

    Flakes have definitely shrunk – having had a recent craving for some.

    Why can’t you buy tomato sauce flavour crisps – not ketchup – they’re not the same?

    Why aren’t Bovril flavour crisps available any more?

    Ice Jublees(not sure of that spelling) have disappeared.

    Flying saucers’ paper has got thicker and more like cardboard.

    Pepsi Max is better than Pepsi and miles better than Coke.

    Neil Watson
    • Total Posts 1376

    Forrest Gump said that Life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get.

    What a load of s.h.i.t.e. it should be Life is like a bag of Revels.

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