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Doping in horse racing

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  • #1547577
    Avatar photojackh1092
    • Total Posts 3887

    While it’s arguable there is no suspension, the performance of his runners since the ban have fallen off significantly i would argue looking at the numbers- so presumably somethings changed since the ban.

    Mahon should be life there’s no doubt.

    I’d have Elliot’s ban the equivalent of spitting at a player on a pitch, very little actually harm caused- but it’s a very distasteful thing to do and deserves a greater punishment than some things that happen and get lesser bans (such as cheating in a race). Mahon etc. for me are a prison sentence level thing.

    Twitter: Jackh1092
    Hindsight is 20/20 so make the most of it!

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    Not sure I follow this logic (while appreciating that you don’t actually think it’s the case). I doubt it’s a coincidence that Bolger chose to voice his concerns at a time when he has a couple of the classiest horses he’s had for a while. Perhaps he feared that the cheating he alleges is so rife would rob them of the chance to show their potential.

    Avatar photorollotommasi
    • Total Posts 82

    Good piece by Kevin Blake on this in his column earlier in the week

    The point around the relative levels of sensitivity being tested for between LCH labs in France v Newmarket related to the GAIN zilpaterol feed case last October is something that intuitively raises questions related to testing in both jurisdictions

    Avatar photosporting sam
    • Total Posts 16516
    Good that Jessica Harrington comments, given how often her horses have had to settle for second place in so many races.

    Avatar photojackh1092
    • Total Posts 3887

    The logic is from what i’ve said, he’s literally self made, doesn’t have a big spend, yet has built something of an empire. For all this year has seen such empire in a better light than it has been in recent times. Majority (i think all now)of the horses run in their own colours too.

    Obviously i know he’s not going to come out and say it and be doing it himself.

    Hopefully he’s got the ball rolling if there is indeed a problem. I don’t imagine a man as shrewd as him would come out with these comments if he didn’t have fair evidence. Let’s see.

    Twitter: Jackh1092
    Hindsight is 20/20 so make the most of it!

    • Total Posts 372

    Sounds as though Bolger will not attend, having taken legal advice.

    • Total Posts 1735

    It’s getting weird now and seems Bolger was just letting off steam in the original interview. Unless he or someone else has evidence then it’s just gossip. Disappointing.

    • Total Posts 372

    Do we think that Bolger is the kind of man who lets off steam? I agree that it’s disappointing that he won’t appear, but Cahill and co. have made it fairly clear that they intend to protect racing.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    OK, suspect many of you are thinking this so I’ll get it out there:

    It couldn’t could it? Conspiracy theory alert!!!

    This year has seen a Bolger revival.
    If Bolger himself is found by the authorities to have used performance enhancing drugs on his horses… People will think it’s the authorities making it up because of Bolger’s accusations…

    So if Bolger can not substantiate these claims…
    Could it be Bolger came out with these accusations as a defence in case he himself is found out? :unsure:

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photocormack15
    • Total Posts 9224

    As far as wild theories go GT that is out there with the wildest.

    • Total Posts 1735

    A wild theory indeed but this is exactly what Bolger has done by coming out with his statement and then not back it up. Leaves a cloudy of suspicion which is no good for anybody. Just seemed a strange episode all together especially as he is having his best time for yonks.

    Avatar photojackh1092
    • Total Posts 3887

    Well Bolger isn’t as shrewd or smart as i thought in this circumstance coming out with bold claims, and not having evidence.

    As Kevin Blake mentioned in the Betfair podcast, it’s not the first time Bolger’s made statements and then backed down….

    Twitter: Jackh1092
    Hindsight is 20/20 so make the most of it!

    Avatar photoTriptych
    • Total Posts 16887

    Could he and his family have been threatened Jack? He really was all out there on the subject and to suddenly back away like this on the advice of his lawyer is a worrying turn of events.

    Going with the conspiracy theory perhaps unbeknown to himself, someone slipped drugs into his yard to implicate him. There must be a reason he has backed away like this or am I reading too many Dick Francis books. 😉

    Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out...
    • Total Posts 372

    He appears to have claimed his second scalp now anyway, with Egan going.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    I think the theory I described is unlikely to be true, David; but more likely than you clearly believe.
    Jac’s theory of Bolger being threatened is also possible but still imo unlikely; as is the theory of Bolger making it all up.

    Personally I think most likely is that Bolger knows doping has been going on but has no conclusive evidence. Therefore has been advised by his legal team not to proceed.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photobefair
    • Total Posts 2028
    Avatar photoThe Tatling Cheekily
    • Total Posts 2723

    Bolger obviously needs to name names or shut up. He has made himself look a coward, a liar, or ridiculous. Or all three. Not for the first time either.


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