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Derby to be run at 1.30pm

Home Forums Horse Racing Derby to be run at 1.30pm

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  • #1650395
    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I did read somewhere that an Animal Rising spokesperson said they would not attempt to disrupt the race once it had started, unlike Miss Davidson.

    Whether they can be trusted is another matter.

    • Total Posts 2849

    Startling 14 racehorses charging along at 30-odd mph in close quarters would certainly be an interesting tactic for people who claim to love animals but hypocrisy is often never far away from such people’s thinking.

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3439

    As some have pointed out, it (possibly) was a one off although I do remember Rock of Gibraltar’s Guineas being scheduled to be run at “half time” during the Cup Final, another crap and failed decision by racing’s rulers.
    As a “one off” surely a 6.45/7.00 start would have produced many more new viewers, which we are always told racing is attempting to attract, than a 1.30 start.
    As we are told ITV would have been have been quite happy to show it on the main channel why didn’t racing snap the opportunity up rather than the shortsighted decision to favour World Pool, couldn’t World Pool as a one off manage at an inconvenient time?
    I don’t see a clash with the Cup Final at the later time being a factor, the Cup final would have been finished well before the Derby, there would races still to be run after it and it is 17 miles away. I’m not aware of any objections by police to any start time.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Animal Rising was not true to its assurance. One of its most prominent spokesmen did get onto the track after the Derby started. This is proven by the image of the Derby runners in the early stage of the race on the big screen which can clearly be seen when the idiot is apprehended.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    First you convince me an earlier start is right.
    Now you convince me of a later start, Yeats. :good:

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Animal Rising have now proven they can NOT be trusted whatever they say.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Is there any way of suing Animal Rising for the extra cost of policing? :unsure:

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 2849

    I can’t imagine there’s any way of suing them any more than there is of suing anyone else who causes the need for policing.

    Football clubs often contribute a small amount to policing costs but largely it’s picked up the taxpayer, the analogue there would be Epsom Racecourse and/or The Jockey Club paying (which maybe they already do, no idea).

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    There is a difference between Football and Racing though.

    Nobody is actually saying before the event that they’re going to do something illegal in order to stop the match.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    Manchester United fans stopped a match recently when a protest led them into breaking into the stadium during the covid season.

    The racecourse itself where the horses run is prohibited from people not permitted to walk on so in essence the chap was trespassing yesterday and can get fined, no…??

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    • Total Posts 2849

    There would be a police presence at a large event like the Derby anyway, I think it would be very difficult to quantify the cost that these protestors caused.

    People break the law, people lie, all the way from the bottom rung of society up to the Prime Minister. It’s a fact of life and one of the reasons we have a police force in the first place. For once they actually managed to do their job and stop anything happening both by arresting some earlier in the day and apprehending the one or two who slipped through.

    • Total Posts 398

    Failing to Comply with police direction to leave land can now be 3 months sentence , unlikely in this case id guess .The protester was removed very quickly so had little time to not comply .
    The operation to secure such a large area was imho very well planned and executed .

    • Total Posts 434

    It felt like the race was just ‘get it out of the way’ on two accounts, the clash with the FA cup and the protesters, just the same as the National.
    Who really won?
    Not good for the second largest spectator sport in the country.

    The FA cup wasn’t great either.

    Not a good day for our largest spectator sports.

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    Which was more boring:

    a) Celtic winning yet another trophy (yawn)
    b) Manchester City cheating their way to more silverware (wake me up when the authorities catch up with them)
    c) Coolmore landing their ten millionth classic (zzzzzzz)

    Avatar photoyeats
    • Total Posts 3439

    First you convince me an earlier start is right.
    Now you convince me of a later start, Yeats. :good:”

    Nothing wrong with changing your mind Gingertipster, as long as you come to the right conclusion in the end. :yes:

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    Animal Rising idiot has been refused bail. Given people accused of rape and even murder are regularly granted bail, I fear this will be interpreted by many (not just nutters) as more proof of the alleged hold racing has over the establishment. Not sure they don’t have a point in this instance. Already suggested here that he is guilty of trespass and will certainly incur a fine. Many (myself included) would hope he will receive a custodial sentence for endangering life (human and equine). However, with the courts in the state they are, it’s likely he will now serve a sentence far longer than he will eventually receive by due process of law. Then what? Compensation? This fanatic may re-offend while on bail but also could be so terrified by the consequences of his actions (particularly regarding his inheritance) that he won’t leave the house before his trial. Meanwhile, plenty of others to take his place and racing will have to continue to increase security for big televised events. These movements thrive on martyrs and the courts have happily obliged.

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    Tbf, it’s my understanding that the vast majority of people charged with murder or rape are remanded in custody, along with a lot of people charged with lesser offences.

    I understand the concern, but reading the history of this bloke it seems perfectly reasonable to me that bail was denied.

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