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Columbian marching powder

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  • #1537778
    • Total Posts 698

    So is it/should it just be accepted?

    Whatever ones views on recreational drugs are it is illegal.

    • Total Posts 7543

    Nope, give them a few months’ warning then start hair testing the lot. As a student in Dublin most of us were out on the booze pretty much every week but the lads who were really good hurlers (an amateur sport) drank water and milk all season and didn’t do any drugs either. They still came out clubbing and to house parties and had a good time.

    Avatar photobefair
    • Total Posts 2028

    Mandatory hair samples are probably the best option, esp after a first offence; hair grows ~ 1 cm a month, so would be hard to hide any drug use

    • Total Posts 7543

    How many of ’em would be sporting skinheads from now on? 😉

    Avatar photopatriot1
    • Total Posts 959

    Chestnut it shouldn’t be accepted.

    I’ve always argued that in football drug use should be a police matter not a football one because cocaine, cannabis etc are not performance enhancing.

    However we can’t have jockeys or work riders steering horses while under the influence of these substances. They are putting themselves, their mounts and others at danger.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I remember seeing Kieren Fallon interviewed by Clare Balding a few years ago now and he said Newmarket has more drug use per head of the population than any town in Europe. Not sure if that is true but it has clearly been a problem in the town for years.

    Agree with the comments it should not be tolerated in racing any longer. And I think ideas of legalising or decriminalising these drugs are seriously mistaken.

    • Total Posts 698

    The problem with drugs seems to have been around in Newmarket for many years. So it would seem that it is just accepted by many of the employers (the trainers).

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    Gosden seemed fairly relaxed about it. Not sure I would be best pleased if I had hired a young lad and found he was taking drugs, even if it was only once.

    Avatar photorollotommasi
    • Total Posts 82

    I remember seeing Kieren Fallon interviewed by Clare Balding a few years ago now and he said Newmarket has more drug use per head of the population than any town in Europe. Not sure if that is true but it has clearly been a problem in the town for years.

    I can just imagine Fallon going around Newmarket with a clipboard carrying out his research

    • Total Posts 2849

    The main problem with cocaine is in my opinion ethical in that it causes abject misery in the supply chain in South America. If us privileged Western Europeans choose to to do it then that’s our decision.

    I’ve taken it and and frankly it’s a great high. I’m not going to spout some nonsense about how I regret doing it and it was a mistake. I chose to and I enjoyed it- on more than one occasion and I’d do it again. You don’t necessarily ‘need help’ because you had a line or two once at a party. Some people get addicted and ruin their lives, others can take it or leave it. I’m in the latter category as is I suspect Mr de la Sayette and indeed Frankie Dettori- it never did his career any harm so leave the kid alone.

    It’s Colombia by the way, no letter ‘u’ involved. And the vast majority of them despise the drug trade and are good people.

    • Total Posts 698

    It is still illegal.

    % MAN
    • Total Posts 5104

    I remember seeing Kieren Fallon interviewed by Clare Balding a few years ago now and he said Newmarket has more drug use per head of the population than any town in Europe. Not sure if that is true but it has clearly been a problem in the town for years.

    It was certainly an “open secret” when I was working in racing, there are / were certain trainers and jockeys who were well known for their parties where it is said lines of white powder were laid out in advance for those who wished to partake.

    Avatar photoBigG
    • Total Posts 13201

    A few people well off the mark here

    He doesn’t need any help imo, he will just grow up hopefully. Its coke, not crack or heroine.

    Cocaine is one of the most addictive drugs on the market.

    I’ve always argued that in football drug use should be a police matter not a football one because cocaine, cannabis etc are not performance enhancing.

    Ehmmm :unsure:

    Newmarket, London, Birmingham, Glasgow, Edinburgh etc etc etc. It’s rife throughout any major
    city, and out in the suburbs for that matter, and it’s not just the “young bucks” as has been

    Avatar photoTonge
    • Total Posts 2976

    It wouldn’t really be a surprise if cocaine (& presumably the likes of amphetamine) is more prevalent within a profession which is constantly fighting against weight gain. A couple of beers to wind down after a hard day isn’t an option for many jockeys. This is why racing needs to take it very seriously indeed, and look beyond the single issue of drugs. It wouldn’t take much to go from an odd recreational toke to a habit on which you believe your career relies.

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