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Channel 4 Presenters – Sorry But Bring The Old Team Back

Home Forums Horse Racing Channel 4 Presenters – Sorry But Bring The Old Team Back

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  • #463947
    • Total Posts 9301

    I thought that Clare, because of her high profile after the Olympics was supposed to draw more people to the programme. As it is she’s never on it anyway. I sometimes forget she’s even part of the team.

    eddie case
    • Total Posts 1214

    Don’t know what most of you are moaning about. The mere fact TRFers are TRFers suggests we are died-in-the-wool racing nuts. Therefore, we’re (on the whole) going to like form gurus more than "presenters" and more paddock action than cubbyhole chat, we’ll dislike dinky hand movements and over-hype. But this is a terrestrial channel production. It needs to cater for more types than us racing geeks! Especially knowing many of us will prefer RUK or ATR anyway.

    All that considered… I think Channel 4 do a fine job.

    As viewing figures are apparently down, where is the evidence that the current formula appeals to non racing geeks?

    I find the cubbyhole chat incredibly boring when compared to seeing horses in the paddock and going to post and fail to see why you would expect non racing fans to be attracted by it.

    Having said that, RUK is little better, preferring, chat, replays etc the vast majority of the time to showing the horses when they should be leading the way in the coverage of horse racing for horse racing fans.

    As a viewer I’ve no interest in listening to boring pundits, the vast majority who, know less than their viewers.

    • Total Posts 34

    The chemistry was just right in the past where the presenters just blended in with the action and atmosphere. There us just too much emphasis now on the presenters.

    Marginal Value
    • Total Posts 703

    Don’t know what most of you are moaning about

    . The mere fact TRFers are TRFers suggests we are died-in-the-wool racing nuts. Therefore, we’re (on the whole) going to like form gurus more than "presenters" and more paddock action than cubbyhole chat, we’ll dislike dinky hand movements and over-hype. But this is a terrestrial channel production. It needs to cater for more types than us racing geeks! Especially knowing many of us will prefer RUK or ATR anyway.

    All that considered… I think Channel 4 do a fine job.

    Moaning? There are eleven threads on the front page of the forum that the OP started because of something in the racing world that they did not like. One of them was started by some strange chap called Gingertipster. Pot, kettle, black? Even the positive threads have people disagreeing with the OP. Is it all moaning?

    Sir Humphrey Appleby:
    I give informed briefings on the inadequacies of a situation.
    She is a well-known “rent-a-quote”.
    He just moans and moans.

    How dull the forum would be if we were only allowed to exchange, or challenge, facts. How much more informative to propound and argue opinions.

    P.S. The Channel Four racing programmes, especially The Morning Line, are extremely dull. There is no excuse for dull TV programmes. In its previous incarnation, my wife and daughter used to watch TML with me “because the people all look as if they are having a good time.” That is not the case now. I heartily agree with those who want a TV programme from a racecourse to be about the races, the horses, and the people who ride, train, own and look after them. With the possible exceptions of Derby Day and Royal Ascot, when we could give a little time to the socialites and fashionistas.

    Avatar photoBurroughhill
    • Total Posts 1635

    What’s totally missing is any feeling that you’re "at the races". If they want to encourage more people to enjoy it they need to be out there, in the crowd, in the paddock, in the betting ring, like Thommo in the old days. Looking at the horses live, chatting to racegoers, listening to the roar, the applause, seeing more of the people and the emotions involved. What happens when you go to the races, what can you see, how close can you get?
    That glass box is a coffin built ready to bury C4 Racing in.

    Avatar photoricky lake
    • Total Posts 3003

    well said Jilly ….nail on the head , spot on

    sadly Ruk is heading in the same direction



    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33015

    Don’t know what most of you are moaning about. The mere fact TRFers are TRFers suggests we are died-in-the-wool racing nuts. Therefore, we’re (on the whole) going to like form gurus more than "presenters" and more paddock action than cubbyhole chat, we’ll dislike dinky hand movements and over-hype. But this is a terrestrial channel production. It needs to cater for more types than us racing geeks! Especially knowing many of us will prefer RUK or ATR anyway.

    All that considered… I think Channel 4 do a fine job.

    As viewing figures are apparently down, where is the evidence that the current formula appeals to non racing geeks?

    I find the cubbyhole chat incredibly boring when compared to seeing horses in the paddock and going to post and fail to see why you would expect non racing fans to be attracted by it.

    Having said that, RUK is little better, preferring, chat, replays etc the vast majority of the time to showing the horses when they should be leading the way in the coverage of horse racing for horse racing fans.

    As a viewer I’ve no interest in listening to boring pundits, the vast majority who, know less than their viewers.

    What are the C4 viewing figures? Are they going down? And how do they compare with RUK and ATR?

    I agree with you Eddie, I myself prefer seeing horses in the paddock to "cubbyhole chat". But with so little time between races these days (two (or more) meetings) is there really time for a live feed from paddock-side anymore? May be they think it best to analyse from the cubbyhole where it’s easier to segway from one meeting to the next?

    Doubt whether viewing horses in the paddock is that interesting to the non-racing/non-horsey brigade. When going racing I hear it said many-a-time by once a year racegoers "one horse looks exactly like another". And when you try and point out a "well muscled two year old who knows his job – from a green, weak newcomer… They still can’t see the difference/got no interest. Therefore, they’d probably prefer the light-hearted box "banter" to paddock-side posturing.

    If you really think "boring pundits, the vast majority who, know less than their viewers", then you’re either naive Eddie, or judging different "presenters" in fields they’re not experts in… Micky Fitz doesn’t know much about form analysis/tipping, but he’s in there primarily for a jockey’s eye view, not a form expert. Nick, Rishi, Clare, Alice and Emma are good "front men/women wing men/women" (well may be not the latter) who know a bit about "horses", where as Tanya is the betting "expert". Only McGrath and Cunningham are form gurus. Good to see Richard Hoiles in last week’s show too, knows a lot more about the game than a commentator’s job suggests.

    Race analysis (both before and after the race) has improved enormously. ie How pace/stamina/speed/prominent/held up makes a difference to the outcome. Punters can learn a lot more from this new team than the old one. So worth sitting through pieces I don’t like.

    Francome often used to go off on a tangent, where nothing he said had any basis in reality of what actually happened in a race, indeed imo sometimes the complete opposite of what happened. And McGrath for some reason never seemed to contradict. I often thought punters were put away by the old C4 Team.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33015

    The chemistry was just right in the past where the presenters just blended in with the action and atmosphere. There us just too much emphasis now on the presenters.

    I’d have thought without McCrirrick there is far


    "emphasis now on the presenters".

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 33015

    Don’t know what most of you are moaning about

    . The mere fact TRFers are TRFers suggests we are died-in-the-wool racing nuts. Therefore, we’re (on the whole) going to like form gurus more than "presenters" and more paddock action than cubbyhole chat, we’ll dislike dinky hand movements and over-hype. But this is a terrestrial channel production. It needs to cater for more types than us racing geeks! Especially knowing many of us will prefer RUK or ATR anyway.

    All that considered… I think Channel 4 do a fine job.

    Moaning? There are eleven threads on the front page of the forum that the OP started because of something in the racing world that they did not like. One of them was started by some strange chap called Gingertipster. Pot, kettle, black? Even the positive threads have people disagreeing with the OP. Is it all moaning?

    Sir Humphrey Appleby:
    I give informed briefings on the inadequacies of a situation.
    She is a well-known “rent-a-quote”.
    He just moans and moans.

    How dull the forum would be if we were only allowed to exchange, or challenge, facts. How much more informative to propound and argue opinions.

    P.S. The Channel Four racing programmes, especially The Morning Line, are extremely dull. There is no excuse for dull TV programmes. In its previous incarnation, my wife and daughter used to watch TML with me “because the people all look as if they are having a good time.” That is not the case now. I heartily agree with those who want a TV programme from a racecourse to be about the races, the horses, and the people who ride, train, own and look after them. With the possible exceptions of Derby Day and Royal Ascot, when we could give a little time to the socialites and fashionistas.

    I can "moan", with the best of you MV. :lol:
    Moaned about a comment made by Alice, a presenter I like in general.

    Never said people were not allowed an opinion/moan if they wish. Just personally, can not see what there is to moan about in this case. We can not expect everything to be to our liking, there are some things I dislike in the new format, but on the whole find it a vast improvement.

    Dare I say it… Have you ever thought your wife and daughter once liked TML because of Cattermole and (many moon(raker)s ago) Francome’s good looks/charm, and Big Mac’s pontificating? Nothing to do with wanting a programme about "races, the horses and the people who ride, train, own and look after them"? In fact with all the stuff from stables and guests – this new genre seems to have made a valiant effort to give more of what you want MV. :?

    Whenever any programme is in its infancy we are likely to enjoy it more. Bound to get a bit stale after a while, needing someone to hit the refresh button. Remember many similar comments to this thread about the old format, BEFORE changes were made. May be I am wrong, but seems there’s a lot of looking through rose coloured specs at all our yesterdays here. As Francome would say, "tings w’betterr when I werre a laaad".

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoMatron
    • Total Posts 6853

    Interesting article; looks like Channel 4 Racing ratings are at their highest for ten years: … tre-stage/

    • Total Posts 764

    How do I become a betting expert on tv? Could spend hours a day studying markets and don’t think I’d get bored! Or does my dad need to be David Pipe/Paul Nichols/A Channel 4 director?

    • Total Posts 34

    Interesting article; looks like Channel 4 Racing ratings are at their highest for ten years: … tre-stage/

    No surprise as more and more of the action came over from BBC. Comparing annual figures at the moment is not comparing apples with apples.
    Interesting that C4 Grand National viewers were down 2 million on the previous year on the BBC.

    • Total Posts 34

    Francome often used to go off on a tangent, where nothing he said had any basis in reality of what actually happened in a race, indeed imo sometimes the complete opposite of what happened. And McGrath for some reason never seemed to contradict. I often thought punters were put away by the old C4 Team.

    What a load of rubbish Gingertipster. Francome is far far more interesting and a natural. I would watch far more of the programme if he was back on it. It’s too clinical now, just like the boring opening theme tune, a nothing.

    • Total Posts 34

    Whenever any programme is in its infancy we are likely to enjoy it more. Bound to get a bit stale after a while, needing someone to hit the refresh button. Remember many similar comments to this thread about the old format, BEFORE changes were made. May be I am wrong, but seems there’s a lot of looking through rose coloured specs at all our yesterdays here. As Francome would say, "tings w’betterr when I werre a laaad".

    Completely disagree with this in this instance Gingertipster.
    Before the presenter changes, the programme was hugely enjoyable throughout. It didn’t need to be refreshed. Sounds like a statement that Racing for Change would use, to change for changes sake and try to keep someone in a job. And we know how good they are, trying to get Students interested in racing. What a stupid idea to focus on these as anyone would know if they have been on the planet, they haven’t got any money to go.
    Future racing recruitment is from the family day experience and if the kids have a good day out.

    • Total Posts 305

    Anyone see the programme from Lingfield on Saturday?

    Tanya sounded like she didn’t want to be there…no enthusiasm or expression in her voice which was strange as she’s normally pretty enthusiastic.

    Someone used the word "clinical" above and I think that’s fair comment for Ch4 racing at present. It could do with a bit of a spark from somewhere to liven things up.

    Avatar photoThe Ante-Post King
    • Total Posts 8695

    Someone used the word "clinical" above and I think that’s fair comment for Ch4 racing at present. It could do with a bit of a spark from somewhere to liven things up.

    Fear not Oasis,TAPK has written to C4 Racing suggesting they get me on to liven things up.I actually gave them a bit of my ‘Prophecy’ that ‘MTOY’ would cruise past ‘TNO’ in the Xmas hurdle and that ‘Silvi’ would reverse form with ‘Cue Card’ just to prove that I can back my big mouth up with the ability to suggest such nonsense.Hopefully I’ll be a regular guest come Cheltenham and the World will see that when the King of foresight says a good thing will lose,it will lose and I’ll tell them why at 2/1

    Big Bucks

    is the lay of the meeting!Of course if Jim gets up my nose with his condescending remarks I will knock him out on live TV and if Nick Luck trys to jump in I’ll remove his toupe! :lol:

    • Total Posts 305

    Someone used the word "clinical" above and I think that’s fair comment for Ch4 racing at present. It could do with a bit of a spark from somewhere to liven things up.

    Fear not Oasis,TAPK has written to C4 Racing suggesting they get me on to liven things up.I actually gave them a bit of my ‘Prophecy’ that ‘MTOY’ would cruise past ‘TNO’ in the Xmas hurdle and that ‘Silvi’ would reverse form with ‘Cue Card’ just to prove that I can back my big mouth up with the ability to suggest such nonsense.Hopefully I’ll be a regular guest come Cheltenham and the World will see that when the King of foresight says a good thing will lose,it will lose and I’ll tell them why at 2/1

    Big Bucks

    is the lay of the meeting!Of course if Jim gets up my nose with his condescending remarks I will knock him out on live TV and if Nick Luck trys to jump in I’ll remove his toupe! :lol:

    Gord, How about a road trip?? You driving with Nick, Jim, Claire & Rishi in the back, touring the sights and sounds of Stennie, Airdrie & Kirkcaldy. I’d pay to watch that!!

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