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Ascot likely to be abandoned?

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  • #1546356
    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7520

    …and the Coronation Stakes run in +3.23 seconds over RP Standard. That suggests Soft on the Round course though I suspect going down the outside rail helps.

    Captain Robbo
    • Total Posts 929

    Soros and Gates probably are responsible for the rain? Have you guys never heard of chemtrails? Try looking at the sky sometime.
    Chemtrails is certainly a globalist financed thing and Soros and Gates are globalists. They were spraying chemtrails has everyday in that period of nice weather.

    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7520

    Not a cloud in the sky outside of my window at the moment! That’s Scotland for you, sun always shines up here…, just that much of the time it’s behind those pesky clouds!

    Meanwhile, back at the building site, continuing a look at comparative times I suspect Coronation Stakes will prove a very decent race.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32178

    Have you guys never heard of chemtrails?

    Yes, I get texts messages from my neighbour about chemtrails
    covid, vaccines, 5G and every other conspiracy going

    What is your views on Aliens, Robbo.??

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Captain Robbo
    • Total Posts 929

    Chemtrails isn’t a conspiracy? Have you never seen those white lines coming out of the back of planes that linger in the sky and turn into a big hazy cloud? Been happening for many years now. Facts.

    I don’t believe in Aliens. When somebody sees something they can’t explain it’s most likely advanced military technology that we are not aware of.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32178

    Just checking you were not my Neighbour who does believe in Aliens

    Yeh, I seen it, just thought it was coming out of the exhaust pipe a bit like del boy and Rodney’s 3 wheel van.. :rose:

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7520

    Contrails or vapor trails are line-shaped clouds produced by aircraft engine exhaust or changes in air pressure, typically at aircraft cruising altitudes several miles above the Earth’s surface.” I’m due to start an Open University Meteorology Course in then next month or two so watch this space for more!

    Favourite past time when Westerns were on the telly was to try to spot the contrails that the continuity team hadn’t picked up, but I digress…

    A few contrails behind the runners today, but I suspect that’s just splashes from a bit of surface water. Looks a bit damp down on my old patch!

    Captain Robbo
    • Total Posts 929

    I used to believe in Aliens. Using the theory that the globalists have taught you all your life then Aliens would have to be possible however.

    I used to think aliens were behind things like the pyramids and many of the other incredible ancient structures that can’t be explained.

    Then I realised that the Great Reset (the thing that is happening now) has almost certainly been done many times before (where the majority of humans are killed off and they start again). Ancient humans had more advanced technology than we did. Facts once again.

    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7520

    I had a work colleague who insisted that the Pyramids must have been built by Aliens because the Egyptians couldn’t have built them with such accuracy. I pointed out to him that pyramids didn’t just appear, they were developed over hundreds probably thousands of years and the early ones fell down because they were crap! Practice makes perfect!

    Captain Robbo
    • Total Posts 929

    You guys are getting confused on the chemtrails thing.

    The standard trail that comes out of the planes exhaust system is not a chemtrail that’s just a contrail. They will normally disappear after around 15 mins maximum.

    Chemtrails are chemicals and substances sprayed in the sky to form clouds, they spread out and join with clouds and cause a haze that can last for many hours. Do I have to teach you lot everything.

    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7520


    I think you getting cloud seeding mixed up with contrails. It’s been tried in some countries to produce rain but it’s very much an inexact science and I don’t think it’s been particularly successful:

    The hazy clouds you are talking about are just cirrus clouds that form at high altitude. I rpesume they are connected to the jet strwam in some way but I’d be guessing at that.

    We seem to have deviated a bit from ‘Ascot likely to be abandoned?’! It hasn’t been…, and I’ve had three winners! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:

    Captain Robbo
    • Total Posts 929

    Chemtrails is just the slang name for Cloud Seeding (where they spray chemicals and substances) into the sky to manipulate the weather. It sounds so much more fluffy and nice when they use the term Cloud Seeding to spray chemicals and substances into the sky.

    Happens everywhere all around the world and has done for at least 20 years now. You only need to look into the sky on a clear day to see them at it. Your eyes are your friends people please use them.

    Well done with 3 winners. I have had 1 bet and zero winners today.
    Bet 2 will be coming up in the England game.

    • Total Posts 469

    Be interesting to see if they run contrail in the arc

    Captain Robbo
    • Total Posts 929

    Europe will almost certainly be in the strictest lockdown so far by October so unlikely the arc will be allowed to take place.

    Avatar photorobnorth
    • Total Posts 7520

    Indeed Istabraq, might have pulled out an interesting one in a backhanded way! :good:

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    I’m fascinated by the recent ‘ufo’ videos, could well be advanced military technologies, but the interviews of the fighter pilots who’ve seen these things are mad, that David Fravor story and video of the ufo from his jet is crazy.

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8937

    If this was “Just A Minute”, someone would have challenged for deviation from the subject by now. ;-)

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