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Another bad scope for Shishkin

Home Forums Horse Racing Another bad scope for Shishkin

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  • #1575005
    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    There was a poster here earlier in the year who was always slagging off Shishkin before he got banned. I wonder what he was thinking today? I hope he did not lay him!

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Lol Cork what did the poster get banned for? Or was he just constantly trolling?

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    I am not sure. All I can remember is he was very anti-Shishkin and became quite aggressive whenever anyone told him he was talking rubbish.

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    lol of all the horses to be anti, very hard horse to fault. The guy probably just hated his life :unsure:

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124


    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    Captain Robbo

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    • Total Posts 2553

    Captain Robbo was potato

    Avatar photoBen_Bernanke
    • Total Posts 2367

    Haha nice one I remember captain robbo

    • Total Posts 2553

    Just saw your second post, Nathan. Is he now Troy?

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    The result, weights carried and ORs going into the race suggests Greaneteen has run a bit below form, but the rest are where you’d expect.

    Shishkin is a good horse, but it’s not been possible to rate him above 169 so far.

    Shishkin devotees best not ask what OR Sprinter Sacre achieved for fear of feeling unwell upon receiving a reply.

    Still time for Shishkin to improve on that number, though.

    Meeting – then beating – better horses helps.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photobefair
    • Total Posts 2028

    That was spectacular today

    • Total Posts 7543

    “Clarence House is what, three weeks from the Desert Orchid?

    Game Spirit is what, three weeks away from the Champion Chase?”

    There’s always the Dublin Racing Festival. Perfick. Come on Nicky you know it makes sense πŸ˜‰

    Avatar photoCork All Star
    • Total Posts 8863

    The name of the anti-Shishkin poster was Shipithollabolla. After he won his prep race at Doncaster, he said the horse was deeply unconvincing and a poor jumper. :wacko:

    Avatar photoIanDavies
    • Total Posts 12999

    I’m certainly not anti-Shishkin, but I think he pretty much ran to his OR of 169 yesterday and I never take much notice of hyperbole (talk isn’t form) from trainers about how much improvement there is to come.

    He was getting 3lb off the runner up, btw.

    You can only beat what’s put in front of you and he might improve further, but if 169 is as good as he is then historically he is vulnerable.

    That might be good enough to win the 2022 Champion Chase, but to feel sure I’d rather see him delivering ratings in the Altior territory.

    I am "The Horse Racing Punter" on Facebook
    It's the "Millwall FC" of Point broadcasts: "No One Likes Us - We Don't Care"

    Avatar photoHe Didnt Like Ground
    • Total Posts 5935

    Potato is prob getting evicted today ,he,ll have put his house on Elegant Escape winning the Welsh yesterday ….he kept telling us he,d win a GC

    Avatar photoGladiateur
    • Total Posts 4675

    Willie Mullins has confirmed that Energumene is being aimed at the Clarence House, so it’s 100-1 that Shishkin goes there.

    • Total Posts 280

    Hey, Tank I’m no Spud. Don’t care where Shishkin goes next as long as he eyeballs Energumene in March.
    Remember Bobsline and Noddy’s Ryde for the Arkle. :good: :good:

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