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2YO Summary thread 2016

Home Forums Archive Topics Trends, Research And Notebooks 2YO Summary thread 2016

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  • #1262473
    • Total Posts 4457

    Yes – she did it nicely and, you are right, JC Rouget is turning into a real master this season. He is doing brilliantly with this Frankel but I do think the fillies are easier to handle than the colts (unlike with humans obviously 😉 )

    "this perfect mix of poetry and destruction, this glory of rhythm, power and majesty: the undisputed champion of the world!!!"

    • Total Posts 470

    Some horses do improve outwith Ballydoyle Sunspangled. You can’t compare Blue Point as an inexperienced colt having his first proper race with the one who won the Gimcrack in such style.

    The horse who was 8th in the Gimcrack, Mubtasim, dotted up at Doncaster and he was 8 and 3/4 lengths behind Blue Point. The third horse in the Gimcrack, The Last Lion, sluiced up in a Group 3 by four lengths next time, but could only get to 4 and 3/4 lengths behind Blue Point in the Gimcrack.

    You are clearly biased towards Ballydoyle in your opinions, I am neutral and judge purely be the visual impression of the horses.

    Time will tell. Caravaggio has only run FOUR times by the way.

    If we’re counting races …… Caravaggio beat Mehmas on his third run and Blue Point was beaten by Mehmas on his third run. Same level of experience!

    And no horse’s form equals that of Caravaggio’s Coventry win, horse after horse has come out of that race and boosted the form.

    And must you get personal again! I like to follow certain horses and stay loyal to them, they’re not just betting propositions to me.

    And yes, I do remember how you judge horses, you dismissed Douglas Macarthur after his first run. Aidan mustn’t have got the word, because he still regards him highly and is running him in the race on Saturday that is usually reserved for his top Derby horse.

    • Total Posts 470

    Regarding J-C Rouget, is it generally known that he trains out of the provinces, unlike most of the other leading French trainers who train out of Chantilly and have been affected by the outbreaks of equine flu and Lyme disease in the area. His horses could of course be winning anyway, but there is a concern about the health of Chantilly based horses, as French trained horses have been in general under-performing this year. Not a single French trained horse has run to an official rating of 120 or greater in 2016 to date based on the latest World Thoroughbred Rankings, as pointed out by Kevin Blake in his blog.

    Avatar photothejudge1
    • Total Posts 2251

    From the attheraces speed expert:

    A competitive seven furlong Listed event for juveniles, with five of the seven runners having won last time out. Preference is for TAAMOL (nb), who posted a list-topping speed rating of 96 when scoring with some authority at Newmarket back in June. That debut effort looks sure to be built upon this afternoon, even if the colt has made only average progress over the last 76 days. Today’s step up to a mile shouldn’t be a problem for him, nor should the predicted faster ground.

    What distance are they running over I wonder? I’m confused :scratch:

    Avatar photostevecaution
    • Total Posts 8241

    If Caravaggio has had a setback then can see why they’ve opted out of the Middle Park and decided against running again this season. Blue Point Vs a fit and well Caravaggio is going to be a great match up, whether this season or next. Suspect it will also be over 6 furlongs.

    Steve, you accuse Sunspangled of being “clearly biased towards Ballydoyle” horses and that you are “neutral”. But you have already backed Blue Point for the Guineas, so how does that make you neutral? :unsure:

    Jesus Christ how hard is it for people to understand.

    I was the first person to mention Caravaggio on this forum. I backed him ante-post for the Coventry and for the Norfolk. I clearly have nothing against the horse and if I had been impressed by him last time I would have said so. I am on Blue Point for the Guineas but he’s not going to be running, so that’s that angle out of it.

    I was death against Godolphin for years but this season I have been seeing ones I like and backing them to a good return in some cases. That has happened because I am neutral and go by the individual horse and not the connections.

    Sunspangled is clearly a Ballydoyle fan in a big and somewhat illogical way. Why would anyone try to “Defend A Horse” it’s a ridiculous concept.

    That is nothing like fancying one horse from one stable, another from a different stable and yet another from a different training regime. That’s neutrality.

    Unlike some people I don’t feel the need to defend horses or trainers. The ultimate proof is in how it all pans out.

    When I am wrong, I fully admit it and move on but some seem to have a perverse need to prove they were right and build an illogical case to try to make it seem so. Endless excuses get trotted out and it just doesn’t matter how many people feel differently about it, it’s never accepted that sometimes we just read it incorrectly on initial analysis.

    Anyone trying to compare me backing a particular horse, with me being somehow biased towards it is a very poor logical analyst. It is nothing like having a penchant for a particular stable and seeing no wrong ever possible from their stables.

    I suspect most neutral people can see that distinction but when you are obsessed with someone else on a forum, you are liable to misread everything, perhaps deliberately, to try to stir the pot.

    I have backed Blue Point for the Middle Park at 5/1. If I felt Caravaggio were the more likely winner I would have backed him. As I say, I am totally neutral and any horse, jockey or trainer is only as good as their last performance in my philosophy. I was against Rich Legacy last time because I felt the race was too sharp, this time I was with her because she had the stamina test it looked like she clearly required.

    I am getting bored of having to explain my logic to someone, particularly when everyone else seems to have no problem in accepting my reasoning.

    I think you will find that the large majority of times we have disagreed in these little “Spats”, I have been proven ultimately correct but that won’t stop you delving it up and trying to bizarrely twist it to show that you were right.

    I am putting afair bit of work into this thread to keep the more casual reader informed of my opinions and provide videos for people to judge for themselves. You are like the bad penny that keeps butting in to devalue my comments. That’s pretty **** crack in my opinion.

    Thanks for the good crack. Time for me to move on. Be lucky.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    Oh Stevie,
    It was you who accused Sunspangled of being “clearly biased”, because he does not see things as you see it. And yet when someone points out reasons why you could be biased without realising it – you once again throw a wobbly.

    What I am saying is we are all biased in some way (I know I am) and must fight against our bias, otherwise we will back the wrong horses.

    You do not know Sunspangled’s opinion is formed on the basis of his bias, just as we do not know your Blue Point opinion is based on your own bias.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32901

    You do a lot for the forum Steve and it is appreciated (including by me). But that doesn’t give you the right to have your opinions unchallenged.

    Value Is Everything
    • Total Posts 11

    Is Stevecaution the old Fistsoffury?

    Avatar photostevecaution
    • Total Posts 8241

    Some horses do improve outwith Ballydoyle Sunspangled. You can’t compare Blue Point as an inexperienced colt having his first proper race with the one who won the Gimcrack in such style.

    The horse who was 8th in the Gimcrack, Mubtasim, dotted up at Doncaster and he was 8 and 3/4 lengths behind Blue Point. The third horse in the Gimcrack, The Last Lion, sluiced up in a Group 3 by four lengths next time, but could only get to 4 and 3/4 lengths behind Blue Point in the Gimcrack.

    You are clearly biased towards Ballydoyle in your opinions, I am neutral and judge purely be the visual impression of the horses.

    Time will tell. Caravaggio has only run FOUR times by the way.

    If we’re counting races …… Caravaggio beat Mehmas on his third run and Blue Point was beaten by Mehmas on his third run. Same level of experience!

    And no horse’s form equals that of Caravaggio’s Coventry win, horse after horse has come out of that race and boosted the form.

    And must you get personal again! I like to follow certain horses and stay loyal to them, they’re not just betting propositions to me.

    And yes, I do remember how you judge horses, you dismissed Douglas Macarthur after his first run. Aidan mustn’t have got the word, because he still regards him highly and is running him in the race on Saturday that is usually reserved for his top Derby horse.

    You are mainly following Ballydoyle horses are you not?

    It’s ridiculous to think that two horses have the same amount of experience because they have had the same number of runs. That’s a concept that would be a rookies mistake.

    I didn’t think a lot of MacArthur on his debut and he’s only won a maiden for now. The proof of the pudding comes when he wins the race he is ante-post favourite for. It’s simplistic and naive to try to suggest the horse is top class just because he’s entered in a race. It’s particularly silly when the race is one of these Mickey Mouse affairs devoid of class but posing as something meaningful.

    Each to their own but I see little entertainment in watching 2/5 Favs racing and then fist pumping when they win.

    Thanks for the good crack. Time for me to move on. Be lucky.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 32124

    Is Stevecaution the old Fistsoffury?


    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    • Total Posts 11

    “It’s ridiculous to think that two horses have the same amount of experience because they have had the same number of runs. That’s a concept that would be a rookies mistake.”

    When talking about juveniles, I would deduce two colts having 3 runs each have a similar amount of experience. I’d be delighted to stop making this ridiculous, rookie, mistake. Please elaborate on the error of my ways.

    Avatar photostevecaution
    • Total Posts 8241

    “It’s ridiculous to think that two horses have the same amount of experience because they have had the same number of runs. That’s a concept that would be a rookies mistake.”

    When talking about juveniles, I would deduce two colts having 3 runs each have a similar amount of experience. I’d be delighted to stop making this ridiculous, rookie, mistake. Please elaborate on the error of my ways.

    Every horse is different. They have different dates of birth, different parents, different physiology and different physiques.

    Some horses are greener than others when they get to the track, sometimes they learn something from a race and sometimes they don’t. Blue Point ran green on debut and drifted but he still won cosily. On his next start he won by ELEVEN lengths, without ever coming off the bridle. I would humbly suggest he learned next to nothing about racing from those two starts.

    If you are happy to believe that the number of races is all that matters then crack on and see how well you do.

    I have had an excellent season with 2yos this year. I did Rich Legacy and Hydroxide today and I reckon the latter was a bit unlucky and made a valiant attempt from a bad position.

    Thanks for the good crack. Time for me to move on. Be lucky.

    Avatar photostevecaution
    • Total Posts 8241

    Is Stevecaution the old Fistsoffury?

    I am David Sutherland from the Far North Of Scotland. I went to school with Cormack back in the 70’s. We don’t keep in touch apart from crossing a few lines here. I liked him at school and still do. If he doesn’t like me I wouldn’t blame him. I do try to keep this forum interesting but I reckon that too many are queuing up to have a go and it’s hard to keep on top of them all.

    A couple of sparring partners seem to have put their own differences aside to form a tag team here and it was odd to see one sucking up to the other recently after having had a few spats in their time. Maybe my influence is having a harmonising affect as they have become Batman and Robin after being Superman and Lex Luthor previously.

    I’ve never Fisted anyone in my life, boxing included 😉

    Thanks for the good crack. Time for me to move on. Be lucky.

    • Total Posts 11

    Some come on less for the experience perhaps. This does not mean they are less experienced. Think I’ll “crack on” and remain a “rookie” as your answer made little sense!

    You have a really condescending way of posting things Steve.

    Anyway, congratulations on your excellent season – look forward to reading more about your naps on other forums too.

    • Total Posts 470

    That’s three times you’ve brought up the Ballydoyle thing, you are a bit hung up on that, aren’t you?
    I’ve noticed that you have nothing good to say about Irish racing, always mickey mouse affairs, not competitive, etc,……. But three (and very possibly four) of the British classics were won by Irish horses this year. Last year, three of the British classics were won by Irish horses. Shame to dismiss the 2yo races where they all learned their craft.

    Avatar photoTriptych
    • Total Posts 16887

    Back to today…..The 4.30 at Doncaster throws up an interesting challenge between two Frankel progeny MAJORIS and Senator…MAJORIS being preferred on recent form but because of the Ryan Moore factor Senator being the more fancied by the punters at the moment.
    However I will be backing MAJORIS each way today with the preference going to a horse that beat my paddock pick winner at Newmarket LTO Law And Order and I know a certain Mr Caution is very sweet on :-

    MAJORIS each way

    And a reverse forecast for good measure

    Tricky little race good luck .. Jac :rose:

    Things turn out best for those who make the best of how things turn out...
    • Total Posts 5228

    Is Stevecaution the old Fistsoffury?

    A couple of sparring partners seem to have put their own differences aside to form a tag team here and it was odd to see one sucking up to the other recently after having had a few spats in their time. Maybe my influence is having a harmonising affect as they have become Batman and Robin after being Superman and Lex Luthor previously.

    I assume you are talking about myself and Ginger.

    I would have thought it was pretty obvious I don’t come on here to suck up to anyone and I certainly don’t come on here for confrontation. Some people might like a sideshow but it does nothing for me and it does nothing for the forum.

    Yes, I have challenged Ginger on topics before and will no doubt continue to do so. Despite our differences in approach I fully respect the results that he gets. They are there in black and white. He has paid you several compliments and does so again above. I have not noticed any reciprocation.

    Recently, I have only got involved with the Arc, Ardad and Charlton threads. The latter purely because you suggested Ginger was following you around. That’s three threads out of how many?

    Even on this thread you can’t resist the self-congratulatory stuff. Why? Nobody else does it.

    I remember having a really good time on VTC’s Punchestown Festival thread. Half a dozen people just discussing the racing, not trying to get one up on anyone. At its best that is how a forum should work.

Viewing 17 posts - 460 through 476 (of 784 total)
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