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Gingertipster v Steve Caution

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  • #1210442
    Avatar photoThe Ante-Post King
    • Total Posts 8697

    It was inevitable,we’ve had a drama but lets not panic.Two of the forums ‘Big Guns’ have unleashed their weapons on one another in a ‘My Radley handbags bigger than yours’ set too on poor Darrens superb 2yo summary thread.History has shown on TRF that ego’s do get the better of ourselves at times and I’m no exception which is why I hope both Steve and Ginge can sort this little tete ar tete out.What makes a forum successful is characters but a Horseracing forum takes things a little further as ones opinions can be proved remarkably right or embarrassingly wrong and with the added pressure of Money at stake its a recipe for creating a pressure cooker type environment.The lid may have blown off but the ingredients of Two Masterchefs are still there for those who want to read the menu.Steve is generally the funniest guy on here and I love humour,his wit is on my wavelength,he has a vast knowledge of the sport and is a pretty shrewd judge.I respect his Ante-Post opinions as he has hit the bulls eye once with ‘Taghrooda’ and that tells me he could do it again.If he is guilty of one thing its being too sensitive,you cant put your head on the block and not expect someone to try and chop it off.Ginge on the other hand is a *****n stubborn Tw*t,he’ll argue Black is white and never accepts he’s wrong but as I have learned over the years his consistent approach to betting is totally unique.I believe is character traits actually make him the successful punter he is and as much as he P*sses me off with his gattling gun approach the guy continually achieves and at the end of the day this game is all about winning.I hope both can settle their differences before the jumps starts as this years 10 to follows gonna be even better than last years and thats because VTC modestly runs it without any tantrums….eh Bob?

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 31683

    Ginger to his credit has developed a funny bone
    it sprang up from no-where the night his gf stayed
    I wouldn’t want to see it but it made her laugh
    not premature ejaculation tonight he prayed

    a strawberry blonde Johnny he pulled from his pocket
    to put on his miniature man of a rocket
    he didn’t know what to do and blew it up like a balloon
    huffing and puffing his face turned maroon

    no value in poor quality condoms…

    nine months later and Mrs Chapman was ready to pop
    Mark had done the maths and triplets would drop

    Ginge couldn’t afford to invest in racing anymore
    one bad run would leave him poor
    so he quit to become a toilet cleaner for more
    everyday Steve would pop in and p!ss on the floor.. :rose:

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32281

    😆 Brilliant that is Nathan.
    “Mrs C” likes it too!

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32281

    Said it before that if The Ante-Post-King is Gord, then Steve is The Ante-Post-God.

    Know I have flaws, some of my posts lack tact (sorry) and Steve’s extremely sensitive. Think he sees the fact we disagee more often than other posters as evidence of it being more than just a difference of opinion. But we are the most prolific posters on here – therefore we will disagree more. Also, everyone knows I like Timeform and Steve enjoys criticising Timeform; so of course there will be differences of opinion on that score too. Fair enough, nothing wrong with him criticising if I am allowed to defend when seeing fit. Sometimes feel am treading on eggshells, tried to keep out of threads where Steve is the main man, but found it impossible.

    Debates would be nothing witout a difference of opinion. Part of that debate is obviously pointing out what we see as flaws in each other’s point of view. Unfortunately, it seems Steve sees me pointing out flaws as a personal attack, which is far from the truth. Though it doesn’t stop him pointing out the many flaws in my arguement. 😆 I totally respect Steve’s opinion and racing knowledge. Indeed, there would not be any fun debating with someone who did not know the subject; he’s a great poster.

    I’d welcome Steve back without any leg pulling and ask others to do the same if/when he returns. :rose:

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoIan
    • Total Posts 525

    The racing game is all about opinions and where you get strong minded people its inevitable that friction will occur from time to time. I suppose most of us have egos to an extent it’s hard not to when you live or die by your decisions and this game is far from easy so when we get it right we feel pretty damn proud of ourselves.

    If there is one person I ALWAYS take notice of on this site it is Steve Caution. I think he is the best and the most knowledgeable person here, no disrespect Gingertipster but I don’t believe you’re as good as Steve is. When Steve Caution voices his opinion I never not take note. he always talks sense.

    I hope he returns, the forums are the worse for his absence.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32281

    If there is one person I ALWAYS take notice of on this site it is Steve Caution. I think he is the best and the most knowledgeable person here, no disrespect Gingertipster but I don’t believe you’re as good as Steve is. When Steve Caution voices his opinion I never not take note. he always talks sense.

    I hope he returns, the forums are the worse for his absence.

    None taken IB, Steve is excellent. :good:

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoHimself
    • Total Posts 3777

    This whole thread would be a psychologist’s wet dream . :yes:

    Gambling Only Pays When You're Winning

    Avatar photoGhost of Rob V
    • Total Posts 1314

    I hope that Ginger and Steve both forgive each other and let bygones be bygones.

    OK, I had a brief spar with Ginger a good while ago about AP McCoy which got a touch heated … particularly when he described one of my posts as being the worst he’d read on this forum. However, the fact that he admitted that he was a bit out of order due to a health problem, it kinda stopped me turning from Bruce Banner mode into the raging spirit that dwells within B-) That aside, Ginger isn’t a bad soul at all and does make some fine posts 😉

    Steve Caution is a passionate, meaningful poster and I always enjoy reading his observations and opinions 🙂

    So come on chaps, bury the hatchet and restore order and sanity to the force :good:

    Avatar photoDouble Bank
    • Total Posts 182

    Not the first time that Steve has flounced off.

    The big, er… flouncer :yes:

    • Total Posts 5092

    It seems Caution by name caution by nature.

    This does appear to happen every couple of months. Then half a dozen of his followers pitch up saying what a loss to the forum. Perhaps he needs an ego massage on a regular basis? Nothing wrong with that as such but when the trick is repeated so often it does become more than a little tiresome. Perhaps when it happens again (he always comes back) this thread can just be recycled.

    As for Gingertipster v Caution is someone having a laugh?

    I have said before I will never follow Ginger’s ideas but he regularly posts on a single thread and does appear to make a consistent profit. On the other hand Caution has posted numerous tipping threads with little success. Someone less kind might use other descriptions.

    I have lost track of the numerous mentions of Taghrooda. You would think nobody else on here had ever found a decent ante-post winner?

    Avatar photoThe Ante-Post King
    • Total Posts 8697

    As for Gingertipster v Caution is someone having a laugh?

    That would be me Stilvi,I do love a laugh,even at my own expense.A trait sadly missing for those who take themselves too seriously.I admire anyone who sets themselves up for a fall,falls flat on their face gets up and cracks on.Both Steve and Ginge do it,so does Joni, Tommy Bob and Darren.These guys are all good judges who have spotted talent and shared it with the rest of us,they all know the feeling (Well apart from Ginge)of writing something months in advance that turns out word perfect is a great confidence booster, of course the opposite effect is feeling a right plonker when you get it wrong.Its those characters that make a forum for the likes of you to aspire too.Without them there would be no bond,it takes characters to make the effort,to put in time they could use elsewhere to run a competition like last years ’10 to follow’,everyone involved loved it but that was down to VTC.All this thread is saying is in a TAPK tongue in cheek way is we dont want to lose good contributors but also if anyones going to be a drama queen about it I’ll be the first to let them know as this great sport of ours aint for those of a nervous disposition who cant take a bit of stick.

    Avatar photoNathan Hughes
    • Total Posts 31683

    Ginger is a wind up merchant and targeted Steve to get him out of the way in his bid to win poster of the year.
    Ginge will say he doesn’t give a monkey’s toss as to the awards but history tells us he changes his vote and attacks those who campaign and champion others. He has cloned a pretend girlfriend to boost his chances and even lost a bet deliberately to offer me free fish and chips in order to sway my vote.
    I feel a hitler video coming on……. :yes:

    Blackbeard to conquer the World

    Avatar photostevecaution
    • Total Posts 8249

    It seems Caution by name caution by nature.

    This does appear to happen every couple of months. Then half a dozen of his followers pitch up saying what a loss to the forum. Perhaps he needs an ego massage on a regular basis? Nothing wrong with that as such but when the trick is repeated so often it does become more than a little tiresome. Perhaps when it happens again (he always comes back) this thread can just be recycled.

    As for Gingertipster v Caution is someone having a laugh?

    I have said before I will never follow Ginger’s ideas but he regularly posts on a single thread and does appear to make a consistent profit. On the other hand Caution has posted numerous tipping threads with little success. Someone less kind might use other descriptions.

    I have lost track of the numerous mentions of Taghrooda. You would think nobody else on here had ever found a decent ante-post winner?

    I don’t know what your game is Stilvi. You never got on with me after a little disagreement about a horse in the Derby and your nose was out of joint when I tipped him successfully each way at 66/1 and had the winner at 25/1 in the same race.

    I won’t trawl through all my winners but I have had several at big odds. Many Clouds at 40/1 in the Grand National for starters, Don’t Touch at 14/1 in the Ayr Gold Cup, Moon Racer at 12/1 for the Cheltenham Bumper, Milborough was given for the Eider Chase and won at 18/1.

    It’s not easy picking big prices ante-post and the strike rate will always be low. I stand behind my record of selecting horses who start a lot shorter on the day.

    I picked out Storm The Stars as my best bet of the season in the Great Voltiguer and strongly advised that Flintshire was a stand out piece of value at 2/1 in the USA for the Sword Dancer.

    Recent comments from me on this forum are:-

    12th September After the Irish Champion Stakes:-

    I prefer the chances of the lightly raced Jack Hobbs and the possibility he could gallop them into the ground in really testing conditions. I think 8/1 is well worth risking that you won’t get a run. Let’s face it, I had 16/1 on Storm The Stars and the way he ran, it might as well have been a non-runner anyway.

    Champion Stakes Jack Hobbs 8/1 (Hopefully no stewards enquiry, other than why he was ever 8/1 😉 )

    The Horse is now generally 7/4

    The same day I said this about Golden Horn:-

    Gosden seems to be ruling Golden Horn into the Arc and Jack Hobbs out of it unless it is soft. With that in mind it is essential to take the 8/1 Golden Horn to a nice big stake.

    Golden Horn Arc De Triomphe 8/1

    Jack Hobbs could well be diverted to the Champion, so fill your boots quickly people.

    As we have just seen, he absolutely pissed up.

    I don’t mind people pointing out that I have a low strike rate but I am not tipping odds on shots.

    If we look at what I have contributed to this forum and compare it to your input I have no concerns regarding the relative worth.

    You tend to be specialising at having a good moan and I think you are actually a cancer on constructive and positive input. How are you’re own tips panning out? I recall a few of yours that finished stone last but not so many winners.

    Some people don’t have the balls to put up a thread on DLAP and I think it is pretty poor crack criticising those who have the guts to have a go at it.

    You come across as a pretty jealous character who can’t stand seeing other posters make a better fist of it, so you should just go back to your lucrative system of backing unraced Alan King horses in bumpers. I don’t get it right much of the time but I do my own thing and try to look beyond the favourites and get in early to get some value.

    The truth of the matter is that I am tired of having to defend my opinions. It is all rather time consuming and tedious.

    That’s the end of it but I couldn’t let you off with your rant, which smacks of detesting someone else getting a bit of support and knocking your nose out of joint. I challenge you to list your own pearls of wisdom for the readers to salivate over.

    Be lucky guys and gals.

    ps Just had a cheeky forecast in the Arc with Golden Horn advised at 6/1 and Flintshire each-way at 25/1 as my two picks. Evidence is available if required.


    Thanks for the good crack. Time for me to move on. Be lucky.

    • Total Posts 5092

    Just what are you trying to prove? Do you think there is some sort of award for blowing your own trumpet?

    Do you not understand that for most people this forum isn’t about my post is better than yours, or I am a better tipster than you. It seems that you are continually trying to prove a point with every post. Then when someone happens to disagree you act like a child throwing your toys out of the pram every few months.

    You know you will be back (again) because you obviously crave the attention.

    I am quite happy with my betting. It is up to the individual what they want to share on here. I haven’t got anything to prove.

    Avatar photostevecaution
    • Total Posts 8249

    Just what are you trying to prove? Do you think there is some sort of award for blowing your own trumpet?

    Do you not understand that for most people this forum isn’t about my post is better than yours, or I am a better tipster than you. It seems that you are continually trying to prove a point with every post. Then when someone happens to disagree you act like a child throwing your toys out of the pram every few months.

    You know you will be back (again) because you obviously crave the attention.

    I am quite happy with my betting. It is up to the individual what they want to share on here. I haven’t got anything to prove.

    No, you haven’t got anything to give Stilvi

    You are a cancerous influence, pure negativity from start to finish. Either put up, or shut up. You couldn’t tip rubbish and you know it.

    If you are happy with your betting, why are you even here?

    You have no right to criticise anybody unless you are willing to put your own tips up for everyone to see. I would bet quite confidently that you are a losing punter.

    You ask me what I have to prove? I never brought you into this, or mentioned your name. You chose to come into this thread and throw your 1 lire worth into the equation. Either prove you are a winning punter or shut your teeth. Most of your tips have been stone last in my memory. That’s a fact that can be traced.

    Thanks for the good crack. Time for me to move on. Be lucky.

    Avatar photoGingertipster
    • Total Posts 32281

    Ginger is a wind up merchant and targeted Steve to get him out of the way in his bid to win poster of the year.

    No Nathan, that’s you and Gord; The Wind Up Twins. Delighting in and exaggerating any disagreement between others for your own pleasure.

    Value Is Everything
    Avatar photoDouble Bank
    • Total Posts 182

    Think you might be right there, Mark.

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